Till Brehm
2016-06-29 e2a219e2971cbbc048c34470e435df4eea752a82
2016-06-27 Till Brehm
Change file mode of backups that are made available for download to 0600.
tree@ 65ee3a commitdiff
2016-06-23 Marius Burkard
- removed strict warning
tree@ 312ab0 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- added missing lockfile removal from previous commit
tree@ bc0420 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- moved lock file to front of file - disabled database logging of sql recon...
tree@ 611407 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- add non-interactive flag (expand cert, renew cert etc.)
tree@ cae251 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ 19478d commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- update LE must be called on sub/alias deleting too
tree@ 496602 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ df19dd commitdiff
2016-06-22 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ a5bd6a commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- fixed handling of added / removed alias and subdomains in letsencrypt - r...
tree@ a49635 commitdiff
2016-06-22 Till Brehm
CentOS 7.2 related fixes in installer and apache vhost template.
tree@ 2b3dfa commitdiff
2016-06-22 Marius Burkard
- fixed bug preventing backups on mounted dir
tree@ 9f824a commitdiff
2016-06-16 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ e67465 commitdiff
2016-06-16 Florian Schaal
fixed remove mail-backups (Bernd Kilmer)
tree@ e336d6 commitdiff
2016-06-15 Till Brehm
Fixed Issue 3944: Rewrite HTTP to HTTPS does not work without SEO Redirect
tree@ 3ad844 commitdiff
2016-06-06 Marius Burkard
- changed fpm socket group to fix access privilegue problems (does not decr...
tree@ 0dfb2d commitdiff
2016-06-02 Marius Burkard
- chance auth to certonly on letsencrypt
tree@ 833d4e commitdiff
2016-06-02 Marius Burkard
- fixed function call in previous commit
tree@ 7646a2 commitdiff
2016-06-02 Marius Burkard
- added 'certbot' to which command (if letsencrypt is not installed as syst...
tree@ ba2446 commitdiff
2016-05-31 Marius Burkard
- only restart web server if cert was renewed
tree@ b11557 commitdiff
2016-05-27 Marius Burkard
- avoid empty ip address on nginx vhost
tree@ 799ea6 commitdiff
2016-05-27 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ f8a07d commitdiff
2016-05-27 Florian Schaal
add optional arrays for service-name to function system->getinitcommand and...
tree@ ea476a commitdiff
2016-05-27 Till Brehm
Fixed: #3931 Call to undefined function swriteln()
tree@ 62b400 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Fixed #3930 usage of split in letsencrypt cron module.
tree@ 0af38c commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Fixed: #3928 usage of deprecated php function split.
tree@ bd6f59 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Issue #3872: Fixed syntax incompatibility with old PHP versions.
tree@ 7de9c4 commitdiff
2016-05-26 Till Brehm
Implemented #3869 ISP 3.1 Debian Testing compatibility Removed ubuntu1604.l...
tree@ eab0cf commitdiff
2016-05-25 Till Brehm
- Introduced confid in $distver array to separate the config and class for ...
tree@ 3b8b9e commitdiff
2016-05-24 Jesse Norell
support letsencrypt from OS package Closes: #3908
tree@ 190275 commitdiff
2016-05-24 Till Brehm
Implemented #3916 Disabled Strict-Transport-Security in default apache temp...
tree@ 0c381c commitdiff
2016-05-11 Marius Burkard
- webserver has to be restarted after letsencrypt updates
tree@ 72057a commitdiff
2016-04-27 Marius Burkard
- Fixed invalid apache config Fixes: #3850
tree@ b218ba commitdiff
2016-04-27 Marius Burkard
- disable SSL/LE if letsencrypt could not issue certificate (verification p...
tree@ 551d9a commitdiff
2016-04-27 Marius Burkard
Resolved nginx + letsencrypt problem, Fixes: #3845
tree@ 4a060e commitdiff
2016-04-26 Florian Schaal
Fixes: #3846
tree@ b5b608 commitdiff
2016-04-25 Florian Schaal
Fixed syntax error in new XFS quota code (cron)
tree@ 14ab93 commitdiff
2016-04-25 Till Brehm
Fixed syntax error in new XFS quota code.
tree@ e4393f commitdiff
2016-04-24 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'xfs-quota' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ bc6917 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ 8cad78 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Till Brehm
Fixed 404 problem in HHVM PHP mode.
tree@ 404c72 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'master' into 'stable-3.1'
tree@ 17d536 commitdiff
2016-04-22 Florian Schaal
comment mongodb
tree@ e7ae4e commitdiff
2016-04-21 Till Brehm
Add support for Ubuntu 16.04
tree@ 480fef commitdiff
2016-04-20 Marius Burkard
Merge branch 'stable-3.1' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into st...
tree@ c5c7a9 commitdiff
2016-04-20 Marius Burkard
- fixed empty template error
tree@ 67d99a commitdiff
2016-04-20 Till Brehm
Added a check to prevent that password protected ssl keys get saved. Thanks...
tree@ bff982 commitdiff
2016-04-17 Daniel
Feat: enable xfs-quotas. --- Daniel Ripoll I was a DevOps before it was coo...
tree@ e14c6e commitdiff
2016-04-12 Till Brehm
Fixed: Issue #3820 v3.1 Shell user wrong default Base Dir in GUI results to...
tree@ 8216c5 commitdiff
2016-04-11 A. Täffner
finished new query style improved crojob
tree@ 7416d2 commitdiff
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