2011-10-18 c84d3306fff81d0f1a18b3cc6ce43e625ed19dae
2011-09-06 alecpl
- Merge devel-saved_search branch (Addressbook Saved Searches)
tree@ f8e48d commitdiff
2011-08-02 alecpl
- Link to task-specific style files for build-in tasks only
tree@ 0d5836 commitdiff
2011-05-25 alecpl
- A little better fix for radiobuttons in popupmenu (previous solution brea...
tree@ 8254d9 commitdiff
2011-05-16 alecpl
- Add option to set default action of Forward button to "Forward as attachm...
tree@ a509bb commitdiff
2011-05-13 alecpl
- Use less included files in mail and message templates for better performa...
tree@ 8e99ff commitdiff
2011-05-13 alecpl
- Add forward-as-attachment feature
tree@ a208a4 commitdiff
2011-05-04 thomascube
Insert additional taskbar icons before settings
tree@ 7c141c commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
New config option for custom logo; allow skins to define/override texts
tree@ ae39c4 commitdiff
2010-10-15 alecpl
- Fix: when task is empty (on error?) don't try to include ".css" file
tree@ 6d5f75 commitdiff
2010-10-04 alecpl
- Add Reply-to-List feature (#1484252) - Add Mail-Followup-To/Mail-Reply-To...
tree@ e25a35 commitdiff
2010-06-17 alecpl
- UI unification - Added button to hide/unhide the preview pane (#1484215)
tree@ ce06d3 commitdiff
2010-03-22 alecpl
- Use product name as title of header logo, change header logo link (#1486567)
tree@ bf214a commitdiff
2010-03-17 thomascube
Merged devel-threads branch (r3066:3364) back into trunk
tree@ f52c93 commitdiff
2010-01-28 alecpl
- Don't create link to not existing css file for dummy task - rename addres...
tree@ 95a8f1 commitdiff
2009-07-22 alecpl
- add plugin buttons into taskbar after Settings and before Logout
tree@ c98c82 commitdiff
2009-07-01 alecpl
- fix opacity in IE8
tree@ e40091 commitdiff
2009-06-14 thomascube
Icon and better naming for message-edit function
tree@ 921270 commitdiff
2009-06-11 alecpl
- Added message Edit feature (#1483891, #1484440) - need icon
tree@ 069704 commitdiff
2009-06-05 alecpl
- move safari hacks to separate css file
tree@ cf7f22 commitdiff
2009-05-30 alecpl
- css fixes (#1485869)
tree@ 32ca1f commitdiff
2009-05-28 thomascube
Remove blank lines in html source (pedantic...)
tree@ 4f4439 commitdiff
2009-05-26 alecpl
- show openlink in 'show' action
tree@ 707c10 commitdiff
2009-05-26 thomascube
Tweak default skin with better icons (sprites) and move IE hacks to an exte...
tree@ b4f7c6 commitdiff
2009-05-24 alecpl
- messagemenu and markmessagemenu fixes + icons
tree@ 799752 commitdiff
2009-05-23 alecpl
- Added message menu (some image needed), removed Print and Source buttons ...
tree@ 49dfb0 commitdiff
2009-04-19 thomascube
Merged branch devel-api (from r2208 to r2387) back into trunk (omitting som...
tree@ cc97ea commitdiff
2008-10-02 alecpl
- removed old and not used ldapscripts.html
tree@ 58f786 commitdiff
2008-10-02 alecpl
- Minimize "inline" javascript use (#1485433)
tree@ 5f660c commitdiff
2008-05-20 alecpl
-line wrap
tree@ 3f9120 commitdiff
2008-03-21 thomascube
Remove hard-coded size of logo image (#1484378)
tree@ 46bc52 commitdiff
2006-01-17 svncommit
fixed the pretty naming of ldap search fields again...
tree@ 39ecb7 commitdiff
2006-01-08 svncommit
fixed bug with field choice dropdown not appearing when only one ldap serve...
tree@ 9d2c0d commitdiff
2006-01-08 svncommit
adding files and modifications for public ldap search
tree@ d1d2c4 commitdiff
2005-11-06 thomascube
Minor bugfixes
tree@ b595c9 commitdiff
2005-11-06 thomascube
Added favicon and Polish, Czech, British localizations
tree@ e66f5b commitdiff
2005-10-26 thomascube
Finished message sorting and fixed some skin issues
tree@ b076a4 commitdiff
2005-10-22 thomascube
Patches for 20051021 release
tree@ f619de commitdiff
2005-10-21 thomascube
Improved support for UTF-8 and other charsets
tree@ a95e0e commitdiff
2005-10-20 thomascube
Fixed SSL support; improved Courier compatibility; some visual enhancements...
tree@ 7902df commitdiff
2005-10-13 thomascube
Fixed bug #1315992
tree@ 455c2b commitdiff
2005-09-25 thomascube
Initial revision
tree@ 4e17e6 commitdiff
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