2013-11-29 Thomas Bruederli
Prepare release
6dee83 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Thomas Bruederli
Display version from composer.json even if not intstalled
ce6050 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Thomas Bruederli
Argggh! Get a version of the closure compiler that is known to work
d5c381 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Thomas Bruederli
Fix download URL for closure compiler
bd7df1 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Thomas Bruederli
Updated localizations from Transifex
3b95e2 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Aleksander Machniak
Fix preparation of message object before saving into the cache. The bug cas...
5f3142 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Aleksander Machniak
Improve "ul.listing li" with text overflow styles
f25a96 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Aleksander Machniak
Exec config_get hook also in rcube_config::all() (#1485981)
38f1f5 diff | tree
2013-11-28 Aleksander Machniak
Fix handling of invalid closing tags in HTML messages (#1489446)
ffec85 diff | tree
2013-11-26 Aleksander Machniak
Always send unread counter update for current folder
993eb8 diff | tree
2013-11-25 Aleksander Machniak
Skip charset (or use US_ASCII) intead of UTF-8 if body contains only ASCII ...
ac3cdd diff | tree
2013-11-25 Aleksander Machniak
Small code improvement
acc900 diff | tree
2013-11-25 Aleksander Machniak
Add possibility to overwrite a label/message in Roundcube's language packag...
75a5c3 diff | tree
2013-11-24 Aleksander Machniak
Make Reporting-UA header in MDN report optional, as User-Agent is
f59cfe diff | tree
2013-11-23 Thomas Bruederli
Save Larry skin UI settings in local storage instead of cookies
f52efb diff | tree
2013-11-23 Thomas Bruederli
Make local storage functions work before rcmail.init() was called
078679 diff | tree
2013-11-23 Aleksander Machniak
Set real content-type for file downloads (#1489439)
8c5f40 diff | tree
2013-11-23 Aleksander Machniak
Refactored classic skin splitter code to fix it for IE<9
fac292 diff | tree
2013-11-23 Aleksander Machniak
- Update TinyMCE to version 3.5.10 (#1489442)
7184b3 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix keyboard navigation in autocompletion list on Opera browser (use keydow...
184a11 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix right margin in mail task interface to be precissely the same as in oth...
9e36fb diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix #messagestack position (again)
f4d0fb diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Make splitters more responsive (using timing events)
571c10 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Add missing </div>
3bcc06 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix so contactnotfound message is of type error not info
f768a6 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Display loading message when loading identity frame
b82fcc diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix redundant/missing closing div tags
067d3d diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Small improvements to #messagestack style
6dac9f diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Remember compose-options collapse status and display them by default; Use a...
6d6725 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Small adjustments to new status message display
21f10c diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
More improvements to list focus styles: - display focused row also when sel...
1670b3 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix typos
72dc3c diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Tweak borders and paddings of focused/selected list rows. Don't show focus ...
a45c0f diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Merge branch 'master' of
8d3a9d diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Merge branch 'master' of
b51172 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Updated changelog
1900e1 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Bump version to 7.1
aac4b4 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix a bug where deleted filter was not removed from the list (because now l...
78ef00 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Trigger event when opening new windows with a reference to the window objec...
bf3018 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas B.
Merge pull request #153 from cmcnulty/row-focus
ecb5bd diff | tree
2013-11-22 Aleksander Machniak
Fix rowcount when list element contains bot only tr/li elements but also te...
3ab616 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Update changelog
064ed1 diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Optimize and preload message icons
12e93c diff | tree
2013-11-22 Thomas Bruederli
Display status messages as pile of black bars overlaying the UI in order to...
34003c diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Fix issue where subject input might get filled with "null" string (IE8)
b7fb20 diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Replace Array.indexOf() with jQuery.inArray() for older browsers (IE<9)
303e21 diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Fix folders sorting procedure. Fixes the issue where after creating a folde...
5bd871 diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Added CVE number to changelog entry
75e528 diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Merge branch 'master' of
f13ae3 diff | tree
2013-11-21 Aleksander Machniak
Make sort_folder_list() public
978ff8 diff | tree
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