Pascal Dreissen
2016-07-08 505fc4feb44bf9606f6ecc1f7bae897cf61446a3
2016-06-28 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'patch-1' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 225c7a commitdiff
2016-06-24 Martin
Added missing quotation mark in search value.
tree@ cd14a1 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Till Brehm
CentOS 7.2 related fixes in installer and apache vhost template.
tree@ 2b3dfa commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 498c86 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Fix for: #3838 UFW Firewall detected but not set in ispconfig System > Serv...
tree@ bea23a commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Implemented #3869 ISP 3.1 Debian Testing compatibility Removed ubuntu1604.l...
tree@ eab0cf commitdiff
2016-05-26 Florian Schaal
changed output for Wrong SQL-mode
tree@ b4ed40 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
- Introduced confid in $distver array to separate the config and class for ...
tree@ 3b8b9e commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
Fixed a typo in comments
tree@ 94b284 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 9d7ab0 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Florian Schaal
dovecot2 - enable iterate_query
tree@ 812da3 commitdiff
2016-05-21 Arkadiusz Rzadkowolski
Fix for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
tree@ 5b921e commitdiff
2016-05-19 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ dc7aa0 commitdiff
2016-05-16 Florian Schaal
installer / updater for CentOS 7.2
tree@ 2b8e51 commitdiff
2016-05-09 Uwe Merbeth
detect the ubuntu version based on /etc/os-release
tree@ f5daec commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Use Metronome init script from $conf array.
tree@ 8b608c commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Metronome init fix 2
tree@ 461977 commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Add support for Ubuntu 16.04
tree@ 480fef commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Changed behaviour of UFW installation. Do not enable it by deafult as the f...
tree@ 8e5493 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
db permissions refined
tree@ 994f32 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
removed unneeded db permission and enhanced error handling on low entropy
tree@ c96d54 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
db permissions patch
tree@ 9af8f6 commitdiff
2016-04-05 Till Brehm
Changed autodetect messages from WARN to INFO in non forced mode.
tree@ 32dcc8 commitdiff
2016-03-19 Florian Schaal
fixed bastille-detection during install
tree@ 567aea commitdiff
2016-02-28 Florian Schaal
more detaled informations during install/setup when mysql is not using NO_E...
tree@ 2b3b4c commitdiff
2016-02-15 Florian Schaal
fixed sql-query
tree@ 9c87a0 commitdiff
2016-02-15 Florian Schaal
removed useless FLUSH PRIVILEGES
tree@ 3dded7 commitdiff
2016-02-12 Florian Schaal
updated installer for postfix-services for postfix >= 2.11
tree@ 9c6782 commitdiff
2016-02-10 Florian Schaal
Merge branch 'master' of
tree@ 42e4c6 commitdiff
2016-02-09 Florian Schaal
fixed installer - ispconfig/ispconfig3#3750
tree@ 5d45b7 commitdiff
2016-02-09 Till Brehm
Fixed SSL issue in apps vhost.
tree@ 134721 commitdiff
2016-02-09 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of into st...
tree@ 13c1ef commitdiff
2016-02-09 Till Brehm
Fixed problems that prevented ISPConfig to run on PHP 7, Issue #3716
tree@ f1926a commitdiff
2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
myhostname placeholder needs to be regex
tree@ c757ee commitdiff
2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
add smtpd_helo_restrictions
tree@ 709aed commitdiff
2016-01-31 Till Brehm
Added: FS#2686 - set mod_fcgi max request len automatically during install
tree@ ef561f commitdiff
2016-01-31 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#4077 - php update.php --autoinstall=autoinstall.conf.php does not...
tree@ 636822 commitdiff
2016-01-31 Till Brehm
Add code to recognize Ubuntu 15.10 in installer and monitor.
tree@ 0a0647 commitdiff
2016-01-27 A. Täffner
Test: Merge branch 'master' into dns-dnssec
tree@ 08791f commitdiff
2016-01-22 A. Täffner
PHP-Variants are working. Need to create a cronjob then basic implementatio...
tree@ 708b93 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
Test was successful.
tree@ c5f49d commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
final commit? Will test now a last time and if everything works as expected...
tree@ 1a2f60 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
import previous work (not working completely yet)
tree@ 6a25ac commitdiff
2016-01-22 Florian Schaal
fixed permissions for bind-slave. (Dr. Ralf Schlatterbeck - Open Source Con...
tree@ f66404 commitdiff
2016-01-04 Marius Burkard
- Fixed sql queries from previous merges
tree@ 18093f commitdiff
2016-01-04 Marius Burkard
- merged different fixes and updates from foreign branches
tree@ d22277 commitdiff
2016-01-02 Till Brehm
Fixed postconf warnings in installer.
tree@ f652c5 commitdiff
2015-12-23 Marius Burkard
One-liner is not good to read.
tree@ de492a commitdiff
2015-12-20 Florian Schaal
add minimum php-version 5.3.3 to installer and updater
tree@ cc45ab commitdiff
2015-09-17 Florian Schaal
add option to reoonfigure selected services during update
tree@ 418f62 commitdiff
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