2008-04-29 6ee5ed253b92593ac5784300ac425f34f7fd1728
2008-04-29 alecpl
#1485021: update dutch localization
tree@ 6ee5ed commitdiff
2008-04-29 alecpl
- improved messages list performance - patch from Justin Heesemann
tree@ 257782 commitdiff
2008-04-28 alecpl
- little fix
tree@ 68ee9b commitdiff
2008-04-28 alecpl
- added 5th argument to rcmail_render_folder_tree_select()
tree@ 3c3032 commitdiff
2008-04-28 alecpl
- removed my code for mouse actions on address searching list (clicking on ...
tree@ ac2388 commitdiff
2008-04-28 alecpl
tree@ ff6def commitdiff
2008-04-27 alecpl
- updated japanese and norwegian translations
tree@ be71d4 commitdiff
2008-04-25 alecpl
- removed redundant code
tree@ 4c84dd commitdiff
2008-04-25 alecpl
- fixed pagesize value checking
tree@ a03caa commitdiff
2008-04-25 alecpl
- movingmessage label could and should be added in mail task only
tree@ e3902e commitdiff
2008-04-24 alecpl
- fixed blankpage handling in show_contentframe(): don't set display (=none...
tree@ 75b1a5 commitdiff
2008-04-23 alecpl
- Append skin_path to images location only when it starts with '/' sign (#1...
tree@ ae0c82 commitdiff
2008-04-23 alecpl
- fix: s/rcube_error::raise/raise_error/
tree@ f92b2f commitdiff
2008-04-23 alecpl
#1485003: s/rc_mail_mime/rcube_mail_mime/
tree@ d91fed commitdiff
2008-04-21 svncommit
fix for attrib strings with embedded quotes
tree@ f02574 commitdiff
2008-04-20 svncommit
Fix parse_attrib_string to handle unquoted attribute values
tree@ 653242 commitdiff
2008-04-17 alecpl
- Fix non-RFC dates formatting (#1484901)
tree@ ea090c commitdiff
2008-04-17 alecpl
tree@ f294da commitdiff
2008-04-17 alecpl
- Updated PEAR::Auth_SASL to 1.0.2
tree@ 157881 commitdiff
2008-04-17 alecpl
- Fix IMAP response in message body when message has no body (#1484964)
tree@ 0a97a0 commitdiff
2008-04-17 svncommit
fix HTML mail sending
tree@ 140d6e commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- last change fix
tree@ 09c1a3 commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- fixed folders management after r1291
tree@ 28c59f commitdiff
2008-04-16 thomascube
Set minimum number of rows per page (#1484935)
tree@ ccb412 commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- added tinyMCE localization setting - don't use tiny_mce_src.js
tree@ 33bb98 commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- don't use onchange to toggle editor because of IE bug
tree@ 3dd0f2 commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- Decode entities when inserting HTML signature to plain text message (#148...
tree@ e7d37a commitdiff
2008-04-16 alecpl
- Fix typo in set_charset() (#1484991)
tree@ f94a80 commitdiff
2008-04-15 svncommit
added language support to HTML editing (#1484862)
tree@ 8e5def commitdiff
2008-04-15 svncommit
fix signature loading on Windows (#1484545)
tree@ dbbd1f commitdiff
2008-04-15 svncommit
HTML editing fixes, upgrade to TinyMCE v3.0.6
tree@ d9344f commitdiff
2008-04-15 alecpl
#1484391, #1484403
tree@ d7a411 commitdiff
2008-04-15 alecpl
#1333167 #1484916
tree@ 76a89b commitdiff
2008-04-15 alecpl
- don't send set_env() when env array is empty
tree@ 47fab0 commitdiff
2008-04-14 thomascube
Fix html quoting in textareas
tree@ 54d830 commitdiff
2008-04-14 yllar
tree@ 995011 commitdiff
2008-04-14 alecpl
- removed strrstr() definition as it was needed only for php4
tree@ a63e10 commitdiff
2008-04-14 alecpl
- Added sections (fieldset+label) in Settings interface
tree@ a901aa commitdiff
2008-04-14 thomascube
Always check for recent if a mailbox list is available
tree@ 3cd24d commitdiff
2008-04-14 svncommit
Update Dutch translation.
tree@ c2d6a5 commitdiff
2008-04-14 thomascube
Don't use inexisting class name
tree@ b2d8b8 commitdiff
2008-04-13 alecpl
- reverted r1295 - disable caching for unseen messages to allow marking as ...
tree@ 3f5cef commitdiff
2008-04-13 alecpl
- added seen flag value to etag, so it allows to mark again remarked messages
tree@ f21ebb commitdiff
2008-04-13 alecpl
- don't change icon of deleted message when marking as read
tree@ 9d6f8e commitdiff
2008-04-13 alecpl
- fix for buttons without commands (r1291)
tree@ 875a48 commitdiff
2008-04-12 alecpl
- Fixed and optimized 'read_when_deleted': mark as read on server side in...
tree@ 3d3531 commitdiff
2008-04-12 thomascube
Changed codebase to PHP5 with autoloader + added some new classes from the ...
tree@ 47124c commitdiff
2008-04-12 alecpl
- and another constraint for shift selection
tree@ b00bd0 commitdiff
2008-04-12 alecpl
- fix for shift key use without shift_start on the list
tree@ f2892d commitdiff
2008-04-11 alecpl
#1484972: optimization: mark as read in one action with preview, deleted re...
tree@ 6d2714 commitdiff
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