2012-06-11 897af06af9522ded99b1e0f46730299e89856ffe
2012-06-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2239 - Ubuntu 12.04 - Apache errors - vlogger keeps failing
tree@ 15c949 commitdiff
2012-06-05 tbrehm
- Fixed: FS#2225 - webdav access not working when redirect is used to selec...
tree@ 5b92a4 commitdiff
2012-05-25 tbrehm
- Fixed bug in mailbox function of the resync tool. - Added missing alias a...
tree@ af9f25 commitdiff
2012-05-08 tbrehm
Fixed formatting issue in vhost.conf.master
tree@ c795ee commitdiff
2012-05-08 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2161 - WebDAV LockDB not writable when using apache-mpm-itk
tree@ b4eed6 commitdiff
2012-05-03 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2201 - sieve duplicate message
tree@ dba1bd commitdiff
2012-04-04 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2120.
tree@ b31e34 commitdiff
2012-04-04 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2158.
tree@ 6f30dd commitdiff
2012-02-22 ftimme
- nginx: changed /awstats-icon location from "location /awstats-icon" to "l...
tree@ 8188e8 commitdiff
2012-02-13 tbrehm
- Reverted some open_basedir changes
tree@ a89035 commitdiff
2012-02-13 ftimme
- Adjusted open_basedir for Apache apps vhost and nginx ISPConfig and nginx...
tree@ 0fd7da commitdiff
2012-02-13 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2039 - mod_fcgid: HTTP request length 131924 (so far) exceeds Max...
tree@ 673b07 commitdiff
2012-02-13 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2052 - Problem with SSLCACertificateFile
tree@ dfc3c9 commitdiff
2012-02-03 ftimme
- nginx: added client_max_body_size 20M; to ISPConfig and apps vhost to all...
tree@ 3c4ce8 commitdiff
2012-02-02 ftimme
tree@ 211a53 commitdiff
2012-02-02 ftimme
- nginx: Changed fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME lines in apps.vhost so that ...
tree@ f2cc42 commitdiff
2012-01-23 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1992 - Error path apache2 vhost.
tree@ ad1558 commitdiff
2012-01-23 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2002 - AWStats minor bug
tree@ e1fa15 commitdiff
2012-01-10 ftimme
- Added an alias "/awstats-icon" for /usr/share/awstats/icon to the nginx v...
tree@ 708fe5 commitdiff
2012-01-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1903 - Email - domain set as domain alias cannot be offered for m...
tree@ 32cd35 commitdiff
2012-01-02 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1893 - Bastille firewall configuration without bond+ interface
tree@ 900397 commitdiff
2011-11-24 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1860 - Ruby on openSUSE 12.1
tree@ b6d93d commitdiff
2011-11-21 tbrehm
- Readded sieve filter master file.
tree@ f442da commitdiff
2011-11-18 tbrehm
- Select sieve template depending on dovecot version as doevceot 1.0 does n...
tree@ ae6b86 commitdiff
2011-11-14 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1681 - Out-of-Office too early Fixed: FS#1801 - german specialcha...
tree@ daa532 commitdiff
2011-11-08 tbrehm
- Bugfix in DNS template wizard - Removed unused code in server.php - Comme...
tree@ 64f3d7 commitdiff
2011-11-01 ftimme
- Fixed FS#1825.
tree@ 93539b commitdiff
2011-10-24 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1817 - stats
tree@ 28288d commitdiff
2011-10-21 tbrehm
- Updated italian translation. - Merged language files.
tree@ 503446 commitdiff
2011-10-21 tbrehm
- Added croatian index and error pages.
tree@ 53f0a7 commitdiff
2011-10-20 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#1777 - AWStats: In months with two digits (10, 11, 12) order is b...
tree@ 255dcd commitdiff
2011-10-18 ftimme
- Added Mailman configuration to nginx apps vhost.
tree@ 94a7e1 commitdiff
2011-10-13 ftimme
- Fixed #1798.
tree@ af4864 commitdiff
2011-10-11 ftimme
- Changed nginx folder protection.
tree@ 6bd5a2 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Implemented folder protection for nginx.
tree@ 900a38 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Fixed #1783.
tree@ 2fc631 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
tree@ 67a707 commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
tree@ 8552ed commitdiff
2011-10-10 ftimme
- Apps vhost: To access phpMyAdmin/SquirrelMail, the default user (like www...
tree@ e91947 commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: If apps vhost is reconfigured, apps pool (PHP-FPM) is reconfigured...
tree@ 99b55b commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: Changed ispconfig and apps vhost from using PHP-FPM TCP connection...
tree@ ca0b77 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- nginx: moved phpMyAdmin and SquirrelMail aliases from ISPConfig vhost to ...
tree@ f19eb6 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Added PHP-FPM pm settings (pm.max_children, pm.start_servers, pm.min_spar...
tree@ 445513 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Changed FastCGI buffers for ISPConfig nginx vhost because otherwise you g...
tree@ ad9986 commitdiff
2011-09-26 ftimme
- Adjusted <Directory> path for mod_python.
tree@ f8cd03 commitdiff
2011-09-26 ftimme
- Added Python support (for Apache).
tree@ 298ef5 commitdiff
2011-09-25 ftimme
- Installer adds ispconfig user to Apache group on Fedora/CentOS so that ng...
tree@ bcb8eb commitdiff
2011-09-23 ftimme
- Added "ipv6only=on" to the IPv6 listen lines in the nginx vhost template ...
tree@ c7e47e commitdiff
2011-09-23 ftimme
- Added IPv6 support for nginx.
tree@ 8e2c2e commitdiff
2011-09-23 tbrehm
- Fixed some awstats problems. - Added SNI config field in sysetm > server ...
tree@ d81a4c commitdiff
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