Aleksander Machniak
2015-10-18 2ff3385788a4e259053ebc875da79a64b2723d6d
2015-08-07 Aleksander Machniak
PHP7: Fixed some E_WARNING errors that previously were E_STRICT
tree@ 1b39d9 commitdiff
2015-05-26 Thomas Bruederli
Add utility functiion to get an elemet's text content also when running tes...
tree@ 9311fe commitdiff
2015-05-13 Thomas Bruederli
Use the right properties from rcube_db::parse_dsn() result
tree@ 91f217 commitdiff
2015-05-13 Thomas Bruederli
Allow selenium tests to use explicit login credentials
tree@ 2fece8 commitdiff
2015-05-12 Thomas Bruederli
Support tests running with an sqlite database
tree@ 0d4d43 commitdiff
2015-05-11 Thomas Bruederli
Add more utility functions to prepare the IMAP account used for testing
tree@ 28b1cb commitdiff
2015-05-07 Thomas Bruederli
Populate IMAP test account with sample message and test its listing in Sele...
tree@ f7c5f4 commitdiff
2014-10-13 Aleksander Machniak
dirname(__FILE__) -> __DIR__
tree@ 0ea079 commitdiff
2014-04-21 Thomas Bruederli
Describe Selenium testing setup and provide a function to clear the SQL dat...
tree@ d220eb commitdiff
2013-07-12 Thomas Bruederli
Allow to load config files for different environments (#1487311); keep (non...
tree@ deb2b8 commitdiff
2013-01-31 Aleksander Machniak
Add dummy index.html file for Selenum tests
tree@ ee01be commitdiff
2013-01-31 Aleksander Machniak
Set root URL to our index.html, for better performance See https://github.c...
tree@ 846669 commitdiff
2013-01-30 Aleksander Machniak
Added automated in-browser tests (PHPUnit + Selenium Web Driver)
tree@ a2a1f8 commitdiff
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