Pascal Dreissen
2016-07-08 505fc4feb44bf9606f6ecc1f7bae897cf61446a3
2016-06-22 Till Brehm
Removed version information from stable branch.
tree@ 875504 commitdiff
2016-06-17 Till Brehm
Removed helo check from template.
tree@ 37d53f commitdiff
2016-06-17 Till Brehm
Fixed Issue #3972 Invalid regular expression in helo_access
tree@ 35a190 commitdiff
2016-06-14 A. Täffner
fixes ispconfig/ispconfig3#3913
tree@ f59fe4 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 9d7ab0 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Florian Schaal
dovecot2 - enable iterate_query
tree@ 812da3 commitdiff
2016-05-13 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 3cf77b commitdiff
2016-05-09 Florian Schaal
updated amavis-config
tree@ dda641 commitdiff
2016-05-06 Christian Jonak
Fix DKIM signing
tree@ 08a4f4 commitdiff
2016-04-27 CSoellinger
Updating SSL options at ispconfig vhost based on the mozilla ssl configurat...
tree@ 473f06 commitdiff
2016-04-27 CSoellinger
Reformat some tabs to spaces(2)
tree@ 6e0b35 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Till Brehm
Changed version number to 3.1b1 for first beta release.
tree@ 037b69 commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Changed behaviour of UFW installation. Do not enable it by deafult as the f...
tree@ 8e5493 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Set maildir as default format for mailboxes.
tree@ a585f9 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Fixed #3829 for CentOS and Fedora.
tree@ 9bdcb1 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Fixed issue #3829 BlackList and WhiteList do not take into account the acti...
tree@ 2a37f9 commitdiff
2016-04-13 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ c420e7 commitdiff
2016-04-12 Florian Schaal
cleanup postfix-config
tree@ e48d98 commitdiff
2016-04-12 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ ae3e7a commitdiff
2016-04-12 Florian Schaal
changed smtpd_sender_restrictions
tree@ 83b91e commitdiff
2016-04-07 Marius Burkard
- Changed 0000-00-00 date and datetime values to NULL (mySQL compatibility)...
tree@ 651642 commitdiff
2016-03-08 Florian Schaal
fixed nginx-startup errors on systems with net.ipv6.bindv6only=0
tree@ 3279f8 commitdiff
2016-03-08 Florian Schaal
Errors in automatically generated nginx configuration files (Fixes #3774)
tree@ c6f93e commitdiff
2016-02-19 Marius Burkard
- added ipv6 listen to ispconfig vhost files on nginx (Fixes #3665)
tree@ eff5c1 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- another fix for apache 2.4
tree@ 3a5909 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- fix for apache 2.4
tree@ 4f950c commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- workaround for apache < 2.4
tree@ 8831af commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- another aproach for handling acme requests on redirected domains
tree@ 606949 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- fixed wrong letsencrypt paths
tree@ c2d5bc commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- added missing directory permissions
tree@ 2f4a0b commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- changed the way letsencrypt is handled due to various problems
tree@ 7456a4 commitdiff
2016-02-09 Marius Burkard
- some more line-break changes
tree@ 10acaf commitdiff
2016-02-08 Jesse Norell
enable smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender and other stricter defaults
tree@ 474b84 commitdiff
2016-02-08 Jesse Norell
move example blacklist_helo list to docs/ with instructions to install
tree@ 8c8aca commitdiff
2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
myhostname placeholder needs to be regex
tree@ c757ee commitdiff
2016-02-03 Jesse Norell
add smtpd_helo_restrictions
tree@ 709aed commitdiff
2016-01-31 Till Brehm
Updated version number to 3.1a1.
tree@ ddb086 commitdiff
2016-01-22 A. Täffner
PHP-Variants are working. Need to create a cronjob then basic implementatio...
tree@ 708b93 commitdiff
2016-01-21 A. Täffner
Oops... Cleanup
tree@ bb3bc9 commitdiff
2016-01-21 A. Täffner
DNSSEC-Switch: Implementation finished, tested And found a small bug (privk...
tree@ b9f313 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
final commit? Will test now a last time and if everything works as expected...
tree@ 1a2f60 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
kind of cleanup
tree@ eaafee commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
tree@ 4d6d51 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
Missing files
tree@ c5e6e8 commitdiff
2016-01-20 A. Täffner
Mail Security: implemented a SendAs-Permission for aliases and forwardings ...
tree@ 779976 commitdiff
2016-01-04 Marius Burkard
- merged different fixes and updates from foreign branches
tree@ d22277 commitdiff
2015-12-23 Marius Burkard
Fixed wrong cipher list
tree@ 982cb6 commitdiff
2015-12-23 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'master'
tree@ 410055 commitdiff
2015-11-12 Florian Schaal
custom text / link for login-page
tree@ 904d8a commitdiff
2015-11-06 Florian Schaal
ssl for nginx apps-vhos
tree@ d3bc5f commitdiff
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