Marius Cramer
2015-08-06 37b29231e47a0c4458dc1c15d98588f16f07e1e2
2015-05-06 Marius Cramer
- replaced date time selects by textbox with datepicker
tree@ 43e5b6 commitdiff
2012-10-24 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3557-3594 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ 4bd960 commitdiff
2010-03-03 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1093 - now-button in autoresponder form not working correctly.
tree@ 94c3ec commitdiff
2009-12-17 wyrie
Implemented: FS#1003 - Autoresponder: Start and end date (Interface)
tree@ 75ae20 commitdiff
2009-03-06 redray
fixed form problems ...
tree@ 649d63 commitdiff
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