2008-08-22 26f5b0935ef4d8bc01e2b8581f7d7ed3c4508fc2
2008-08-17 thomascube
Add option to export all folders of a mail account
tree@ d14a57 commitdiff
2008-08-17 thomascube
Allow to import mbox files
tree@ 687b22 commitdiff
2008-08-15 thomascube
Enable spellchecker for HTML editor
tree@ 4ca10b commitdiff
2008-04-12 thomascube
Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader + added some new classes from the ...
tree@ 47124c commitdiff
2008-04-04 thomascube
Add commandline script for message exporting (proof-of-concept)
tree@ 6cc6e7 commitdiff
2008-02-20 till
* added a few @todo's * replaced doublequotes with singlequotes * a couple ...
tree@ f8895e commitdiff
2008-02-20 till
* added references to used functions * moved comments from the function in ...
tree@ 15062e commitdiff
2007-10-02 svncommit
Update copyright notice
tree@ 5349b7 commitdiff
2007-09-29 thomascube
Filter linked/imported CSS files (#1484056)
tree@ 97bd2c commitdiff
2007-08-10 thomascube
Improve message import
tree@ b48bd0 commitdiff
2007-08-07 thomascube
Documentation, code style and cleanup
tree@ 6d969b commitdiff
2007-06-08 svncommit
fixed html2text in editor
tree@ 809428 commitdiff
2007-04-28 thomascube
Merged branch devel-addressbook from r443 back to trunk
tree@ f11541 commitdiff
2007-03-23 thomascube
Prompt for password in message import shell script
tree@ 6d0998 commitdiff
2006-12-27 thomascube
Added commandline script for message import
tree@ 0712a3 commitdiff
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