Till Brehm
2016-04-22 ebd0e986ed11f2a34fb58cdd33efbfab192083ad
2014-10-16 Till Brehm
Implemented: FS#3706 - disable SSLv3 to protect servers agains POODLE attack.
tree@ 53124e commitdiff
2014-09-24 Till Brehm
Added support for php-fpm with mod_proxy_fcgi (required for apache 2.4). No...
tree@ 9b021b commitdiff
2014-07-29 Marius Cramer
Revert "Fixed: FS#3581 - Website unaccessible under some circumstances when...
tree@ 0b7753 commitdiff
2014-07-29 Marius Cramer
Fixed: FS#3581 - Website unaccessible under some circumstances when using s...
tree@ 5742e4 commitdiff
2014-07-27 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#3565 - Wrong Traffic Calculation - vlogger
tree@ 8496f2 commitdiff
2014-07-27 Till Brehm
FS#3490 - Change permissions of folder protection files for nfs - Changed v...
tree@ 51910d commitdiff
2014-07-11 Falko Timme
- Raised pm.max_children to 500 for apps vhost and ispconfig vhost.
tree@ 2150f0 commitdiff
2014-06-06 Marius Cramer
- fixed vhost template. website settings were overriding handlers of apache...
tree@ 5a6670 commitdiff
2014-06-05 Marius Cramer
- removed [PT] flags as it is causing problems with some php applications d...
tree@ e6fd35 commitdiff
2014-05-09 Till Brehm
Merge branch 'stable-3.0.5' of git.ispconfig.org:ispconfig/ispconfig3 into ...
tree@ 6a001a commitdiff
2014-05-09 Till Brehm
fixed: FS#3495 - PHP5-FPM listen.mode user not set in the pool script
tree@ ad9058 commitdiff
2014-05-05 Marius Cramer
Fixed: handling of redirection rewrite rules with "No flag" mode
tree@ 6f833c commitdiff
2014-05-01 Falko Timme
- Set client_max_body_size 100M; for apps vhost.
tree@ c55415 commitdiff
2014-04-16 Till Brehm
Set php-fpm listen mode to 0600 on apache servers and 0660 on nginx servers.
tree@ 1890ca commitdiff
2014-04-09 Till Brehm
- Changed php-fpm-socket listen mode to 0600. - Enable php-fpm socket mode ...
tree@ d2c5ed commitdiff
2014-03-25 Till Brehm
Updated apache_ispconfig.conf.master to allow access to phpmyadmin and squi...
tree@ f9f20b commitdiff
2014-03-24 Marius Cramer
Removed usage of AddHandler in apache vhost config - Reason: AddHandler...
tree@ 3bc1e1 commitdiff
2014-03-13 Till Brehm
Fixed a issue with apache 2.4 support on Ubuntu 13.10
tree@ 39e5f0 commitdiff
2014-03-11 Marius Cramer
Apache 2.4 fix from master (Marc Schütz)
tree@ 7ae7e8 commitdiff
2014-03-05 Falko Timme
- nginx: Increased fastcgi_read_timeout for phpMyAdmin in apps vhost to 120...
tree@ aede49 commitdiff
2014-02-17 Marius Cramer
Changed Options directives to be compatible with apache 2.4
tree@ 5545f1 commitdiff
2014-02-16 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#2973 - FcgidMaxProcessesPerClass too high
tree@ 310f4c commitdiff
2014-02-16 Till Brehm
added sendmail_path setting to php-fpm and php-fcgi like it is used for mod...
tree@ f63910 commitdiff
2014-02-16 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#2757 - PHP-FPM and Subdomains not working right (infinite redirec...
tree@ 6f4f6b commitdiff
2014-02-15 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#3329 - perl cgi scripts not working on Ubuntu LTS
tree@ 72d6a8 commitdiff
2014-02-15 Till Brehm
Fixed: FS#3165 - .php5 files are not run as FastCGI on OpenSuSE Linux
tree@ c0a1a4 commitdiff
2014-02-12 Falko Timme
- Implemented FS#3310 - add support for multiple email addresses in send co...
tree@ f798aa commitdiff
2014-02-07 Marius Cramer
Changed {tmpl_if} to <tmpl_if> - coding guidelines
tree@ 1da57c commitdiff
2014-01-22 Marius Cramer
Added: apache version check in system library Changed: apps vhost is now a ...
tree@ 8133de commitdiff
2013-12-11 Till Brehm
Changed order of mod_php and fcgi configuration in apps vhost.
tree@ 896465 commitdiff
2013-11-27 Till Brehm
Updated apps vhost, removed ServerSignature Off
tree@ 8d178e commitdiff
2013-11-27 Till Brehm
Fixed a syntax error in apps vhost configuration.
tree@ b23738 commitdiff
2013-11-25 Marius Cramer
Changed: increased fcgid timeout to avoid connection reset on longer-lastin...
tree@ 2ed8f0 commitdiff
2013-10-14 Marius Cramer
Copied files from svn 3.0.5 stable branch (git migration)
tree@ 992797 commitdiff
2013-07-31 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3960-4065 from stable branch.
tree@ 615a0a commitdiff
2013-03-26 hellkat
Merged revisions 3845-3876 and 3879-3918 from stable branch.
tree@ cc6568 commitdiff
2013-02-12 tbrehm
Merged Revisions 3771-3801 from stable branch.
tree@ 72695f commitdiff
2013-01-17 tbrehm
Merged revisions from 3.0.5 stable branch: 3758-3768, 3769 shall not be mer...
tree@ 43b345 commitdiff
2013-01-03 tbrehm
Merged revisons 3687-3748 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ 10b4c8 commitdiff
2012-11-20 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3670-3683 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ 68ec43 commitdiff
2012-11-14 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3596-3670 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ bfcdef commitdiff
2012-10-24 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3557-3594 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ 4bd960 commitdiff
2012-10-16 tbrehm
Merged revisions 3536-3555 from 3.0.5 stable branch.
tree@ a00888 commitdiff
2012-10-04 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2441 - FastCgiExternalServer: redefinition of previously defined...
tree@ 52846b commitdiff
2012-09-27 mcramer
Fixed: redirect loop on redirect path
tree@ 046d62 commitdiff
2012-09-10 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2199 - Modifying fastcgi_params in nginx clashes with nginx_apps...
tree@ 341c3d commitdiff
2012-09-10 ftimme
- Added check for the apps vhost to find out if the default PHP-FPM pool us...
tree@ 183c47 commitdiff
2012-09-05 ftimme
- Fixed FS#2318 - Starting nginx nginx: [emerg] duplicate listen options fo...
tree@ f2ded1 commitdiff
2012-09-04 ftimme
- Added random PHP dummy file also to folder protection directives.
tree@ 53f048 commitdiff
2012-09-04 ftimme
- Added random PHP dummy file to "location ~ \.php$ {}".
tree@ c8c13a commitdiff
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