2012-03-03 thomascube
Tagging plugins for 0.8-beta
884add diff | tree
2012-03-03 thomascube
Tagging files for 0.8-beta
10ac35 diff | tree
2012-03-02 thomascube
Updated changelog
e57c73 diff | tree
2012-03-02 thomascube
Upgraded to jQuery 1.7.1 (#1488337)
b95794 diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Fix automatic unsubscribe of non-existent folders (with small perf fix)
c6a9cd diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Fixed double-quotes handling in recipient names
82d695 diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Remove redundant button (added in last commit by mistake)
a38c8e diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Fix "#messagetoolbar select" in Firefox (#1488261)
aa2013 diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Better html editor border
45cb83 diff | tree
2012-03-02 alecpl
- Add image dimensions (#1487955)
1de8f4 diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Minor border style fix
24dd95 diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Fix language code maps
15dfdb diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Describe 'scope' option for LDAP groups in config template
aa9ddf diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
More styles for decorated selects
737fbe diff | tree
2012-02-29 alecpl
- Fix warning when properties array is empty
38dc51 diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Decorate search filter drop-down with a more Larry like style
7a32e9 diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Colorize unread bubble of 'recent' folders
2fdc7c diff | tree
2012-02-29 thomascube
Better icon selection for preview headers toggle
feb59b diff | tree
2012-02-29 alecpl
- Add 'type' and 'attribs' parameters for render_mailboxlist hook
8f77c0 diff | tree
2012-02-28 alecpl
- Add Russian to the spellchecker languages list (#1488135)
2b4855 diff | tree
2012-02-28 alecpl
- Fixed file header
e4f822 diff | tree
2012-02-28 thomascube
Fix sub folder style
7d3e75 diff | tree
2012-02-28 thomascube
Fix function call
20efa5 diff | tree
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Add border-radius for contact-frame
669fdf diff | tree
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Improved .dropbuttons spacing
186d6e diff | tree
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Remove non-existing image from preloader
014ff5 diff | tree
2012-02-27 thomascube
Better manual upgrading instructions: rsync plugins and skins to keep manua...
9efa95 diff | tree
2012-02-27 thomascube
Map renamed methods for backwards compatibility
b91f04 diff | tree
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Improve headers toggle button
9bd97c diff | tree
2012-02-27 alecpl
- Move percent_indicator from app.js into the skin
2c1937 diff | tree
2012-02-26 alecpl
- Fixed identity delete button state, removed delete button in identity-edi...
223ae9 diff | tree
2012-02-26 alecpl
Fix larry issues: 'Mark' button position, broken folders list footer
af5995 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Connect to IMAP server before reading quota
ef1e87 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Same problems with PNG and filter:alpha() on IE8
a1bd76 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Fix script error in IE (#1488368)
589385 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
PNG with alpha channel + filter:alpha() don't go well together on IE7
ec366b diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Renamed error message label
c0806c diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Add titles to error and photo upload popups (#1488354)
71e9ef diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Make popups disapear when clicking on an iframe; adapt IE hacks (#1488354)
14a3f2 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Remember custom skin selection after logout (#1488355)
40d246 diff | tree
2012-02-25 thomascube
Slighlty increase minimum browser requirements
1e09cd diff | tree
2012-02-21 thomascube
Add missing style for folders with recent messages
b6837c diff | tree
2012-02-21 thomascube
Fix Larry styles
3c9e90 diff | tree
2012-02-21 thomascube
Refactored IMAP cache expunge: delegate to storage object; don't rely on de...
fec2d8 diff | tree
2012-02-20 alecpl
- About tab doesn't exist in 0.7, move changelog entry into proper place
965e62 diff | tree
2012-02-20 alecpl
- Fix typos in last commit
9489a2 diff | tree
2012-02-20 alecpl
- Make sure About tab is always the last tab (#1488257)
a3ed96 diff | tree
2012-02-17 alecpl
- Escape dot in regexp (#1488357)
57d15d diff | tree
2012-02-17 alecpl
- Add lost 'listoptions' label
45dc95 diff | tree
2012-02-17 alecpl
- Fix date_today, broken in r5707
e5306e diff | tree
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