2012-04-19 5d66a4bcf3ad5d584255184776f1f04451c929fc
2012-01-21 thomascube
CSS optimizations for IE8/9
blob@ d5fedc commitdiff | diff to current
2012-01-20 thomascube
Fine tuning Larry styles + browser specific css quirks
blob@ 071c78 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-01-02 thomascube
Use iframes for identity management
blob@ 7c2a93 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-12-15 thomascube
Give resizeable splitters to Larry
blob@ 918bb9 commitdiff | diff to current
2011-12-14 thomascube
Larry's identities settings and about page
blob@ e19229 commitdiff | diff to current
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