From 186f3fa81f232344742b0a1c6313ec0744cbd651 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yllar <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 12:31:49 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] et_EE update

 INSTALL |   83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 58 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index dd52fa5..098e886 100644
@@ -1,16 +1,29 @@
+This file describes the basic steps to install RoundCube Webmail on your
+web server. For additional information, please also consult the project's
+wiki page at
-* The Apache Webserver
+* The Apache or Lighttpd Webserver
 * .htaccess support allowing overrides for DirectoryIndex
-* PHP Version 4.3.1 or greater
-* PCRE (perl compatible regular expression) installed with PHP
+* PHP Version 5.2 or greater including
+   - PCRE (perl compatible regular expression)
+   - libiconv (recommended)
+   - mbstring (optional)
 * php.ini options:
    - error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (or lower)
    - file_uploads on (for attachment upload features)
+   - memory_limit (increase as suitable to support large attachments)
+   - session.auto_start needs to be off/0
+* PHP compiled with Open SSL to connect to IMAPS and to use the spell checker
 * A MySQL or PostgreSQL database engine or the SQLite extension for PHP
-* A database with permission to create tables
+* One of the above databases with permission to create tables
+* An SMTP server or PHP configured for mail delivery
@@ -22,32 +35,45 @@
    - /temp
    - /logs
 3. Create a new database and a database user for RoundCube (see DATABASE SETUP)
-4. Create database tables using the queries in file 'SQL/*.initial.sql'
-   (* stands for your database type)
-5. Rename the files config/*.inc.php.dist to config/*.inc.php
-6. Modify the files in config/* to suit your local environment
+4. Point your browser to http://url-to-roundcube/installer/
+5. Follow the instructions of the install script (or see MANUAL CONFINGURATION)
+6. After creating and testing the configuration, remove the installer directory
 7. Done!
-* MySQL
+* MySQL 4.0.x
 Setting up the mysql database can be done by creating an empty database,
 importing the table layout and granting the proper permissions to the
 roundcube user. Here is an example of that procedure:
 # mysql
-> CREATE DATABASE 'roundcubemail';
+> CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail;
 > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost
-        IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
+    IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
 > quit
 # mysql roundcubemail < SQL/mysql.initial.sql
+* MySQL 4.1.x/5.x
 For MySQL version 4.1 and up, it's recommended to create the database for
-RoundCube with the following command:
-> CREATE DATABASE 'roundcubemail' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
+RoundCube with utf-8 charset. Here's an example of the init procedure:
+# mysql
+> CREATE DATABASE roundcubemail DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
+> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcubemail.* TO roundcube@localhost
+    IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
+> quit
+# mysql roundcubemail < SQL/mysql5.initial.sql
+Note: 'password' is the master password for the roundcube user. It is strongly
+recommended you replace this with a more secure password. Please keep in
+mind: You need to specify this password later in 'config/'.
 * SQLite
@@ -60,37 +86,44 @@
 # sqlite -init SQL/sqlite.initial.sql sqlite.db
 Make sure your configuration points to the sqlite.db file and that the
-webserver can write to the file.
+webserver can write to the file and the directory containing the file.
 * PostgreSQL
-To use RoundCube with PostgreSQL support you have to follow the next
-simple steps, which have to be done with the postgres system user (or
+To use RoundCube with PostgreSQL support you have to follow these
+simple steps, which have to be done as the postgres system user (or
 which ever is the database superuser):
-$ createuser roundcubemail
-$ createdb -O roundcubemail roundcubemail
+$ createuser roundcube
+$ createdb -O roundcube roundcubemail
 $ psql roundcubemail
 roundcubemail =# ALTER USER roundcube WITH PASSWORD 'the_new_password';
-roundcubemail =# \c - roundcubemail
+roundcubemail =# \c - roundcube
 roundcubemail => \i SQL/postgres.initial.sql
-All this has been tested with PostgreSQL 8.0.x and 7.4.x. Older
+All this has been tested with PostgreSQL 8.x and 7.4.x. Older
 versions don't have a -O option for the createdb, so if you are
 using that version you'll have to change ownership of the DB later.
-Change the files in config/* according your to environment and your needs.
-Details about the config paramaters can be found in the config files.
+First of all, rename the files config/*.inc.php.dist to config/*.inc.php.
+You can then change these files according to your environment and your needs.
+Details about the config parameters can be found in the config files.
+See for even more guidance.
+You can also modify the default .htaccess file. This is necessary to
+increase the allowed size of file attachments, for example:
+	php_value       upload_max_filesize     2M
 If you already have a previous version of RoundCube installed,
 please refer to the instructions in UPGRADING guide.

Gitblit v1.9.1