2010-04-01 1d773d71414316e0b9836a15c35576593427ee21
2010-03-17 thomascube
Merged devel-threads branch (r3066:3364) back into trunk
blob@ f52c93 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-02-26 alecpl
- Fix CVE-2010-0464: Disable DNS prefetching (#1486449)
blob@ ebc619 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-28 alecpl
- Don't use dl() (#1486457)
blob@ 3e6380 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-19 alecpl
- ignore json_encode() warnings
blob@ a7dba8 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-13 alecpl
- fix abbreviate_string() (#1486420)
blob@ cea5bc commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-13 alecpl
- prevent from PHP error when iconv doesn't support //IGNORE (#1486375)
blob@ ecbd5b commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-09 alecpl
- fix rc_utf8_clean() issues (#1486407)
blob@ 6481d4 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-01-05 alecpl
- Support show_bytes() output in parse_bytes() (#1486405)
blob@ 892af4 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-12-14 alecpl
- fix empty strings handling in rc_utf8_clean()
blob@ 63ffe3 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-12-11 alecpl
- use proper unicode cleanup for JSON, fixes #1486356
blob@ 2717f9 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-12-09 alecpl
- Use built-in json_encode() for proper JSON format in AJAX replies (and co...
blob@ e5d60d commitdiff | diff to current
2009-11-23 alecpl
- Fix possible messages exposure when using Roundcube behind a proxy (#1486...
blob@ 496da6 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-10-27 alecpl
- Fix $_SERVER['HTTPS'] check for SSL forcing on IIS (#1486243) + fix port ...
blob@ 5818e4 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-10-22 alecpl
- fix rc_utf8_clean() on Windows (#1486232)
blob@ b6c512 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-10-12 alecpl
- Fix IE issue with non-UTF-8 characters in AJAX response (#1486159)
blob@ 1a00f1 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-09-05 alecpl
- Fix wrong headers for IE on servers without $_SERVER['HTTPS'] (#1485926) ...
blob@ 161c28 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-23 alecpl
- update to last commit
blob@ 8f6a46 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-07-23 alecpl
- performance fix: don't check mbstring functions existence too often
blob@ ee258c commitdiff | diff to current
2009-06-08 alecpl
- fix rc_wordwrap() (#1485909)
blob@ 78ebe7 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-06-01 alecpl
- Fix displaying of big maximum upload filesize (#1485889)
blob@ 47f072 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-05-04 alecpl
- ereg -> preg
blob@ 23a2ee commitdiff | diff to current
2009-03-30 alecpl
- Fix incorrect word wrapping in outgoing plaintext multibyte messages (#14...
blob@ 7145e0 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-02-27 thomascube
Fix mime-type detection using a hard-coded map (#1485311)
blob@ 0ea569 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-02-21 alecpl
#1485741: fix installer after some last changes
blob@ 0ff635 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-01-22 thomascube
Get rid of vulnerable preg_replace eval and create_function (#1485686) + co...
blob@ aa055c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-12-11 alecpl
- added strtoupper() wrapper
blob@ 8f79fb commitdiff | diff to current
2008-11-23 thomascube
Fix headers for IE attachment downloads (#1485449)
blob@ 456c7e commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-29 alecpl
- Fix problem with numeric folder names (#1485527)
blob@ 8498dc commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-21 thomascube
Improve vcard import (#1485502); try utf-8 first in charset detection
blob@ b58f11 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-20 alecpl
- little improvement in in_array_nocase()
blob@ ba8056 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-20 alecpl
- #1485499: make email address comparision case insensitive - support multi...
blob@ 7f6394 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-07 alecpl
#1485472: added js keywords escaping in json_serialize()
blob@ c02bb9 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-03 alecpl
- fix last change in show_bytes()
blob@ f613a1 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-03 alecpl
- Add support for SJIS, GB2312, BIG5 in rc_detect_encoding() - Fix vCard fi...
blob@ abdc58 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-01 alecpl
- Localized filesize units (#1485340) + small labels capitalization change ...
blob@ 56cf50 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-15 alecpl
#1485266: changed rc_mime_content_type()'s failover to 'application/octet-s...
blob@ bce034 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-04 thomascube
Enable export of contacts as vCard + DRY
blob@ 0dbac3 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-09-03 thomascube
Auto-detect client language and timezone if desired by config/prefs
blob@ c8ae24 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-29 thomascube
Little improvement in mime-detection as suggested in #1485296
blob@ 35dc0b commitdiff | diff to current
2008-07-25 thomascube
Prefer File_Info over mime_content_type + detect mime type when uploading +...
blob@ 6d5dba commitdiff | diff to current
2008-07-18 alecpl
- use fallback if mime_content_type() returns false (#1485222)
blob@ 403e3f commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-07 alecpl
-added encoding detection for attachment names when message part hasn't got...
blob@ b54121 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-05-07 thomascube
More code cleanup + oop-ization
blob@ 1854c4 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-30 thomascube
Next step: introduce the application class 'rcmail' and get rid of some glo...
blob@ 197601 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-29 alecpl
- improved messages list performance - patch from Justin Heesemann
blob@ 257782 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-14 alecpl
- removed strrstr() definition as it was needed only for php4
blob@ a63e10 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-13 alecpl
- reverted r1295 - disable caching for unseen messages to allow marking as ...
blob@ 3f5cef commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-12 thomascube
Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader + added some new classes from the ...
blob@ 47124c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-03-31 till
* committed patch from #1484932
blob@ 1b4d73 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-13 till
* mime_content_type() is unavailable in PHP5 and breaks sending emails with...
blob@ 734584 commitdiff | diff to current
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