2006-05-01 6204390af16bcf50f82da61a1aefc2ad0c0adf94
2006-04-26 svncommit
Updated Mail::Mime libraries to latest CVS. Changes are bug fixes ONLY.
blob@ 856110 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-30 thomascube
Improved SMTP script for sending mails. Now using the PEAR::Net_SMTP class
blob@ 968bdc commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-30 thomascube
Moved config files to config/*inc.php.dist
blob@ 15fee7 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-28 thomascube
blob@ 30233b commitdiff | diff to current
2005-09-25 thomascube
Initial revision
blob@ 4e17e6 commitdiff | diff to current
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