2008-09-19 42e328a85f5880e3e767eebaaa88b55a2b49d2ff
2008-08-30 alecpl
- applied RC's patches after html2text update
blob@ e7f85b commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-30 alecpl
- Improved HTML to TXT conversion by html2text class update to version 1.0.0
blob@ 8ac6fd commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-29 alecpl
- oops, fixed parse error from last change
blob@ 7789fd commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-29 alecpl
- Added PRE handling in html2text class (#1484740)
blob@ 7353fa commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-06 alecpl
- fread() replaced by file_get_contents(), see comments in #1484880
blob@ ff73e0 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-04-12 thomascube
Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader + added some new classes from the ...
blob@ 47124c commitdiff | diff to current
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