2011-08-18 fbe54043cf598b19a753dc2b21a7ed558d23fd15
2011-04-15 thomascube
Add hook for request token creation (upon user request)
tree@ ef27a6 commitdiff
2011-04-15 thomascube
Replace LDAP vars in group queries (#1487837)
tree@ d1e08f commitdiff
2011-04-15 thomascube
Use CRLF + 1 space for folding
tree@ 58510f commitdiff
2011-04-15 thomascube
Fix vcard folding at 75 chars; don't fold vcards for internal storage
tree@ 569f83 commitdiff
2011-04-14 alecpl
- Fixed vcard folding: use one space, use mb_regex_encoding() (#1487868)
tree@ 5c4c06 commitdiff
2011-04-14 alecpl
- mbstring internal encoding is set in iniset.php
tree@ ae1db2 commitdiff
2011-04-14 thomascube
Fix vcard folding with uncode characters (#1487868)
tree@ bf80b5 commitdiff
2011-04-13 alecpl
- Use mbstring's strtolower() for Unicode characters in normalize_string()
tree@ 34d728 commitdiff
2011-04-13 thomascube
Convert normalized latin-1 string back to utf8
tree@ e5e1eb commitdiff
2011-04-12 thomascube
Handle unicode strings when normalizing for search (#1487866)
tree@ 12dac4 commitdiff
2011-04-12 alecpl
- Fix bug where template name without plugin prefix was used in render_page...
tree@ ca18a9 commitdiff
2011-04-12 alecpl
- Fix handling of debug_level=4 in ajax requests (#1487831)
tree@ 23b495 commitdiff
2011-04-11 alecpl
- Fix so 1024 bytes is displayed as 1KB, the same for MB and GB
tree@ 1036f8 commitdiff
2011-04-11 alecpl
- Support 'off' as bolean false
tree@ ff10f5 commitdiff
2011-04-08 alecpl
- Improve space-stuffing handling in format=flowed messages (#1487861)
tree@ dd0ae6 commitdiff
2011-04-08 alecpl
- Fixed bug where some dates would produce SQL error in MySQL (#1487856)
tree@ 6491fb commitdiff
2011-04-08 alecpl
- Added workaround for some IMAP server with broken STATUS response (#1487859)
tree@ 0ea947 commitdiff
2011-04-08 alecpl
- Fix bug where default_charset was not used for text messages (#1487836)
tree@ 8abc17 commitdiff
2011-04-08 alecpl
- Removed dependency on rcube_* functions, small improvements
tree@ f66f5f commitdiff
2011-03-27 thomascube
Fix request token generation if no cookies set
tree@ c9f2c4 commitdiff
2011-03-26 alecpl
- Remove unused rcube_mail_header class variables
tree@ c09e32 commitdiff
2011-03-22 thomascube
Revert r4609 and use stateless request tokens; no need to save them in sess...
tree@ ec045b commitdiff
2011-03-21 alecpl
- Fixed IE/FF detection (#1487838)
tree@ a8d7c6 commitdiff
2011-03-10 thomascube
Prepare for multiple concurrent compose windows
tree@ 4591de commitdiff
2011-03-09 alecpl
- Add code for prevention from IMAP connection hangs when server closes soc...
tree@ 3e3981 commitdiff
2011-03-08 alecpl
- Performance improvement: Remove redundant DELETE query (for old session d...
tree@ c294ea commitdiff
2011-03-08 thomascube
Use PHPs session_regenerte_id() instead of using (unreliable) mt_rand() fun...
tree@ fb061a commitdiff
2011-03-05 alecpl
- Add html_table::remove_body() function
tree@ 6f6efa commitdiff
2011-03-05 alecpl
- Fix some emails are not shown using Cyrus IMAP (#1487820)
tree@ 6a4bcc commitdiff
2011-03-03 alecpl
- Fix handling of mime-encoded words with non-integral number of octets in ...
tree@ 8df56e commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
Simplify code
tree@ 79cd6c commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
Make it easier to add code to $(document).ready()
tree@ 044d66 commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
Fix LDAP group identifiers
tree@ 15e944 commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
New config option for custom logo; allow skins to define/override texts
tree@ ae39c4 commitdiff
2011-03-01 thomascube
Don't do exact matches when searching for existing email records
tree@ 715c79 commitdiff
2011-02-28 alecpl
- Add simple ACL rights/namespace handling in folder manager (display folde...
tree@ bbce3e commitdiff
2011-02-27 thomascube
Improve vcard import: map more fields, support photo urls, better UTF-16 ch...
tree@ 0fbade commitdiff
2011-02-25 thomascube
Create interactive update script with improved DB schema check; udated inst...
tree@ e6bb83 commitdiff
2011-02-25 alecpl
- jQuery 1.5.1
tree@ 041f66 commitdiff
2011-02-20 alecpl
- Fix typo in html_editor hook name (#1487796)
tree@ f57257 commitdiff
2011-02-18 thomascube
Add plugin hook before the final HTML content of a page is sent
tree@ 798764 commitdiff
2011-02-17 alecpl
- Add LDAP SASL bind and proxy authentication (#1486692)
tree@ 4d982d commitdiff
2011-02-17 alecpl
- Use addcslashes() instead of strtr() for string quoting
tree@ 261ea4 commitdiff
2011-02-17 alecpl
- Add variable for 'Today' label in date_today option (#1486120)
tree@ c5dedd commitdiff
2011-02-15 thomascube
Allow group identifiers to be changed upon renaming (used in LDAP)
tree@ 360bd3 commitdiff
2011-02-15 alecpl
- Fix dont_override setting does not override existing user preferences (#1...
tree@ bfb7d6 commitdiff
2011-02-15 alecpl
- Close IMAP connection after SMTP, per discussion in (#1485975)
tree@ dd07e7 commitdiff
2011-02-15 alecpl
- Use only one from IMAP authentication methods to prevent login delays (14...
tree@ ab0b51 commitdiff
2011-02-14 thomascube
Fulltext search over contact fields. Attention: DATABASE SCHEMA CHANGED\!
tree@ 3e2637 commitdiff
2011-02-12 thomascube
Fix for alias query which was broken in last commit
tree@ a1bbc2 commitdiff
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