Marius Cramer
2015-08-06 37b29231e47a0c4458dc1c15d98588f16f07e1e2
2015-04-15 Marius Cramer
- changed code to use new method of passing values to datalogUpdate and dat...
blob@ 3a11d2 commitdiff | diff to current
2015-04-14 Marius Cramer
- finished rewriting of sql statements
blob@ 2af58c commitdiff | diff to current
2015-04-07 Marius Cramer
- rewrite of sql queries to new form
blob@ cc7a82 commitdiff | diff to current
2014-08-14 Till Brehm
- Added security check script. - Create md5 sums of all files at install an...
blob@ 1ed92e commitdiff | diff to current
2014-08-14 Till Brehm
- Added warning in the interface when a path for a shelluser is set that is...
blob@ 9edea9 commitdiff | diff to current
2014-01-23 Till Brehm
Prevent that the type of a sys_user that belongs to a client or reseller ca...
blob@ 132df2 commitdiff | diff to current
2013-11-19 Till Brehm
Code review.
blob@ 604c0c commitdiff | diff to current
2013-11-14 Marius Cramer
Cleaning up code to match coding guidelines
blob@ 7fe908 commitdiff | diff to current
2012-11-14 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3596-3670 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
blob@ bfcdef commitdiff | diff to current
2010-09-10 tbrehm
Added the configuration variable $conf['demo_mode'] in the f...
blob@ 91624b commitdiff | diff to current
2009-03-06 tbrehm
fixed: FS#595 - add cp user error
blob@ 62ff29 commitdiff | diff to current
2009-03-01 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#527 - Client can have a module for Startmodule even if it is disa...
blob@ b998c5 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-08-01 tbrehm
Fixed: when creating a cp user with modules "mail,dns,sites" and start modu...
blob@ c4ff82 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-04 tbrehm
- Modified pages to use a global module aurhentification function - Changed...
blob@ 910093 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-03-17 tbrehm
Rebuild the complete interface to use ajax.
blob@ cf71a4 commitdiff | diff to current
2005-11-01 tbrehm
Initial interface import
blob@ b5a2f8 commitdiff | diff to current
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