Marius Cramer
2013-10-14 d9bcf68e395d6156645a7974b1a992aa6e6c00aa
2013-09-04 tbrehm
- Added warning message to language import script. - Added switch to disabl...
tree@ f2a9b2 commitdiff
2013-08-14 ftimme
- Added new dashlet fields to system.ini.master.
tree@ 627124 commitdiff
2013-08-09 tbrehm
Changed version number to
tree@ f9ce63 commitdiff
2013-07-22 ftimme
- Integrated munin into Monitoring module.
tree@ 0da99a commitdiff
2013-07-21 ftimme
- Monit integration into Monitoring module; allows to start/stop/restart se...
tree@ a4814e commitdiff
2013-07-12 mcramer
- Moved postfix postconf lines (only those executed on update, too) to temp...
tree@ deb58f commitdiff
2013-07-11 ftimme
- Admins can now choose to be notified by email about debug, warning or err...
tree@ 20ee9f commitdiff
2013-07-08 mcramer
- Implemented: - send quota notifications each X days instead of each day...
tree@ ed1260 commitdiff
2013-07-04 ftimme
- Added mailbox quota notifications (if mailbox uses more than 90% of confi...
tree@ d1d7fe commitdiff
2013-07-03 ftimme
- Send daily quota warnings if web site's disk usage >= 90% of configured q...
tree@ c33c78 commitdiff
2013-07-02 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2945 - PHP open_basedir settings skewed.
tree@ 36b91f commitdiff
2013-06-08 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2970 - Dovecot imap-login limit to low!! (for a great number of ...
tree@ 93a69e commitdiff
2013-04-16 tbrehm
Disabled indexes for ispconfig apache vhost.
tree@ 96983e commitdiff
2013-03-28 tbrehm
Updated version number to
tree@ 5d71a6 commitdiff
2013-03-28 ftimme
- Added linebreak to make sure each NameVirtualHost directive has its own l...
tree@ 228607 commitdiff
2013-03-27 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2732 - Language file import not always working
tree@ 911f9d commitdiff
2013-03-25 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2827 - Subdomain vhost quota interferes with the site quota.
tree@ a3277a commitdiff
2013-03-20 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2788 - breaks servers using mpm-itk with the web interfac...
tree@ b8408a commitdiff
2013-03-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2813 - Missing APS package icons and screenshots.
tree@ 702b23 commitdiff
2013-03-07 tbrehm
Undone: Disabled managesieve in dovecot 1.2 configuration file for debian 5.
tree@ f005cb commitdiff
2013-03-07 tbrehm
Disabled managesieve in dovecot 1.2 configuration file for debian 5.
tree@ c34995 commitdiff
2013-02-26 tbrehm
Updated version number to
tree@ dd94b8 commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Set correct values in $conf['web']['website_basedir'].'/php-fcgi-scripts/...
tree@ 671cb4 commitdiff
2013-02-20 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2631 - OpenSuSE: Check path to ispconfig fcgi starter script.
tree@ 11ba59 commitdiff
2013-02-06 tbrehm
FS#2651 - Improve mailman configuration
tree@ fc85c7 commitdiff
2013-01-23 ftimme
- Changed default pm values for apps vhost PHP-FPM pool.
tree@ 7c7d9f commitdiff
2013-01-17 tbrehm
Disabled the IPv6 prefix functions in 3.0.5. They will get introduced in 3....
tree@ 959c34 commitdiff
2012-12-18 tbrehm
Disabled ipv6 mirror rewriting in this release. This feature is still under...
tree@ 1568a7 commitdiff
2012-12-12 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#2582 - Add support for SSL bundle certificates (SSLCACertif...
tree@ 9c9a7d commitdiff
2012-12-06 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2570 - Changind site domain rewrites custom open_basedir settings...
tree@ a07595 commitdiff
2012-12-04 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2567 - Username in ISPConfig 3.05
tree@ 29510b commitdiff
2012-11-29 ftimme
- Added options to disable combobox and load indicator in Interface Config ...
tree@ 06edfd commitdiff
2012-11-14 tbrehm
Changed login = '%u' to (login = '%u' OR email = '%u') in password query of...
tree@ 0adf13 commitdiff
2012-11-14 tbrehm
Added function for IPv6 prefixes in multiserver mirror setups.
tree@ 5f671f commitdiff
2012-11-09 tbrehm
FS#2527 - Is PHP open_basedir /usr/share/php5 correct? Added /usr/share/php...
tree@ f0ec25 commitdiff
2012-11-06 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#2437 - iterate_query in dovecot-sql.conf is missing The que...
tree@ c7f0b8 commitdiff
2012-10-24 tbrehm
Removed mod_php support from ispconfig apache vhost file.
tree@ 23fa83 commitdiff
2012-09-30 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2414 - Update to 3.04 worng parameters for dovetcot.
tree@ 6ed098 commitdiff
2012-09-10 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2199 - Modifying fastcgi_params in nginx clashes with nginx_apps...
tree@ 341c3d commitdiff
2012-09-10 ftimme
- Added check for the apps vhost to find out if the default PHP-FPM pool us...
tree@ 183c47 commitdiff
2012-09-06 Bimon
avoid 400 bad request error if ssl is enabled and interface is accessed wit...
tree@ 3c3580 commitdiff
2012-09-05 mcramer
- Implemented check for theme compatibility - Implemented session message s...
tree@ 5715f5 commitdiff
2012-08-28 tbrehm
Implemented: FS#2000 - Remove 192.168.x defaults from network configuration...
tree@ c92c97 commitdiff
2012-08-22 tbrehm
Added new "private" directory to open_basedir path of the website.
tree@ 9bd8c0 commitdiff
2012-08-22 tbrehm
- Added overtraffic notifications to traffic quota system (part of FS#2059 ...
tree@ df76de commitdiff
2012-08-21 cfoe
fixed .php-fcgi-starter for frontend
tree@ 307b03 commitdiff
2012-08-17 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2378 - $conf['theme'] value in interface/lib/ is ov...
tree@ f598b0 commitdiff
2012-08-15 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2323 - Replace fixed localhost setting in install/tpl/mysql_clien...
tree@ 0fed3b commitdiff
2012-08-10 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2291 - Postfix & Dovecot : unknown user
tree@ 28048c commitdiff
2012-07-25 tbrehm
Enable new web folder protection feature as default.
tree@ e1a747 commitdiff
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