Marius Burkard
2016-07-10 e1ceb050e19c7574bca146a8da7047ee4ff456b5
2016-05-23 Marius Burkard
- changed json handler for REST api
blob@ ce9b51 commitdiff | diff to current
2016-05-03 Marius Burkard
- remoting (json) should produce array - Changed default value for expire o...
blob@ be9026 commitdiff | diff to current
2013-11-14 Marius Cramer
Cleaning up code to match coding guidelines
blob@ b1a6a5 commitdiff | diff to current
2013-09-06 mcramer
This is a big change, so please be cautious
blob@ 5bff39 commitdiff | diff to current
2013-09-05 mcramer
- Changed content-type of json remote
blob@ 88629f commitdiff | diff to current
2013-09-03 mcramer
- Implemented json remote handler, example: http://yourispconfig:8080/rem...
blob@ 073273 commitdiff | diff to current
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