2008-10-25 56dfe60128f99d4199154f7df443723b07c13480
2008-07-06 tbrehm
Removed server selector from FTP- and Shell-User forms, as the server is al...
blob@ e7d184 commitdiff | diff to current
2008-06-04 tbrehm
- Modified pages to use a global module aurhentification function - Changed...
blob@ 910093 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-10-17 tbrehm
Added support for shell users in the interface and fixed several strict syn...
blob@ af8f1b commitdiff | diff to current
2007-07-03 tbrehm
Added limits for websites and FTP users.
blob@ 4fae7e commitdiff | diff to current
2007-06-26 tbrehm
Several updaes and bugfixes.
blob@ b4c750 commitdiff | diff to current
2007-06-21 tbrehm
Added the website management module.
blob@ 18341e commitdiff | diff to current
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