2012-04-22 390959bb323679f7611ee1585d8e1f55007c7773
2009-05-15 alecpl
- typo
tree@ 94115b commitdiff
2009-05-15 alecpl
- typo + rename db_password_dsn to password_db_dsn
tree@ 004739 commitdiff
2009-05-08 yllar
et_EE sv_SE pt_BR updates
tree@ a8d51d commitdiff
2009-05-06 svncommit
Add dutch translation for password plugin.
tree@ 595be8 commitdiff
2009-04-27 alecpl
- remove _confirm function
tree@ 89635b commitdiff
2009-04-21 alecpl
- improved password plugin (#1485810)
tree@ cf356b commitdiff
2009-04-19 thomascube
Merged branch devel-api (from r2208 to r2387) back into trunk (omitting som...
tree@ cc97ea commitdiff
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