Marius Burkard
2016-07-08 a2681500e148299c260f02e6556eacfe545b845b
2016-04-22 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 17d536 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Florian Schaal
comment mongodb
tree@ e7ae4e commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Add support for Ubuntu 16.04
tree@ 480fef commitdiff
2016-04-20 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of into st...
tree@ c5c7a9 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Marius Burkard
- fixed empty template error
tree@ 67d99a commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Added a check to prevent that password protected ssl keys get saved. Thanks...
tree@ bff982 commitdiff
2016-04-17 Daniel
Feat: enable xfs-quotas. --- Daniel Ripoll I was a DevOps before it was coo...
tree@ e14c6e commitdiff
2016-04-12 Till Brehm
Fixed: Issue #3820 v3.1 Shell user wrong default Base Dir in GUI results to...
tree@ 8216c5 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
finished new query style improved crojob
tree@ 7416d2 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
temporary commit
tree@ 6e91b6 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
neew db style also for cron
tree@ f2a687 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
updated to new query style
tree@ 678933 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
security enhancement
tree@ 1b5c13 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
last typo. Tested, Working as expected.
tree@ 0c04df commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
tree@ 2d9676 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
removed unneeded db permission and enhanced error handling on low entropy
tree@ c96d54 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
also write data into master-db
tree@ 204521 commitdiff
2016-04-07 Marius Burkard
- Changed 0000-00-00 date and datetime values to NULL (mySQL compatibility)...
tree@ 651642 commitdiff
2016-04-07 A. Täffner
reverted testing cron schedule
tree@ 7f0edc commitdiff
2016-04-07 A. Täffner
Fixed cron to update serial and not sign directly. This now issues a job fo...
tree@ ad1eea commitdiff
2016-04-05 Till Brehm
Fixed Open Issue #3789 php-fpm reload workaround targeted at Ubuntu 14.04 b...
tree@ e59bb8 commitdiff
2016-04-05 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 077c4a commitdiff
2016-04-05 Nick Andriopoulos
Comments out special handling for reloading PHP-FPM on CentOS7, refs #3739
tree@ 0d1c10 commitdiff
2016-03-30 Luis Guzman
Fix typo on first line of db_quota_notification_.txt
tree@ 0cf035 commitdiff
2016-03-26 Luis Guzman
Add Spanish templates to mail notifications
tree@ 39e521 commitdiff
2016-03-12 Hasan H. Gürsoy
missing new line at the end of the line causes conflicts with the following...
tree@ f5895d commitdiff
2016-03-09 Till Brehm
Changed download URL for dev versions to https.
tree@ 946704 commitdiff
2016-03-08 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'nginx_apps.vhost.master_mailman' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 50ff38 commitdiff
2016-03-02 Marius Burkard
- make session.save_path overridable in php-fpm (Fixes #3791)
tree@ 9fd930 commitdiff
2016-03-02 Marius Burkard
Use correct php.ini master file on custom directives (Fixes #3790)
tree@ 93292a commitdiff
2016-03-02 Robert Utnehmer
Fix #3787 Remove wrong fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME for Mailman in nginx_a...
tree@ 61137e commitdiff
2016-02-29 Marius Burkard
- fixed ssl disabling on letsencrypt and added aliasdomain (Fixes: #3779)
tree@ 50306f commitdiff
2016-02-29 Marius Burkard
- fixed problem with ipv6 set to *
tree@ 96f31d commitdiff
2016-02-25 Florian Schaal
IPv6 - assign address (Fixes #3733)
tree@ 99fcaa commitdiff
2016-02-20 Marius Burkard
- changed fcgi value (Fixes: #3770)
tree@ 4fa79c commitdiff
2016-02-19 Marius Burkard
- replaces escapeshellcmd by escapeshellarg (Fixes #3456)
tree@ 676dd1 commitdiff
2016-02-18 Marius Burkard
- Fixed mysql privilege REVOKE - Fixed mysql privilege reduction
tree@ 710dab commitdiff
2016-02-18 Marius Burkard
- fixed db privileges
tree@ 6f97fc commitdiff
2016-02-18 Marius Burkard
- fixed some things from previous commits
tree@ e06b59 commitdiff
2016-02-18 Marius Burkard
- Fixed database quota (Fixes #3766 and #3765)
tree@ e6c83e commitdiff
2016-02-18 Marius Burkard
- lock write access (except delete/drop/truncate) for databases exceeding q...
tree@ 5512af commitdiff
2016-02-17 Jesse Norell
fix sql query typo, closes #3762
tree@ 8df4a3 commitdiff
2016-02-16 Marius Burkard
- upstream fixes
tree@ 34c940 commitdiff
2016-02-15 Florian Schaal
removed useless FLUSH PRIVILEGES
tree@ 3dded7 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- another fix for apache 2.4
tree@ 3a5909 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- workaround for apache < 2.4
tree@ 8831af commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- fixed wrong letsencrypt paths
tree@ c2d5bc commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- letsencrypt files changed
tree@ f28595 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- changed the way letsencrypt is handled due to various problems
tree@ 7456a4 commitdiff
2016-02-11 Marius Burkard
- letsencrypt update from upstream
tree@ 1ba089 commitdiff
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