Till Brehm
2016-05-27 aaeba2a37f3f6762fd7400c6792f832250824e64
2016-05-27 Till Brehm
Removed code that was used as test fix for a letsencrypt issue.
tree@ 008ef8 commitdiff
2016-05-27 Marius Burkard
- added global nginx location for letsencrypt
tree@ cb16d9 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 498c86 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Fix for: #3838 UFW Firewall detected but not set in ispconfig System > Serv...
tree@ bea23a commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Implemented #3869 ISP 3.1 Debian Testing compatibility Removed ubuntu1604.l...
tree@ eab0cf commitdiff
2016-05-26 Florian Schaal
changed output for Wrong SQL-mode
tree@ b4ed40 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
- Introduced confid in $distver array to separate the config and class for ...
tree@ 3b8b9e commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
Fixed a typo in comments
tree@ 94b284 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 9d7ab0 commitdiff
2016-05-25 Florian Schaal
dovecot2 - enable iterate_query
tree@ 812da3 commitdiff
2016-05-21 Arkadiusz Rzadkowolski
Fix for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
tree@ 5b921e commitdiff
2016-05-19 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ dc7aa0 commitdiff
2016-05-19 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 9d3f20 commitdiff
2016-05-16 Florian Schaal
installer / updater for CentOS 7.2
tree@ 2b8e51 commitdiff
2016-05-13 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 3cf77b commitdiff
2016-05-09 Uwe Merbeth
detect the ubuntu version based on /etc/os-release
tree@ f5daec commitdiff
2016-05-09 Florian Schaal
updated amavis-config
tree@ dda641 commitdiff
2016-05-09 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 9e63ff commitdiff
2016-05-09 Florian Schaal
updated installer (Create auxillary postfix conf files)
tree@ 616ad0 commitdiff
2016-05-06 Christian Jonak
Fix DKIM signing
tree@ 08a4f4 commitdiff
2016-05-04 Marius Burkard
- changed PRIMARY keys with null values to UNIQUE
tree@ ab8baa commitdiff
2016-05-04 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ f6513f commitdiff
2016-05-03 Florian Schaal
Fixes: #3873
tree@ 57e982 commitdiff
2016-04-29 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ 69014b commitdiff
2016-04-29 Marius Burkard
- added missing sql column, Fixes: #3849
tree@ cf8227 commitdiff
2016-04-27 CSoellinger
Updating SSL options at ispconfig vhost based on the mozilla ssl configurat...
tree@ 473f06 commitdiff
2016-04-27 CSoellinger
Reformat some tabs to spaces(2)
tree@ 6e0b35 commitdiff
2016-04-25 Florian Schaal
updated installer and updater - detect which and haveged (Fixes: #3843 and ...
tree@ ead7ad commitdiff
2016-04-25 Florian Schaal
remove database-name from upd_0081.sql
tree@ d0e9f8 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Till Brehm
Changed version number to 3.1b1 for first beta release.
tree@ 037b69 commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Use Metronome init script from $conf array.
tree@ 8b608c commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Metronome init fix 2
tree@ 461977 commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Fixed a problem with metronome restart on update.
tree@ d5fb30 commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Add support for Ubuntu 16.04
tree@ 480fef commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Changed behaviour of UFW installation. Do not enable it by deafult as the f...
tree@ 8e5493 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Set maildir as default format for mailboxes.
tree@ a585f9 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Fixed #3829 for CentOS and Fedora.
tree@ 9bdcb1 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Fixed issue #3829 BlackList and WhiteList do not take into account the acti...
tree@ 2a37f9 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Moved sql dev collection content to incremental sql file 81.
tree@ 8dcf97 commitdiff
2016-04-19 Till Brehm
Fixed issue in sql dump.
tree@ ce7dfb commitdiff
2016-04-19 Till Brehm
Added missing http_port and https_port fields.
tree@ 634d3a commitdiff
2016-04-13 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ c420e7 commitdiff
2016-04-12 Florian Schaal
cleanup postfix-config
tree@ e48d98 commitdiff
2016-04-12 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ ae3e7a commitdiff
2016-04-12 Florian Schaal
changed smtpd_sender_restrictions
tree@ 83b91e commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
db permissions refined
tree@ 994f32 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
removed unneeded db permission and enhanced error handling on low entropy
tree@ c96d54 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
db permissions patch
tree@ 9af8f6 commitdiff
2016-04-11 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ de7d26 commitdiff
2016-04-10 Florian Schaal
removed power-dns from installer
tree@ 460a60 commitdiff
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