2011-09-19 50077da8e6daab205f8ee9512b2f37b5378f9938
2011-08-14 thomascube
Fix automatic db updates; trigger contact indexing after upgrade
blob@ faf10e commitdiff | diff to current
2011-05-05 alecpl
- Fix problems with subfolders of INBOX folder on some IMAP servers (#14877...
blob@ d08333 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-03-31 alecpl
- Add info about script in upgrade procedure
blob@ 111a6f commitdiff | diff to current
2011-02-25 thomascube
Create interactive update script with improved DB schema check; udated inst...
blob@ e6bb83 commitdiff | diff to current
2010-04-15 thomascube
Add minimal database schema check to installer and update script
blob@ 2491c6 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-05-31 alecpl
- check environement on upgrade (per discussion in #1485867)
blob@ b45aed commitdiff | diff to current
2009-05-28 alecpl
- add plugins directory to the list of locations for upgrade (#1485865)
blob@ fc1102 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-12-24 thomascube
Allow empty strings for imap_root config parameter (was changed in r2143) t...
blob@ 230f94 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-12-11 alecpl
- typo ;)
blob@ 574a9a commitdiff | diff to current
2008-12-11 alecpl
- Performance: allow setting imap rootdir and delimiter before connect (#14...
blob@ 030c84 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-29 thomascube
Mention the new update script in the UPGRADING instructions
blob@ 0089fd commitdiff | diff to current
2008-10-20 till
* let's call it UPGRADING since the file is called UPGRADING
blob@ a2451c commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-26 alecpl
- Removed support for PEAR::DB driver
blob@ 9e8e5f commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-15 alecpl
- added description of upgrading from 0.2-alpha
blob@ 7e77b4 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-07 thomascube
Update UPGRADNG instructions + add SVN revision to version string (if avail...
blob@ c8fb2b commitdiff | diff to current
2008-05-10 alecpl
- updated and added info about new options in UPGRADING (#1485014)
blob@ 30606b commitdiff | diff to current
2008-02-18 thomascube
Correct/clarify installation hints
blob@ 83ce4b commitdiff | diff to current
2007-10-10 thomascube
Update UPGRADING instructions + remove old stuff
blob@ b37599 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-04-28 thomascube
Merged branch devel-addressbook from r443 back to trunk
blob@ f11541 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-03-27 thomascube
New session authentication, should fix bugs #1483951 and #1484299; testing ...
blob@ aad6e2 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-27 svncommit
date_today config option added.
blob@ ef6065 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-12-01 thomascube
Updated CHANGELOG and UPGRADING instructions
blob@ 53ed1e commitdiff | diff to current
2006-09-24 thomascube
Updated README and UPGRADING instructions
blob@ 635831 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-08-25 thomascube
Finalized new message parsing. Attention: changes in database schema
blob@ f7bfec commitdiff | diff to current
2006-08-06 thomascube
Finalized 0.1beta2 release
blob@ aade7b commitdiff | diff to current
2006-07-03 svncommit
Workaround for drag-drop using whitespace in FF, Junk emptying, misc fixes
blob@ b4b081 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-06-29 svncommit
Removeable attachments, Auto-default folder creation, bug fixes
blob@ a894ba commitdiff | diff to current
2006-06-26 thomascube
Typos, Optimizations, Updates
blob@ b068a0 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-03-20 thomascube
Minor improvements and bugfixes (see changelog)
blob@ 8c2e58 commitdiff | diff to current
2006-02-20 thomascube
Updated UPGRADE instructions
blob@ e687ff commitdiff | diff to current
2006-01-04 thomascube
Optimized loading time; added periodic mail check; added EXPUNGE command
blob@ 15a9d1 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-12-03 thomascube
Re-design of caching (new database table added\!); some bugfixes; Postgres ...
blob@ 1cded8 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-11-14 thomascube
SMTPS support and minor bugfixes
blob@ 0cbc09 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-10-26 thomascube
Finished message sorting and fixed some skin issues
blob@ b076a4 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-10-22 thomascube
Patches for 20051021 release
blob@ f619de commitdiff | diff to current
2005-10-21 thomascube
CSS fixes for IE
blob@ fad5c3 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-10-11 thomascube
Better support for Courier IMAP
blob@ 49afbf commitdiff | diff to current
2005-10-07 thomascube
Several bugfixes and feature improvements
blob@ 42b113 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-30 thomascube
Improved SMTP script for sending mails. Now using the PEAR::Net_SMTP class
blob@ 968bdc commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-28 thomascube
blob@ 30233b commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-25 thomascube
Initial revision
blob@ 4e17e6 commitdiff | diff to current
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