2012-06-11 897af06af9522ded99b1e0f46730299e89856ffe
2012-04-10 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2074.
tree@ f36857 commitdiff
2012-04-10 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2129.
tree@ 668c8e commitdiff
2012-04-09 ftimme
- Make sure no rewrite rules are created if the redirect path is empty.
tree@ 790cb8 commitdiff
2012-04-09 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2099.
tree@ accfe5 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2100 - Mailman config deletes mm_cfg.py
tree@ c912e5 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2110 - Fix bug in atom feed parser
tree@ a3fa45 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2119 - String missing in language files? Uploaded new HR language...
tree@ e15295 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Merged language files.
tree@ cb9197 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2126 - Unlock ssl csr field again.
tree@ 5509e3 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2159 - Custom logo
tree@ aad3f0 commitdiff
2012-04-05 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2123 - MySQL install error with specialchar password
tree@ b28669 commitdiff
2012-04-04 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2120.
tree@ b31e34 commitdiff
2012-04-04 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2158.
tree@ 6f30dd commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2154 - Client ID is incorrect in "PHP open_basedir" field of Webs...
tree@ 513152 commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2135 - Nginx template error on apache system
tree@ b27409 commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Extended path checks for webdav users in apache plugin.
tree@ 835c5d commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Extended path checks for ftp and shell users.
tree@ bbb954 commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2157 - Add new Webdav user" can chmod and chown entire server fro...
tree@ 217b8d commitdiff
2012-04-04 tbrehm
Added function dns_templatezone_add to remote api.
tree@ 8c080c commitdiff
2012-03-24 tbrehm
Fixed search list bug in webdav user list.
tree@ 652954 commitdiff
2012-03-13 tbrehm
Added server_ip* functions to remote API.
tree@ b0e671 commitdiff
2012-03-09 tbrehm
- Fixed a bug in dovecot-sql.conf file were the email field instaed of the ...
tree@ b086cb commitdiff
2012-03-09 tbrehm
- Deleted config directory. It contained only some old and outdated config ...
tree@ 7545f4 commitdiff
2012-03-07 tbrehm
Dont set myhostname, mydomain and mynetworks on update in main.cf
tree@ a017a5 commitdiff
2012-03-06 tbrehm
Fixed mysql encryption function in remoting_lib.inc.php
tree@ ec40f5 commitdiff
2012-03-02 tbrehm
Set wget troes to 1 in cron_plugin.inc.php and timeout to 7200 seconds.
tree@ 6653f7 commitdiff
2012-03-01 tbrehm
Updated field validators of remote library.
tree@ ef1286 commitdiff
2012-03-01 tbrehm
Fixed a problem that mirror servers could be selected as default servers in...
tree@ fcf6a0 commitdiff
2012-02-28 tbrehm
Added link to php timezone list in config.inc.php.master
tree@ abaacd commitdiff
2012-02-28 tbrehm
Fixed some php notices.
tree@ 10fd4f commitdiff
2012-02-27 ftimme
tree@ ae564b commitdiff
2012-02-27 ftimme
- Added JavaScript function submitFormConfirm(formname,target,confirmation)...
tree@ 74c2c0 commitdiff
2012-02-27 tbrehm
Merged language files.
tree@ 09bdcf commitdiff
2012-02-24 tbrehm
Fixed a bug in awstats alias domains.
tree@ 1abf85 commitdiff
2012-02-24 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2057 - Webdav User Password can't contain special chars
tree@ 91aaaf commitdiff
2012-02-24 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2078 - Cron - ISPConfig website users permission - Improved date ...
tree@ b2fbe1 commitdiff
2012-02-23 ftimme
- Modified German client language file.
tree@ 5fb83b commitdiff
2012-02-23 ftimme
tree@ c3f9ec commitdiff
2012-02-23 ftimme
- nginx: Added fastcgi_param HTTPS line to ISPConfig vhost.
tree@ aba5d3 commitdiff
2012-02-23 ftimme
- Added $wb['conf_format_dateshort_human_readable'] variable (shows the hum...
tree@ 312d7a commitdiff
2012-02-22 ftimme
- nginx: changed /awstats-icon location from "location /awstats-icon" to "l...
tree@ 8188e8 commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2087 - Awstats on nginx and apache
tree@ b10f96 commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2087 - Awstats on nginx
tree@ e71610 commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2086 - Soap Error: autoresponder_start_date_isfuture
tree@ 6ad0bf commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2081 - PHP Notice: Undefined property when updating ISPConfig on ...
tree@ 62ce8d commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2054 - Check monitor system state details
tree@ 18caff commitdiff
2012-02-22 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#2082 - Use MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP or time() Consistently
tree@ e14e77 commitdiff
2012-02-20 tbrehm
Additional fix for last commit.
tree@ 1a3f65 commitdiff
2012-02-17 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2073.
tree@ 09c682 commitdiff
2012-02-17 tbrehm
Removed -n switch from mpt-status command to get a cleaner output of the ra...
tree@ 9a6331 commitdiff
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