2006-10-22 5c52d06844779efbf4034663f5e68db10619b367
2006-09-13 svncommit
Initial TinyMCE editor support (still need to work on spellcheck and skins)
tree@ a0109c commitdiff
2006-09-13 thomascube
Header encoding again. iconv_mime_encode does no good job
tree@ bb5ddf commitdiff
2006-09-08 thomascube
Fixed wrong header encoding (Bug #1483976)
tree@ 8acab0 commitdiff
2006-06-09 svncommit
Updated to latest version. Resolves issues with non-ISO-8859-1 characters ...
tree@ a8435b commitdiff
2006-04-26 svncommit
Updated Mail::Mime libraries to latest CVS. Changes are bug fixes ONLY.
tree@ 856110 commitdiff
2005-10-21 thomascube
Improved support for UTF-8 and other charsets
tree@ a95e0e commitdiff
2005-09-30 thomascube
Improved SMTP script for sending mails. Now using the PEAR::Net_SMTP class
tree@ 968bdc commitdiff
2005-09-30 thomascube
Moved config files to config/*inc.php.dist
tree@ 15fee7 commitdiff
2005-09-28 thomascube
tree@ 30233b commitdiff
2005-09-25 thomascube
Initial revision
tree@ 4e17e6 commitdiff
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