2008-12-27 b96784d7c002ad125ceba27e2749c2b3713bec0d
2008-12-16 redray
added auto-wildcard and auto-www support for domains and aliasdomains
tree@ 88a927 commitdiff
2008-11-27 tbrehm
Fix: all servers get listed as possible target for a new website
tree@ 625d17 commitdiff
2008-11-13 tbrehm
temporary renamed is_errordocs field back to errordocs
tree@ 12ea25 commitdiff
2008-11-12 redray
changed var-names for ownerrordocs option added www.-Subdomain option
tree@ ef49b7 commitdiff
2008-10-03 redray
tree@ 5dee0b commitdiff
2008-10-03 redray
tree@ 5b831f commitdiff
2008-10-03 redray
tree@ be9816 commitdiff
2008-09-14 tbrehm
tree@ f25b9e commitdiff
2008-09-13 tbrehm
Removed some fields of the advanced options tab of the website.
tree@ 4a4d48 commitdiff
2008-08-31 tbrehm
Added missing menu titles and form titles to language files.
tree@ 8aeb9f commitdiff
2008-08-31 tbrehm
- Added the readonly attribute to tabs. - Clients that are not resellers ca...
tree@ 21206c commitdiff
2008-06-14 tbrehm
Added forms to create databases to the interface. The server part is not im...
tree@ 73c2f2 commitdiff
2008-06-10 tbrehm
- Changed the plugin loader to load plugins in alphabetical order - Changed...
tree@ 5fa680 commitdiff
2008-06-05 daniel
Log symlinks changed
tree@ a91fdb commitdiff
2008-05-29 tbrehm
- added fast-cgi switch in web form. - added missing language file for subd...
tree@ ebad07 commitdiff
2008-05-28 tbrehm
- Added missing error messages in language files.
tree@ ecb873 commitdiff
2008-01-09 tbrehm
- Added apache directives field. - Updated ToDo list.
tree@ 9abbe8 commitdiff
2007-10-23 tbrehm
Improved ssh user and apache plugin.
tree@ 4132c6 commitdiff
2007-10-23 tbrehm
Added shelluser creation plugin. Updated apache ssl cert creation.
tree@ 026b48 commitdiff
2007-10-23 tbrehm
Added SSL website support.
tree@ 0a466d commitdiff
2007-10-17 tbrehm
Added support for shell users in the interface and fixed several strict syn...
tree@ af8f1b commitdiff
2007-06-29 tbrehm
- added basic update script - improved several functions in site module - a...
tree@ e2d6ed commitdiff
2007-06-26 tbrehm
Several updaes and bugfixes.
tree@ b4c750 commitdiff
2007-06-21 tbrehm
Added the website management module.
tree@ 18341e commitdiff
2006-02-16 tbrehm
Updates mail module
tree@ e22f1e commitdiff
2005-11-25 tbrehm
Email Black and Whitelists
tree@ 269eb5 commitdiff
2005-11-24 tbrehm
Email catchall and forward
tree@ 31ed6c commitdiff
2005-11-24 tbrehm
Mail alias
tree@ eac883 commitdiff
2005-11-24 tbrehm
Bugfix in tform
tree@ 0a28a5 commitdiff
2005-11-23 tbrehm
added mail_box
tree@ 348aef commitdiff
2005-11-23 tbrehm
some small changes
tree@ 0ff9ab commitdiff
2005-11-23 tbrehm
Added Domain relay and exim4 config
tree@ 8fab6e commitdiff
2005-11-23 tbrehm
Added Domain Alias in email Module.
tree@ dd0fc9 commitdiff
2005-11-09 tbrehm
Added mail domains
tree@ 83b0d0 commitdiff
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