Thomas Bruederli
2014-06-05 ebfdc0925f7169aac45c2437d7a1196687a200c8
2014-05-14 Aleksander Machniak
Fix malformed References: header in send/saved mail (#1489891) - update Mai...
tree@ b5c608 commitdiff
2013-07-05 Aleksander Machniak
Update to Mail_Mime 1.8.8
tree@ 4c8bec commitdiff
2013-01-02 Thomas Bruederli
Upgrade PEAR:Mail_mime package to latest version
tree@ 4fb36e commitdiff
2012-08-08 Sylvestre Ledru
Fix some typos
tree@ 654ac1 commitdiff
2012-06-09 Aleksander Machniak
Update to Mail_Mime-1.8.5 (#1488521)
tree@ ba1fb0 commitdiff
2012-05-17 Aleksander Machniak
Mail_Mime 1.8.4
tree@ 9843dc commitdiff
2012-05-02 thomascube
Upgraded to PEAR::Mail_Mime 1.8.3
tree@ ad31a6 commitdiff
2012-03-09 alecpl
- Fix encoding of attachment with comma in name (#1488389)
tree@ fe3a1d commitdiff
2012-01-25 thomascube
Add lib for server side mime parsing (to be used by non-imap storage backen...
tree@ 8b92d2 commitdiff
2011-08-10 alecpl
- Mail_Mime-1.8.2
tree@ 4c2424 commitdiff
2011-08-09 alecpl
- Fix handling of email addresses with quoted local part (#1487939)
tree@ 6d0ada commitdiff
2010-12-01 alecpl
- Fix setting charset of attachment filenames (#1487122)
tree@ 53604a commitdiff
2010-07-29 alecpl
- Mail-Mime-1.8.0
tree@ 8fc810 commitdiff
2010-05-20 svncommit
Fix double-addition of e-mail domain to content ID in HTML images
tree@ 141eb8 commitdiff
2010-04-12 alecpl
- Fix regression in disposition-notification (#1486623)
tree@ 6b0113 commitdiff
2010-03-23 alecpl
- Mail_Mime-1.6.2
tree@ 9e8d85 commitdiff
2010-03-08 alecpl
- Mail_Mime 1.6.1
tree@ be5133 commitdiff
2010-02-25 alecpl
- Fix encoding of Return-Receipt-To and Disposition-Notification-To headers...
tree@ e62346 commitdiff
2010-01-25 alecpl
- Mail_MIME update
tree@ 90fe6c commitdiff
2010-01-20 alecpl
- Fix incompatybility with suhosin.executor.disable_emodifier (#1486321) - ...
tree@ 091735 commitdiff
2009-12-21 alecpl
- remove Mail_MimeDecode package - we doesn't use it
tree@ be11a9 commitdiff
2009-11-26 alecpl
- code cleanup (mostly whitespaces)
tree@ f7f934 commitdiff
2009-11-02 alecpl
- Don't cut off attachment names when using non-RFC2231 encoding (#1485515)
tree@ 31ddb5 commitdiff
2009-10-14 alecpl
- removed deprecated returning value of new by reference
tree@ ab4657 commitdiff
2009-06-20 alecpl
- typo (#1485933)
tree@ 2dbc2d commitdiff
2009-06-17 alecpl
- grrrr, typo again
tree@ 14f1c0 commitdiff
2009-06-17 alecpl
- typo
tree@ 2e7ab6 commitdiff
2009-06-17 alecpl
- Fixed filename encoding according to RFC2231 (#1485875)
tree@ 93c0be commitdiff
2009-02-08 alecpl
- Fix "value continuation" MIME headers by adding required semicolon (#1485...
tree@ 0ea8d3 commitdiff
2008-12-22 alecpl
#1485640: #1485640: html2text: mo...
tree@ 4e0419 commitdiff
2008-12-16 alecpl
#1485607: fix charset setting for attachments when sending the message
tree@ 781f34 commitdiff
2008-11-06 alecpl
- Fix empty file sending (#1485389)
tree@ 68af64 commitdiff
2008-10-24 svncommit
added obscure ASCII encoding aliases, added more error checking to RFC2822 ...
tree@ c9ca6a commitdiff
2008-09-29 alecpl
- Added 'mime_param_folding' option with possibility to choose long/non-a...
tree@ ffae15 commitdiff
2008-09-25 alecpl
- Fix problem with non-ascii attachment names in Mail_mime (#1485267, #1485...
tree@ 09f19e commitdiff
2008-09-05 alecpl
-fixed r1733 change
tree@ 5ec762 commitdiff
2008-09-05 alecpl
- fix: don't encode short ascii names (
tree@ e8a1b7 commitdiff
2008-08-20 alecpl
tree@ 3b0eda commitdiff
2008-06-25 alecpl
Patched Mail/mimePart.php (
tree@ 1c2536 commitdiff
2008-06-13 alecpl
- Updated PEAR::Mail_Mime (#1484973)
tree@ ee289d commitdiff
2008-04-17 alecpl
tree@ f294da commitdiff
2007-03-21 thomascube
Updated PEAR::Mail_mime package
tree@ ab6f80 commitdiff
2007-03-13 thomascube
Fixed message headers encoding; improved recipient splitting; applied patch...
tree@ 5a6ad2 commitdiff
2006-12-06 thomascube
Optimized memory usage when sending mail; Include SMTP response in log; Fix...
tree@ b517af commitdiff
2006-09-13 svncommit
Initial TinyMCE editor support (still need to work on spellcheck and skins)
tree@ a0109c commitdiff
2006-09-13 thomascube
Header encoding again. iconv_mime_encode does no good job
tree@ bb5ddf commitdiff
2006-09-08 thomascube
Fixed wrong header encoding (Bug #1483976)
tree@ 8acab0 commitdiff
2006-06-09 svncommit
Updated to latest version. Resolves issues with non-ISO-8859-1 characters ...
tree@ a8435b commitdiff
2006-04-26 svncommit
Updated Mail::Mime libraries to latest CVS. Changes are bug fixes ONLY.
tree@ 856110 commitdiff
2005-10-21 thomascube
Improved support for UTF-8 and other charsets
tree@ a95e0e commitdiff
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