2008-04-03 4672dec8e10af19147b4175630c095c46f97107c
2008-04-03 thomascube
New test-query that does not violate any foreign key contraints
tree@ 50e5ee commitdiff
2008-03-28 thomascube
Disable installer by default; add config option to enable it again
tree@ 967b34 commitdiff
2008-03-27 svncommit
Fix the fix. Sorry.
tree@ 1b7ac6 commitdiff
2008-03-27 svncommit
Fix php version check in installer, closes #1484925.
tree@ 70430e commitdiff
2008-03-23 till
* fixing bug where people got: Call to undefined function decrypt_passwd() ...
tree@ 7635d2 commitdiff
2008-03-22 till
* fixing spelling errors reported in #1484885
tree@ 34eab0 commitdiff
2008-03-05 thomascube
Remove test for sockets + check if temp and log dirs are writeable
tree@ 308f41 commitdiff
2008-03-03 thomascube
Make rcube_install class PHP4 compatible + add warning for MDB2 on PHP4 + s...
tree@ 807d17 commitdiff
2008-03-03 thomascube
Some more bugfixes for the install script
tree@ 1c4e5d commitdiff
2008-03-02 thomascube
Don't check for zlib-output_compression; this is handeled in index.php
tree@ 019b5d commitdiff
2008-03-02 thomascube
Fix sqlite dsn composing
tree@ 237119 commitdiff
2008-03-02 thomascube
Disable PHP notices + check for installer script on login page
tree@ 330127 commitdiff
2008-02-28 thomascube
Fix imap host selection in install script
tree@ 112c54 commitdiff
2008-02-28 thomascube
Clarify failed checks message
tree@ 4a2765 commitdiff
2008-02-28 thomascube
Add IMAP test and some more options to installer script
tree@ 27564f commitdiff
2008-02-27 thomascube
Send test message with mail() if no SMTP server configured; show input fiel...
tree@ fa7539 commitdiff
2008-02-27 thomascube
Add checks for GD and Mcrypt
tree@ e18d04 commitdiff
2008-02-27 thomascube
Allow to skip the config step if config files already exist
tree@ b3f9df commitdiff
2008-02-26 thomascube
Add SMTP test to installer script
tree@ ad43e6 commitdiff
2008-02-26 thomascube
Fix database initialization and check write access on the DB; update INSTAL...
tree@ 190e97 commitdiff
2008-02-25 thomascube
More installer stuff
tree@ c5042d commitdiff
2008-02-20 thomascube
Added environment checks from check.php-dist
tree@ 6557d3 commitdiff
2008-02-19 thomascube
First steps to implement an installer
tree@ 354978 commitdiff
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