2012-03-08 54dfd155414e501ad62e81625ffadec86ca90980
2012-03-08 alecpl
- On login screen show only one message at a time
tree@ 54dfd1 commitdiff
2012-03-08 thomascube
Only run value through format_date if no render_func was called before
tree@ c38825 commitdiff
2012-03-07 alecpl
- Hook unregister methods (#1488184)
tree@ 479af9 commitdiff
2012-03-06 alecpl
- Fix handling of % character in IMAP protocol (#1488382)
tree@ 8b3c68 commitdiff
2012-03-06 alecpl
- Have DSN parser pass database name through url decode (#1488035)
tree@ 4da69b commitdiff
2012-03-05 alecpl
- Fix duplicate names handling in addressbook searches (#1488375)
tree@ 0203f1 commitdiff
2012-03-05 alecpl
- Add check_connection() to storage abstract class
tree@ 8eae72 commitdiff
2012-03-04 alecpl
Exclude E_STRICT from error_reporting for PHP 5.4
tree@ 66d215 commitdiff
2012-03-03 thomascube
Move address book widget initialization out of the 'compose' action block
tree@ 18a28a commitdiff
2012-03-03 thomascube
Fix spelling
tree@ 635722 commitdiff
2012-03-03 alecpl
- Prevent from folder selection on virtual folder collapsing (#1488346)
tree@ 1837c3 commitdiff
2012-03-02 thomascube
Imported translations from launchpad
tree@ dc365c commitdiff
2012-03-02 thomascube
Upgraded to jQuery 1.7.1 (#1488337)
tree@ b95794 commitdiff
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Fix automatic unsubscribe of non-existent folders (with small perf fix)
tree@ c6a9cd commitdiff
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Fixed double-quotes handling in recipient names
tree@ 82d695 commitdiff
2012-02-29 thomascube
Fix language code maps
tree@ 15dfdb commitdiff
2012-02-29 alecpl
- Fix warning when properties array is empty
tree@ 38dc51 commitdiff
2012-02-29 alecpl
- Add 'type' and 'attribs' parameters for render_mailboxlist hook
tree@ 8f77c0 commitdiff
2012-02-28 alecpl
- Add Russian to the spellchecker languages list (#1488135)
tree@ 2b4855 commitdiff
2012-02-28 alecpl
- Fixed file header
tree@ e4f822 commitdiff
2012-02-28 thomascube
Fix function call
tree@ 20efa5 commitdiff
2012-02-27 thomascube
Map renamed methods for backwards compatibility
tree@ b91f04 commitdiff
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Move percent_indicator from app.js into the skin
tree@ 2c1937 commitdiff
2012-02-26 alecpl
- Fixed identity delete button state, removed delete button in identity-edi...
tree@ 223ae9 commitdiff
2012-02-26 alecpl
Fix larry issues: 'Mark' button position, broken folders list footer
tree@ af5995 commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Connect to IMAP server before reading quota
tree@ ef1e87 commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Fix script error in IE (#1488368)
tree@ 589385 commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Renamed error message label
tree@ c0806c commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Add titles to error and photo upload popups (#1488354)
tree@ 71e9ef commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Remember custom skin selection after logout (#1488355)
tree@ 40d246 commitdiff
2012-02-25 thomascube
Slighlty increase minimum browser requirements
tree@ 1e09cd commitdiff
2012-02-21 thomascube
Refactored IMAP cache expunge: delegate to storage object; don't rely on de...
tree@ fec2d8 commitdiff
2012-02-17 alecpl
- Add lost 'listoptions' label
tree@ 45dc95 commitdiff
2012-02-17 alecpl
- Fix date_today, broken in r5707
tree@ e5306e commitdiff
2012-02-15 alecpl
- Don't list mailto: and anchor links - List only unique URLs
tree@ 43c40f commitdiff
2012-02-15 thomascube
Skip empty group members (seen in OpenLDAP backends)
tree@ 3ed9e8 commitdiff
2012-02-13 alecpl
- Fix issue with folder creation under INBOX. namespace (#1488349)
tree@ 18a3dc commitdiff
2012-02-13 alecpl
- Added mailto: protocol handler registration link in User Preferences (#14...
tree@ 06c990 commitdiff
2012-02-11 thomascube
User configurable setting how to display contact names in list
tree@ f9a967 commitdiff
2012-02-09 alecpl
- Fix 'settings' label in en_GB
tree@ 6db9df commitdiff
2012-02-08 alecpl
- Fix issue where some text from original message was missing on reply (#14...
tree@ 33423a commitdiff
2012-02-08 alecpl
- Fix URL building - skip null parameters
tree@ a7321e commitdiff
2012-02-08 alecpl
- Improved r5861 change: Content converted to upper case can contain HTML t...
tree@ f35995 commitdiff
2012-02-08 alecpl
- Handle HTML entities properly when converting strong/b/th content to uppe...
tree@ 67e592 commitdiff
2012-02-07 alecpl
- Workaround IMAP server issue when THREAD command returns less messages th...
tree@ f31361 commitdiff
2012-02-05 alecpl
- Support AD's objectClass=group
tree@ 337dc5 commitdiff
2012-02-03 thomascube
Get rid of global $__skin_path variable (#1488336)
tree@ fc7b5b commitdiff
2012-02-02 thomascube
Allow users to choose cols for contacts list sorting
tree@ 438753 commitdiff
2012-02-01 thomascube
Allow placeholder attributes for input fields
tree@ fd6f6e commitdiff
2012-01-29 thomascube
Allow plugins to overwrite the displayed confirmation message when saving a...
tree@ 683511 commitdiff
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