Aleksander Machniak
2012-06-06 d1d0564a91812e3e58569bfa0ef413d36e130d24
2012-05-22 Aleksander Machniak
Removed $Id$
blob@ 041c93 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-04-15 alecpl
- Small optimizations
blob@ f5f9b4 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-04-14 alecpl
- More public methods, code cleanup
blob@ 1495ac commitdiff | diff to current
2012-03-04 alecpl
Exclude E_STRICT from error_reporting for PHP 5.4
blob@ 66d215 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-02-28 thomascube
Fix function call
blob@ 20efa5 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-01-18 thomascube
Changed license to GNU GPLv3+ with exceptions for skins and plugins
blob@ 7fe381 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-01-16 thomascube
Merged devel-framework branch (r5746:5779) back into trunk
blob@ c321a9 commitdiff | diff to current
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