Marius Cramer
2013-10-14 d9bcf68e395d6156645a7974b1a992aa6e6c00aa
2013-09-04 tbrehm
Fixed variable conversion issue in installer.
tree@ 504537 commitdiff
2013-09-04 tbrehm
- Added warning message to language import script. - Added switch to disabl...
tree@ f2a9b2 commitdiff
2013-08-08 ftimme
- Fixed "PHP Notice: Undefined variable: rbl_list in /tmp/ispconfig-3.0.5/...
tree@ 74d5e1 commitdiff
2013-07-12 mcramer
- Moved postfix postconf lines (only those executed on update, too) to temp...
tree@ deb58f commitdiff
2013-07-12 mcramer
- Changed installer template handling It is now possible to put a customi...
tree@ 0bc228 commitdiff
2013-03-28 tbrehm
Cahnged mailman group in opensuse to "mailman".
tree@ e2a410 commitdiff
2013-03-28 tbrehm
Improved mailman config in centos.
tree@ f6c99a commitdiff
2013-03-28 tbrehm
Set correct mailman group name in fedora.
tree@ 91d36a commitdiff
2013-03-28 tbrehm
Improved mailman config in centos and OpenSuSE.
tree@ 9f16dc commitdiff
2013-03-20 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2793 - Security issue /var/log/ispconfig/cron.log
tree@ 5f0b1d commitdiff
2013-02-27 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2722 - Bug Version 3.0.5 - The Access to Panel was Blocked.
tree@ bde58f commitdiff
2013-02-26 tbrehm
Fixed some php warnings.
tree@ 1a70b0 commitdiff
2013-02-26 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2716 - Blank page after update on OpenSuSE Linux
tree@ 27403e commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Set correct values in $conf['web']['website_basedir'].'/php-fcgi-scripts/...
tree@ 671cb4 commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Mailman group is called "mailman" on CentOS/Fedora instead of "list".
tree@ adbbf3 commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2694 - OpenSUSE 12.2: no group called "list".
tree@ 22b1db commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Make sure PHP-FPM pool directory exists also if Apache is used.
tree@ 34491b commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2631 - OpenSuSE: Check path to ispconfig fcgi starter script.
tree@ 11ba59 commitdiff
2013-02-06 tbrehm
FS#2651 - Improve mailman configuration
tree@ 345a63 commitdiff
2013-01-04 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2593 - PHP Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /root/i...
tree@ 4ad150 commitdiff
2013-01-01 ftimme
- Fixed
tree@ 4d0854 commitdiff
2012-12-12 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#2582 - Add support for SSL bundle certificates (SSLCACertif...
tree@ 9c9a7d commitdiff
2012-10-24 tbrehm
Removed mod_php support from ispconfig apache vhost file.
tree@ 23fa83 commitdiff
2012-08-23 tbrehm
Fixed problem with ispconfig auth.log permissions.
tree@ 0799f8 commitdiff
2012-08-22 tbrehm
Added code to remove the domain module to the installer.
tree@ d71bae commitdiff
2012-08-21 cfoe
fixed php errors on install/update
tree@ 41eaa8 commitdiff
2012-08-17 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2378 - $conf['theme'] value in interface/lib/ is ov...
tree@ f598b0 commitdiff
2012-08-17 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#2283 - Add O option to dovecot transport in postfix master....
tree@ 013ae4 commitdiff
2012-08-15 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2323 - Replace fixed localhost setting in install/tpl/mysql_clien...
tree@ 0fed3b commitdiff
2012-08-15 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2295 - Dovecot2 install on CentOS (6) broken
tree@ 9ec545 commitdiff
2012-06-07 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3100-3175 from stable branch.
tree@ 26c0fc commitdiff
2012-05-24 tbrehm
Initial commit of the interface part of the APS installer.
tree@ 477d4e commitdiff
2012-05-10 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3049-3051,3053-3054,3058,3070,3074-3077,3082,3086-3088,309...
tree@ e94a9f commitdiff
2012-05-03 ftimme
- Make sure the apps vhost gets configured no matter if the ISPConfig inter...
tree@ 165152 commitdiff
2012-05-03 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2198.
tree@ 7e1cfb commitdiff
2012-04-12 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3028-3045 from stable branch.
tree@ 02bf99 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Merged revisions 2943-3026 from stable branch.
tree@ b67344 commitdiff
2012-01-26 tbrehm
Merged revisions 2911-2912 from stable branch.
tree@ 31e0d1 commitdiff
2012-01-12 tbrehm
Merged revisions 2812-2883 from staböe branch.
tree@ 8cf78b commitdiff
2011-11-21 tbrehm
Merged revisions 2741-2788 from SVN stable branch.
tree@ edf806 commitdiff
2011-10-21 tbrehm
Merged revisions 2681-2739 from 3.0.4 stable branch.
tree@ 8ab3cd commitdiff
2011-09-29 ftimme
- Added a check to see if the group "ispapps" exists.
tree@ 272aec commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
tree@ 6e2d48 commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- Fixed syntax error in fedora.lib.php on line 870.
tree@ 491e35 commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: If apps vhost is reconfigured, apps pool (PHP-FPM) is reconfigured...
tree@ 99b55b commitdiff
2011-09-28 ftimme
- nginx: Changed ispconfig and apps vhost from using PHP-FPM TCP connection...
tree@ ca0b77 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- nginx: moved phpMyAdmin and SquirrelMail aliases from ISPConfig vhost to ...
tree@ f19eb6 commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
tree@ 3b273a commitdiff
2011-09-27 ftimme
- Fedora installer: create a symlink from /usr/share/phpmyadmin to /usr/sha...
tree@ 5c14b6 commitdiff
2011-09-26 ftimme
- OpenSUSE: check if the line "include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*.vhost;" e...
tree@ dbe5b0 commitdiff
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