2011-04-15 569f8306db3f61831795f15793b1c8f749f94779
2010-07-28 alecpl
- Added handling of PCRE limits errors in rcmail_wash_html() (#1486856)
tree@ b9ec2b commitdiff
2010-07-25 thomascube
Strip protocol from hostname in HTTP headers (#1486868)
tree@ 52c0f7 commitdiff
2010-07-17 thomascube
Create Sent folder when composing a message (#1486802)
tree@ 90e708 commitdiff
2010-07-06 alecpl
- Make sure attachment name doesn't contain \r\n (#1486832)
tree@ 9bb1fc commitdiff
2010-06-30 alecpl
- fix for empty suggestions result
tree@ 9ed374 commitdiff
2010-06-30 alecpl
- Fix body in message_sent hook when delay_file_io=true (#1486824)
tree@ 4eb849 commitdiff
2010-06-30 alecpl
- Show attachment icon on the list also for messages with Content-Type: app...
tree@ 761894 commitdiff
2010-06-29 alecpl
- Improved compose screen: resizable body and attachments list, vertical sp...
tree@ 087c7d commitdiff
2010-06-28 alecpl
- Fix RC forgets search results (#1483883)
tree@ bdb13a commitdiff
2010-06-24 alecpl
- Use built-in spellchecker instead of a PHP files of spellchecker plugin i...
tree@ f4f629 commitdiff
2010-06-23 alecpl
- removed PHP closing tag
tree@ b25dfd commitdiff
2010-06-19 alecpl
- Move quota indicator to mailboxlist footer - Fix groupcontrols on IE6 (us...
tree@ a2e817 commitdiff
2010-06-18 alecpl
- Fix: when From field is a first object in compose template form's hidden ...
tree@ 8958d0 commitdiff
2010-06-17 alecpl
- UI unification - Added button to hide/unhide the preview pane (#1484215)
tree@ ce06d3 commitdiff
2010-06-16 alecpl
- Fix base64 regexp (#1486800)
tree@ 306f15 commitdiff
2010-06-15 alecpl
- remove debug code
tree@ 330a10 commitdiff
2010-06-13 alecpl
- Use user's timezone in Date header, not server's timezone (#1486119)
tree@ 2bf3cc commitdiff
2010-06-11 alecpl
- Add option to set separate footer for HTML messages (#1486660)
tree@ 5852c1 commitdiff
2010-06-09 alecpl
- Added mailboxlist options menu in message page
tree@ 172e33 commitdiff
2010-06-09 alecpl
- Increase pagesize to 99999 when exporting contacts - Improve performance ...
tree@ 40d43b commitdiff
2010-06-09 alecpl
- some improvements + added splitter in Identities
tree@ 54759c commitdiff
2010-06-08 alecpl
- Fix some IMAP errors handling when opening the message (#1485443)
tree@ 64e3e8 commitdiff
2010-06-04 alecpl
- Remove duplicates in autocomplete result (#1486772)
tree@ dbe498 commitdiff
2010-06-04 alecpl
- Skip UNSEEN counting when list is empty
tree@ 2144f9 commitdiff
2010-06-02 alecpl
- Fix duplicated contacts when copying with group selected (#1486766)
tree@ 7d43f8 commitdiff
2010-06-01 thomascube
Allow to drag into groups of another address source
tree@ ca38db commitdiff
2010-06-01 alecpl
- Add 'messages_list' hook (#1486266)
tree@ 5bde17 commitdiff
2010-05-30 alecpl
- 'threads' column made movable
tree@ 6c9d49 commitdiff
2010-05-29 alecpl
- Fix use RFC-compliant line-delimiter when saving messages on IMAP (#1486712)
tree@ ac8edb commitdiff
2010-05-28 alecpl
- Fix forwarding of messages with winmail attachments - Remove some redunda...
tree@ d311d8 commitdiff
2010-05-27 alecpl
- handle properly inline images without content_id but with content_location
tree@ 8f2b46 commitdiff
2010-05-27 alecpl
- fix regular expression for images src replacement
tree@ c973ab commitdiff
2010-05-27 alecpl
- fix white character after closing tag
tree@ e55923 commitdiff
2010-05-25 alecpl
- don't set pagetitle in ajax requests
tree@ 1a4fa6 commitdiff
2010-05-23 alecpl
- translate internalerror message
tree@ ae0040 commitdiff
2010-05-20 svncommit
Fix double-addition of e-mail domain to content ID in HTML images
tree@ 141eb8 commitdiff
2010-05-20 thomascube
No need for the padding since quoted lines are not wrapped at all
tree@ dffcaa commitdiff
2010-05-20 thomascube
Default line length is 72
tree@ c769c6 commitdiff
2010-05-20 thomascube
Display and send messages with format=flowed (#1484370), fixes word wrappin...
tree@ 6b6f2e commitdiff
2010-05-20 alecpl
- Fix message/rfc822 attachments encoding in sent mail
tree@ dc9d75 commitdiff
2010-05-20 alecpl
- Moved to /utils - Removed (content copied into
tree@ 24c91e commitdiff
2010-05-20 alecpl
- Fix duplicated attachments when forwarding a message (#1486487)
tree@ 021ef4 commitdiff
2010-05-18 alecpl
- Some files from /bin + spellchecking actions moved to the new 'utils' task
tree@ 677e1f commitdiff
2010-05-18 alecpl
- Added threads tree icons - css/js fixes and improvements in (messages) li...
tree@ 0e7b66 commitdiff
2010-05-15 alecpl
- remove offline message list generation on IE, this doesn't realy improve ...
tree@ e99d21 commitdiff
2010-05-13 alecpl
- Extend contact groups support (#1486682)
tree@ bb8012 commitdiff
2010-05-12 alecpl
- Fix check-recent action issues and performance (#1486526) - Fix messages ...
tree@ 488074 commitdiff
2010-05-10 alecpl
- Use strcoll instead of strcmp when sorting contacts in autocomplete
tree@ 1ac779 commitdiff
2010-05-10 alecpl
- Fix autocomplete shows entries without email (#1486452)
tree@ 25fdec commitdiff
2010-05-06 alecpl
- Fix listupdate event doesn't trigger on search response (#1486708)
tree@ c833ed commitdiff
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