Marius Cramer
2013-10-14 d9bcf68e395d6156645a7974b1a992aa6e6c00aa
2013-06-12 mcramer
Reworked database user management to fix FS#2918 - multiserver - remote acc...
tree@ d18ac5 commitdiff
2013-06-11 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2931 - Show update state probleme with APT locales.
tree@ f2d4cb commitdiff
2013-06-11 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2968 - linux user and group deletion order is wrong when a clien...
tree@ 0889fc commitdiff
2013-06-11 mcramer
Fixed typo (wrong variable used) in redirect path checking
tree@ 610516 commitdiff
2013-06-08 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2950 - DNS: Empty TTL leads to zero TTL (should be empty to use ...
tree@ d32eb6 commitdiff
2013-06-08 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2969 - Getmail config on Wheezy.
tree@ 5eab70 commitdiff
2013-06-08 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2957 - Fail moving website to new customer.
tree@ 0ee99a commitdiff
2013-05-27 tbrehm
Fixed typo in error message.
tree@ 15e982 commitdiff
2013-05-17 mcramer
- Possible Fix for: FS#2918 - multiserver - remote access db passwd not ch...
tree@ 6508d0 commitdiff
2013-04-15 mcramer
- Fixed: FS#2895 - Traffic reporting for vhost subdomains broken
tree@ d9aae7 commitdiff
2013-03-31 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2850 - vhostsubdomain -> custom php.ini -> files not created.
tree@ c0efb4 commitdiff
2013-03-28 ftimme
- Added linebreak to make sure each NameVirtualHost directive has its own l...
tree@ 228607 commitdiff
2013-03-28 ftimme
- Added linebreak to make sure each NameVirtualHost directive has its own l...
tree@ b4ae94 commitdiff
2013-03-27 ftimme
- Added trims to posix_getgrnam function.
tree@ 86a1fe commitdiff
2013-03-27 ftimme
- Added function posix_getgrnam() to (for systems where the ...
tree@ bd52d6 commitdiff
2013-03-27 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2836 - Upgrade from 3.0.4.x to 3.0.5 will break ispconfig setup i...
tree@ 6b3bfc commitdiff
2013-03-26 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2777 - postmap not executed on virtual mailman file when a mailin...
tree@ 9df2df commitdiff
2013-03-25 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2827 - Subdomain vhost quota interferes with the site quota.
tree@ a3277a commitdiff
2013-03-25 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2761 - Missing NameVirtualHost *:443.
tree@ 1c56ba commitdiff
2013-03-20 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2783 - server config / mail / rbl list.
tree@ b8c358 commitdiff
2013-03-20 tbrehm
Removed plugin-core functions.
tree@ 352506 commitdiff
2013-03-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2765 - Rename DNS zone make new file, but old is not deleted.
tree@ f353d3 commitdiff
2013-03-19 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2744 - Trying to clone an uncloneable object of class db
tree@ a0ee80 commitdiff
2013-03-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2769 - ISPc db restore problem.
tree@ e14d65 commitdiff
2013-03-19 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2787 - Adding new FTP directory to a user not working properly
tree@ 217596 commitdiff
2013-03-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2813 - Missing APS package icons and screenshots.
tree@ 702b23 commitdiff
2013-03-14 ftimme
- Bugfix: Redirects must be set to http instead of https for non-SSL IPv6 v...
tree@ aa6dee commitdiff
2013-03-13 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2760 - Redirect on SSL enabled host redirects to http://.
tree@ a6ca3c commitdiff
2013-03-06 ftimme
- Added -idle-timeout 300 to FastCgiExternalServer directive in Apache vhost.
tree@ 9156cc commitdiff
2013-03-04 mcramer
- Fixed: maildeliver plugin could cause the server process to crash and lea...
tree@ 61e8f4 commitdiff
2013-03-01 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2733 - The Linux shell users of a website does not get removed w...
tree@ d16282 commitdiff
2013-02-27 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2727 - APS installations / deletions alters permissions
tree@ fac721 commitdiff
2013-02-26 tbrehm
- Fixed bug with $mysqli->connect_error in PHP versions prior to 5.2.9 and ...
tree@ e5c896 commitdiff
2013-02-25 ftimme
- Make sure the correct php.ini master file 8dependent on PHP version) is l...
tree@ ea292c commitdiff
2013-02-25 mcramer
- Fixed: maildeliver plugin wrote email multiple times when having alias do...
tree@ c9046e commitdiff
2013-02-25 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2698 - apache cant read .htpasswd_stats
tree@ c22b9b commitdiff
2013-02-25 ftimme
- Foxed FS#2706 - Check if php-fpm uses a wrong document root in websites.
tree@ 985857 commitdiff
2013-02-24 ftimme
- Added function to find out when a MySQL user can be dropped and when we h...
tree@ cb5f9e commitdiff
2013-02-24 ftimme
- Forgot to use old IP list for two REVOKE operations.
tree@ 60f0b8 commitdiff
2013-02-24 ftimme
- MySQL: Use old host list instead of new host list on REVOKEs. - MySQL: Sk...
tree@ 8fd09c commitdiff
2013-02-24 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2702 - custom app vhost conf not taken.
tree@ c1f161 commitdiff
2013-02-21 ftimme
- SEO redirects for alias domains were not written to the vhost.
tree@ c9da1a commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Avoid error messages from Bastille.
tree@ d81d64 commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2673 - Deletion of APS instance deletes error and stats folders.
tree@ 62fcac commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2655 - usermod fails with "user xyz is currently logged in".
tree@ cc1d57 commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Suppress error outputs of repquota and iptables/ip6tables.
tree@ 9b4cef commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Don't display errors from df output.
tree@ 595c4d commitdiff
2013-02-19 ftimme
- Found better solution for deleting vhostsubdomains when parent domain is ...
tree@ 47440e commitdiff
2013-02-18 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2671 - Deleting webs with vhostsubdomains.
tree@ 4cc499 commitdiff
2013-02-13 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2640 - Some apps cannot be installed.
tree@ 4ae31a commitdiff
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