Marius Cramer
2013-10-14 d9bcf68e395d6156645a7974b1a992aa6e6c00aa
2013-08-14 ftimme
- Make sure clients can get only the PHP versions they are allowed to get e...
tree@ 7ee3c8 commitdiff
2013-08-14 ftimme
- Added new dashlet fields to system.ini.master.
tree@ 627124 commitdiff
2013-08-14 ftimme
- Dashlets can now be managed from interface config (left column, right col...
tree@ 108e4b commitdiff
2013-08-14 mcramer
- Fixed: template handling via remoting - and typo
tree@ d6fa81 commitdiff
2013-08-14 ftimme
- Bugfix: make sure correct PHP versions are loaded for each role (admin, r...
tree@ dc8251 commitdiff
2013-08-14 mcramer
- Fixed: sys_user doesn't use 'y'/'n' but 1/0 - so client_edit set wrong va...
tree@ 805e46 commitdiff
2013-08-14 mcramer
- Fixed: new security permission checks prevented clients from changing php...
tree@ a2efd1 commitdiff
2013-08-13 tbrehm
Improved permission checks.
tree@ 2b9951 commitdiff
2013-08-13 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#3089 - FTP User Options - ERROR You have no permission for this d...
tree@ 6be2e0 commitdiff
2013-08-13 tbrehm
Fixed client_updat remoting example.
tree@ 6a623a commitdiff
2013-08-12 mcramer
- Fixed: handling of template_additional when used by remoting api in the o...
tree@ bc22d5 commitdiff
2013-08-12 tbrehm
Fixed first notice from: FS#3092 - PHP notices in cron log.
tree@ 0d834a commitdiff
2013-08-12 tbrehm
Changed error reporting level to "E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE" in cron_daily.php like...
tree@ 539464 commitdiff
2013-08-12 mcramer
- Fixed: solved an issue were databases of aps instances were not deleted c...
tree@ 18fbae commitdiff
2013-08-10 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#3086 - SQL uery warning about sys_ini access in multiserver setups
tree@ d86b88 commitdiff
2013-08-09 mcramer
- Fixed missing reset of template_additional column after converting to new...
tree@ 0a957f commitdiff
2013-08-09 mcramer
- Implemented: FS#3077 - Add gender field for client - Implemented: FS#1...
tree@ 81e1f8 commitdiff
2013-08-09 tbrehm
Fixed syntax error.
tree@ 5e2917 commitdiff
2013-08-09 tbrehm
Changed version number to
tree@ f9ce63 commitdiff
2013-08-09 ftimme
- Added check that $app->modules->current_datalog_id is set and > 0.
tree@ 0d8ef8 commitdiff
2013-08-09 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#3053 - Empty sql backups
tree@ 6ec951 commitdiff
2013-08-09 ftimme
- Make sure we have a valid sender for quota notification emails.
tree@ 0c0e7a commitdiff
2013-08-09 tbrehm
Changed default for "Install ISPConfig Web Interface" to 'n' for multiserve...
tree@ cc434c commitdiff
2013-08-09 ftimme
- Fix for previous commit: needed to escape $line.
tree@ f79d1d commitdiff
2013-08-09 ftimme
- Fixed: FS#1099 - Add date/time or Timstamp to ISP Cron Log.
tree@ 5197b8 commitdiff
2013-08-08 tbrehm
Fixed: FS#3076 - Filters check
tree@ 088edc commitdiff
2013-08-08 ftimme
- Improved SQL query for displaying configuration errors.
tree@ 2ea8e1 commitdiff
2013-08-08 ftimme
- Display configuration errors in website form.
tree@ d650dd commitdiff
2013-08-08 ftimme
- Fixed "PHP Notice: Undefined variable: rbl_list in /tmp/ispconfig-3.0.5/...
tree@ 74d5e1 commitdiff
2013-08-07 tbrehm
Added stricter permission checks in ajax_get_json.php.
tree@ 6acdb7 commitdiff
2013-08-07 ftimme
- Added htmlentities so that language strings are displayed correctly in in...
tree@ fd89ce commitdiff
2013-08-07 mcramer
- Fixed: php compile fatal errors
tree@ 52e5e5 commitdiff
2013-08-07 ftimme
- Added "Domain" column to database list.
tree@ a150ac commitdiff
2013-08-07 ftimme
- nginx: improved rewrite rule checks. - Added rewrite rule checks to nginx...
tree@ 37614a commitdiff
2013-08-07 tbrehm
Merged language files.
tree@ 670864 commitdiff
2013-08-07 tbrehm
Updated german language files.
tree@ 69ba0b commitdiff
2013-08-07 tbrehm
Merged language files.
tree@ 8be86f commitdiff
2013-08-07 ftimme
- Fixed FS#3071 and FS#3059: Make Update and Installation compatible with P...
tree@ c6aae4 commitdiff
2013-08-07 ftimme
- Print webserver status "running" or "down" in logs.
tree@ 4ab065 commitdiff
2013-08-06 ftimme
- Added checks if destination email belongs to user (email alias form and f...
tree@ 4289c2 commitdiff
2013-08-06 mcramer
- Added language variables for previous commit
tree@ 10e476 commitdiff
2013-08-06 mcramer
- Fixed: Needed permission check of parent domain (folder)
tree@ daeda6 commitdiff
2013-07-31 tbrehm
Allow default values for password fields in tform library.
tree@ bd0845 commitdiff
2013-07-31 tbrehm
Fixed remoting client_add example.
tree@ d55f9c commitdiff
2013-07-29 mcramer
Fixed typo from last commit
tree@ f379cc commitdiff
2013-07-29 mcramer
Changed display of client select entries to [company_name :: ] contact_na...
tree@ 4f5a26 commitdiff
2013-07-25 tbrehm
Fixed wrong folder owner of php cgi starter script folder.
tree@ 14898b commitdiff
2013-07-22 ftimme
- Integrated munin into Monitoring module.
tree@ 0da99a commitdiff
2013-07-21 ftimme
- Monit integration into Monitoring module; allows to start/stop/restart se...
tree@ a4814e commitdiff
2013-07-21 ftimme
- Try to log reason for invalid webserver configuration syntax more thoroug...
tree@ 6d2089 commitdiff
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