2012-01-04 5c38f2cb6efe14ec205f6b312d057bbba3d98e02
2011-10-18 ftimme
- Added Mailman configuration to nginx apps vhost.
tree@ 94a7e1 commitdiff
2011-10-17 ftimme
- Server Config > Rescue tab: Replaced Apache monitoring with HTTPD monitor...
tree@ 7e040d commitdiff
2011-10-13 ftimme
- Fixed #1798.
tree@ af4864 commitdiff
2011-10-11 ftimme
- Fixed a few bugs in the folder protection functions.
tree@ 0ea045 commitdiff
2011-10-11 ftimme
- Fixed #1795. - Make Apache/nginx restart after a site was deleted. - Make...
tree@ f3b669 commitdiff
2011-10-11 ftimme
- Changed nginx folder protection.
tree@ 6bd5a2 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
tree@ 7e586d commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Implemented folder protection for nginx.
tree@ 900a38 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Fixed #1783.
tree@ 2fc631 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
tree@ 67a707 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
tree@ 8552ed commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Apps vhost: To access phpMyAdmin/SquirrelMail, the default user (like www...
tree@ e91947 commitdiff
2011-09-30 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1775 - PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function queryAllRecords...
tree@ 27179f commitdiff
2011-09-29 tbrehm
Changed dovecot quota file location to /var/vmail/domain.tld/user/.quotausage
tree@ 91c381 commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: If apps vhost is reconfigured, apps pool (PHP-FPM) is reconfigured...
tree@ 99b55b commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: Changed ispconfig and apps vhost from using PHP-FPM TCP connection...
tree@ ca0b77 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- nginx: moved phpMyAdmin and SquirrelMail aliases from ISPConfig vhost to ...
tree@ f19eb6 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Make Apps nginx vhost talk to the correct PHP-FPM port.
tree@ 3713dc commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Added PHP-FPM pm settings (pm.max_children, pm.start_servers, pm.min_spar...
tree@ 445513 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Changed FastCGI buffers for ISPConfig nginx vhost because otherwise you g...
tree@ ad9986 commitdiff
2011-09-26 ftimme
- Adjusted <Directory> path for mod_python.
tree@ f8cd03 commitdiff
2011-09-26 ftimme
- Added Python support (for Apache).
tree@ 298ef5 commitdiff
2011-09-26 tbrehm
Improved mailman plugin and fixed errors in mailman installer.
tree@ 5378e9 commitdiff
2011-09-26 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1755 - PHP notices during installation
tree@ c91bdc commitdiff
2011-09-25 ftimme
- Installer adds ispconfig user to Apache group on Fedora/CentOS so that ng...
tree@ bcb8eb commitdiff
2011-09-25 ftimme
- Make sure the nginx user is added to the group of a new website.
tree@ cd5645 commitdiff
2011-09-23 ftimme
- Added "ipv6only=on" to the IPv6 listen lines in the nginx vhost template ...
tree@ c7e47e commitdiff
2011-09-23 ftimme
- Added IPv6 support for nginx.
tree@ 8e2c2e commitdiff
2011-09-23 ftimme
Changed PHP-FPM socket directory from /var/run/php5-fpm to /var/lib/php5-fp...
tree@ 9576eb commitdiff
2011-09-23 tbrehm
- Fixed some awstats problems. - Added SNI config field in sysetm > server ...
tree@ d81a4c commitdiff
2011-09-22 latham
microsoft line endings
tree@ 533de4 commitdiff
2011-09-22 ftimme
- Added support for daily nginx access logs.
tree@ b6a10a commitdiff
2011-09-22 xaver
Added in cronlist on server a comment with domain and domain in cronlist
tree@ 4be8f7 commitdiff
2011-09-22 tbrehm
Bugfixes in installer and apache plugin.
tree@ dba68f commitdiff
2011-09-22 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#334 - IPv6 support Implemented: FS#1113 - Force client to u...
tree@ a7bdf8 commitdiff
2011-09-21 tbrehm
Added new namevirtualhost port functions to the installer and apache plugin.
tree@ a2156e commitdiff
2011-09-21 ftimme
Added support for PHP-FPM sockets.
tree@ 72ce78 commitdiff
2011-09-21 tbrehm
Improved folder protection.
tree@ 2023a7 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Renamed PHP-FPM pool files from {domain}.conf to web{domain_id}.conf.
tree@ ec7760 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Added "listen.allowed_clients =" to the php_fpm_pool.conf.maste...
tree@ 6e558a commitdiff
2011-09-20 tbrehm
Some fixes in folder protection.
tree@ c69439 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Enabled custom nginx directives.
tree@ 3c12a4 commitdiff
2011-09-20 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#899 - Folder protection
tree@ 524077 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Updated apps vhost configuration fir nginx. - Enabled Security Level (Ser...
tree@ fbb24a commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Hide Nginx Directives field - has no function yet. - Added escapeshellcmd...
tree@ 1d6d38 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Introduced placeholder [scheme] also for the website's "Redirect" tab.
tree@ 45ee67 commitdiff
2011-09-20 ftimme
- Added redirects for nginx. - Added SEO redirects (both Apache & nginx) to...
tree@ e64fbb commitdiff
2011-09-19 ftimme
Added support for the "Redirect" tab to nginx.
tree@ f92749 commitdiff
2011-09-19 ftimme
Custom php.ini settings: PHP-FPM might complain about invalid boolean value...
tree@ 32f65c commitdiff
2011-09-19 ftimme
Added custom php.ini directives to nginx + PHP-FPM.
tree@ 498618 commitdiff
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