2011-09-26 dbe5b0c9687ca2b1dc2dd7c8f150899335eae329
2011-04-08 latham
Remove DOS line returns lathama
tree@ 532ae5 commitdiff
2010-10-25 tbrehm
Updated some Helper scripts.
tree@ 2b54b2 commitdiff
2010-10-11 wyrie
tree@ c7d6d9 commitdiff
2010-10-11 wyrie
Helper script Bug fix updated layman path • Bug fix include soap flag whe...
tree@ 75bde1 commitdiff
2010-01-12 tbrehm
Added some documentatiom and a mydns to powerdns migration helper script.
tree@ 563af8 commitdiff
2009-12-30 wyrie
Bug fix: problem with logic in checking for package vlogger.
tree@ f2eb2f commitdiff
2009-12-15 agoston
Corrected 2 typos
tree@ 142fb6 commitdiff
2009-12-07 wyrie
Install: Bug fixes for gentoo set-up script: - Fix handling of default sysl...
tree@ 2ee270 commitdiff
2009-12-02 wyrie
Install: gentoo helper scripts
tree@ 1bb512 commitdiff
2009-11-19 tbrehm
- Updated Bind export script. - Added missing remoting functions
tree@ fbdcc4 commitdiff
2009-11-16 tbrehm
Updated DNS export script.
tree@ 3450d1 commitdiff
2009-11-09 tbrehm
Updated the dns_export_to_bind.php script.
tree@ c7bc69 commitdiff
2009-10-06 tbrehm
Added a script to recreate missing webalizer statistics.
tree@ 0e11b4 commitdiff
2009-09-15 tbrehm
Added a DNS export script that exports the ispconfig database into bind fil...
tree@ 86f130 commitdiff
2009-03-12 tbrehm
Added a new update script.
tree@ 66768a commitdiff
2008-11-10 tbrehm
Added Helper scripts to setup ispconfig in a openvz enviroment. Thanks to C...
tree@ f7da8e commitdiff
2008-06-05 daniel
Added debian / ubuntu setup helper script 328 - Added Options for custom is...
tree@ a9b823 commitdiff
2008-03-07 tbrehm
Updated several scripts and language files. Added a helper script for updat...
tree@ a6efc7 commitdiff
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