2008-03-09 696d0c60c391be71ac58f7fc719ced47863fe756
2007-11-25 thomascube
Fix Postgresql upgrade script (#1484668)
tree@ 6223e9 commitdiff
2007-10-10 thomascube
Set prefs field in user table to null (#1484386)
tree@ 112bff commitdiff
2007-09-19 thomascube
IPv6 Compatability
tree@ 84d06e commitdiff
2007-09-11 thomascube
Truncate cache table before adding index
tree@ 29451c commitdiff
2007-08-28 till
# fixed: #1484456
tree@ f09bca commitdiff
2007-05-23 svncommit
upgrade to TinyMCE v2.1.1.1
tree@ 2c6337 commitdiff
2007-05-17 thomascube
Fix default value problem for MySQL (#1483940)
tree@ 3c3b35 commitdiff
2007-05-17 thomascube
Updated description files and version info
tree@ 6ae6e4 commitdiff
2007-05-17 thomascube
Changed sql scripts to allow non-ascii chars in user names (#1483959)
tree@ 587087 commitdiff
2007-04-28 thomascube
Set default value for col preferences; fix bug #1483978
tree@ 9e5d05 commitdiff
2007-03-18 thomascube
Use user_id for unique key in messages table (closes #1484074)
tree@ 43a42d commitdiff
2006-09-14 thomascube
Fixed quoting in MySQL update script
tree@ 9cdb93 commitdiff
2006-09-13 svncommit
Initial TinyMCE editor support (still need to work on spellcheck and skins)
tree@ a0109c commitdiff
2006-08-30 thomascube
Added MSSQL support
tree@ 107bde commitdiff
2006-08-25 thomascube
Finalized new message parsing. Attention: changes in database schema
tree@ f7bfec commitdiff
2006-08-11 thomascube
Reverted files to r305
tree@ 64009e commitdiff
2006-08-11 svncommit
Improvements for SVN 306 Bug (Ticket #1483950)
tree@ c14560 commitdiff
2006-08-10 svncommit
Added a few fields to the contact table and made this fields avaiable (Tick...
tree@ a06be9 commitdiff
2006-08-06 thomascube
Finalized 0.1beta2 release
tree@ aade7b commitdiff
2006-02-19 thomascube
Updated installation instructions
tree@ 535da2 commitdiff
2006-02-19 thomascube
Applied several patches
tree@ f88d41 commitdiff
2006-02-05 thomascube
Updated initial SQL queries
tree@ fd80c1 commitdiff
2006-02-04 thomascube
Bugfixes for encoding and sending with attachments
tree@ 58e360 commitdiff
2006-01-25 thomascube
Add created date to message cache
tree@ b59474 commitdiff
2006-01-24 svncommit
fixed mysql SQL scripts for new created column
tree@ c6e808 commitdiff
2006-01-04 thomascube
Optimized loading time; added periodic mail check; added EXPUNGE command
tree@ 15a9d1 commitdiff
2005-12-16 thomascube
Usage of virtusertable; mail_domain for new users; Chinese and Turkish loca...
tree@ 977a29 commitdiff
2005-12-03 thomascube
Re-design of caching (new database table added\!); some bugfixes; Postgres ...
tree@ 1cded8 commitdiff
2005-11-06 thomascube
Added 'changed' col to contacts table and support for 160-bit session hashes
tree@ e447cb commitdiff
2005-11-06 thomascube
Added 'changed' col to contacts table and support for 160-bit session hashes
tree@ e0ddd4 commitdiff
2005-10-25 svncommit
tree@ d7cb77 commitdiff
2005-10-11 thomascube
Better support for Courier IMAP
tree@ 49afbf commitdiff
2005-10-07 thomascube
Added SQLite supprt and MySQL update script
tree@ 79fe17 commitdiff
2005-10-07 thomascube
Several bugfixes and feature improvements
tree@ 42b113 commitdiff
2005-10-02 svncommit
tree@ f5dc2a commitdiff
2005-09-25 thomascube
Initial revision
tree@ 4e17e6 commitdiff
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