From 3381d45ef674884897efddb1c87a0aa2b777214f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomascube <>
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 15:47:48 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Updated Hungarian,Estonian and Traditional Chinese localization

 program/steps/settings/ |   47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/steps/settings/ b/program/steps/settings/
index b33f8d4..fd98572 100644
--- a/program/steps/settings/
+++ b/program/steps/settings/
@@ -46,10 +46,13 @@
   // return the complete edit form as table
   $out = "$form_start<table" . $attrib_str . ">\n\n";
-  $a_show_cols = array('language'   => array('type' => 'text'),
-                       'pagesize'   => array('type' => 'text'),
-                       'timezone'   => array('type' => 'text'),
-                       'prettydate' => array('type' => 'text'));
+  $a_show_cols = array(
+	  'language'   => array('type' => 'text'),
+    'pagesize'   => array('type' => 'text'),
+    'timezone'   => array('type' => 'text'),
+    'prettydate' => array('type' => 'text'),
+    'draft_autosave' => array('type' => 'text')
+  );
   // show language selection
   $a_lang = rcube_list_languages();
@@ -78,18 +81,24 @@
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US/Canada), Bogota, Lima', '-5');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT -4:00) Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz', '-4');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT -3:00) Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown', '-3');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT -3:30) Nfld Time (Canada), Nfld, S. Labador', '-3.5');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT -2:00) Mid-Atlantic', '-2');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT -1:00) Azores, Cape Verde Islands', '-1');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT) Western Europe, London, Lisbon, Casablanca', '0');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +1:00) Central European Time', '1');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +2:00) EET: Kaliningrad, South Africa', '2');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +3:00) Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi', '3');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT +3:30) Tehran', '3.5');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +4:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi', '4');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT +4:30) Kabul', '4.5');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +5:00) Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi', '5');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT +5:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi', '5.5');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT +5:45) Kathmandu', '5.75');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +6:00) Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo', '6');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +7:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta', '7');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +8:00) Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Taipei', '8');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +9:00) Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk', '9');
+  $select_timezone->add('(GMT +9:30) Adelaide, Darwin', '9.5');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +10:00) EAST/AEST: Guam, Vladivostok', '10');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +11:00) Magadan, Solomon Islands', '11');
   $select_timezone->add('(GMT +12:00) Auckland, Wellington, Kamchatka', '12');
@@ -101,6 +110,14 @@
+  $field_id = 'rcmfd_dst';
+  $input_dst = new checkbox(array('name' => '_dst_active', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1));
+  $out .= sprintf("<tr><td class=\"title\"><label for=\"%s\">%s</label></td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
+                  $field_id,
+                  rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label('dstactive')),
+                  $input_dst->show($CONFIG['dst_active']));
   // show page size selection
@@ -130,12 +147,32 @@
+  // Show checkbox for HTML Editor
+  $field_id = 'rcmfd_htmleditor';
+  $input_htmleditor = new checkbox(array('name' => '_htmleditor', 'id' => $field_id, 'value' => 1));
+  $out .= sprintf("<tr><td class=\"title\"><label for=\"%s\">%s</label></td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
+                  $field_id,
+                  rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label('htmleditor')),
+                  $input_htmleditor->show($CONFIG['htmleditor']?1:0));
+  if (!empty($CONFIG['drafts_mbox']))
+    {
+    $field_id = 'rcmfd_autosave';
+    $select_autosave = new select(array('name' => '_draft_autosave', 'id' => $field_id));
+    $select_autosave->add(rcube_label('never'), 0);
+    foreach (array(3, 5, 10) as $i => $min)
+      $select_autosave->add(rcube_label(array('name' => 'everynminutes', 'vars' => array('n' => $min))), $min*60);
+    $out .= sprintf("<tr><td class=\"title\"><label for=\"%s\">%s</label></td><td>%s</td></tr>\n",
+                    $field_id,
+                    rep_specialchars_output(rcube_label('autosavedraft')),
+                    $select_autosave->show($CONFIG['draft_autosave']));
+    }
   $out .= "\n</table>$form_end";
   return $out;  

Gitblit v1.9.1