2012-01-18 37cec41ba59f519a49d7d9d5489746567b9617d0
2012-01-18 thomascube
rcube_imap::update_cache() is used by some plugins
tree@ 37cec4 commitdiff
2012-01-18 thomascube
Fix accidental private => protected replacement
tree@ f295d2 commitdiff
2012-01-18 thomascube
Also support /private/... annotation selectors
tree@ 31579d commitdiff
2012-01-18 alecpl
- Handle ldap_public misconfiguration
tree@ 08b7b6 commitdiff
2012-01-18 alecpl
- Fix call to undefined method rcube_imap::list_unsubscribed()
tree@ 0457c5 commitdiff
2012-01-18 thomascube
Use <uri> value from package.xml to build download links in about screen; s...
tree@ 50d6e9 commitdiff
2012-01-18 thomascube
Display priority in message headers block
tree@ a49a00 commitdiff
2012-01-18 thomascube
Changed license to GNU GPLv3+ with exceptions for skins and plugins
tree@ 7fe381 commitdiff
2012-01-17 alecpl
- Fix incorrect function call (#1488310)
tree@ 64f6e7 commitdiff
2012-01-16 thomascube
Run imap_init plugin hook as deprecated hook; set $_SESSION['imap_host'] fo...
tree@ a2c495 commitdiff
2012-01-16 thomascube
Merged devel-framework branch (r5746:5779) back into trunk
tree@ c321a9 commitdiff
2012-01-16 alecpl
- Add addressbook name to debug output (#1488304)
tree@ 8764b6 commitdiff
2012-01-13 alecpl
- Remove redundant ldap_count_entries() call
tree@ 122446 commitdiff
2012-01-13 alecpl
- Make mime type detection based on filename extension to be case-insensitive
tree@ 4391a7 commitdiff
2012-01-12 alecpl
- Fix possible infinite loop in buildThreadData()
tree@ fd43a9 commitdiff
2012-01-10 thomascube
Allow plugins to extend the vcard fieldmap for contact data
tree@ b98e71 commitdiff
2012-01-10 thomascube
Reflect threads expand status in css classes
tree@ 03fe1c commitdiff
2012-01-09 alecpl
- Fix error when calling remove_row() on non-existing row
tree@ d741a9 commitdiff
2012-01-09 alecpl
- Use proper class name
tree@ 1adc70 commitdiff
2012-01-09 alecpl
- Fix PHP Fatal error: Call to private method rcube_imap::id2uid() (#1488296)
tree@ 2081ee commitdiff
2012-01-08 thomascube
Updated translations from launchpad
tree@ 43ff34 commitdiff
2012-01-08 alecpl
- Fix setting pagesizes (#1488295)
tree@ c1d27d commitdiff
2012-01-06 alecpl
- Fix typo in timezone handling, more exception catching
tree@ e86a21 commitdiff
2012-01-06 alecpl
- Don't return 'unknown', use empty string, DateTime* handle more exceptions
tree@ 529bd3 commitdiff
2012-01-06 thomascube
Handle DateTime exceptions
tree@ 87986c commitdiff
2012-01-06 thomascube
Avoid use of DateTime::getTimestamp()
tree@ ac78df commitdiff
2012-01-06 thomascube
Avoid use of 5.2 functions (#1488292)
tree@ 6c0702 commitdiff
2012-01-05 thomascube
Don't enable all compose commands right away
tree@ 8304e5 commitdiff
2012-01-05 thomascube
Implement address book widget on compose screen
tree@ eeb73c commitdiff
2012-01-05 thomascube
tree@ b611d3 commitdiff
2012-01-05 thomascube
Avoid dblclick events after 3rd click
tree@ fc643e commitdiff
2012-01-05 thomascube
Show additional popup dialog on error messages
tree@ 0e530b commitdiff
2012-01-05 alecpl
- Exclude MIME functionality from rcube_imap class into rcube_mime class
tree@ 1c4f23 commitdiff
2012-01-05 alecpl
- Update timezone in user prefs too (#1488291)
tree@ c21d7f commitdiff
2012-01-05 alecpl
- Fix bug in handling of base href and inline content (#1488290)
tree@ f5d62f commitdiff
2012-01-04 alecpl
- Fix displaying form warnings on contact save
tree@ a01df7 commitdiff
2012-01-04 alecpl
- Fix strict email address searching if contact has more than one address
tree@ e2c9ab commitdiff
2012-01-04 thomascube
Use proper timezones from PHP's internal timezonedb (#1485592)
tree@ 5879c0 commitdiff
2012-01-04 alecpl
- Remove duplicated 'organization' label (#1488287)
tree@ 7645a0 commitdiff
2012-01-04 thomascube
Improve support for multiple composite address fields in LDAP directories
tree@ ad8c9d commitdiff
2012-01-03 thomascube
Imported localization files from launchpad
tree@ e31c56 commitdiff
2012-01-03 alecpl
- Move some checks into login() method
tree@ fdff34 commitdiff
2012-01-03 alecpl
- Prevent from PHP warnings
tree@ cc7544 commitdiff
2012-01-02 thomascube
Use new short labels for compose toolbar buttons
tree@ 4deb1e commitdiff
2012-01-02 thomascube
Use iframes for identity management
tree@ 7c2a93 commitdiff
2012-01-01 alecpl
- Fix so editor selector is hidden when 'htmleditor' is listed in 'dont_ove...
tree@ 7152f5 commitdiff
2012-01-01 alecpl
- Fix label too long (#1488283), fix polish translation
tree@ 1c029b commitdiff
2012-01-01 alecpl
- Remove leftover from last commit
tree@ 3a992e commitdiff
2012-01-01 alecpl
- Don't load jqueryui plugin, it's required now by default - Move datepicke...
tree@ 89c30a commitdiff
2011-12-31 thomascube
Always load jquery UI; minor phpdoc fix
tree@ 3a7dec commitdiff
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