2008-10-25 56dfe60128f99d4199154f7df443723b07c13480
2008-10-25 redray
tree@ 56dfe6 commitdiff
2008-10-25 redray
new default theme based on CSS, YAML and WForms
tree@ 083900 commitdiff
2008-05-28 tbrehm
Make headers clickable in menu.
tree@ 94890d commitdiff
2007-05-20 tbrehm
changed client form
tree@ acbf53 commitdiff
2007-03-19 tbrehm
cleaned up template
tree@ 158b33 commitdiff
2007-03-17 tbrehm
Rebuild the complete interface to use ajax.
tree@ cf71a4 commitdiff
2005-12-21 ftimme
tree@ 1d3319 commitdiff
2005-12-16 ftimme
tree@ c24714 commitdiff
2005-12-15 ftimme
tree@ 4cfff7 commitdiff
2005-11-01 tbrehm
Added Server table
tree@ 336a57 commitdiff
2005-11-01 tbrehm
Initial interface import
tree@ b5a2f8 commitdiff
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