From 3790508c2003255c179b6f4d309d5feeaa2b6299 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alecpl <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 07:58:55 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - removed lines wrapping

 program/steps/mail/ |  142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index 2563ec2..af36181 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 // set page title
 if (empty($_action) || $_action == 'list')
-  $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(rcube_charset_convert($IMAP->get_mailbox_name(), 'UTF-7'));
+  $OUTPUT->set_pagetitle(rcmail_localize_foldername($IMAP->get_mailbox_name()));
@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@
     $OUTPUT->set_env('attachmenticon', $skin_path . $attrib['attachmenticon']);
   $OUTPUT->set_env('messages', $a_js_message_arr);
+  $OUTPUT->set_env('coltypes', $a_show_cols);
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@
   $OUTPUT->add_gui_object('quotadisplay', $attrib['id']);
   // allow the following attributes to be added to the <span> tag
-  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id'));
+  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'display'));
   $out = '<span' . $attrib_str . '>';
   $out .= rcmail_quota_content($attrib['display']);
@@ -481,6 +482,127 @@
+/* Stolen from Squirrelmail */
+function sq_deent(&$attvalue, $regex, $hex=false)
+  {
+  $ret_match = false;
+  preg_match_all($regex, $attvalue, $matches);
+  if (is_array($matches) && sizeof($matches[0]) > 0)
+    {
+    $repl = Array();
+    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++)
+      {
+      $numval = $matches[1][$i];
+      if ($hex)
+        $numval = hexdec($numval);
+      $repl{$matches[0][$i]} = chr($numval);
+      }
+    $attvalue = strtr($attvalue, $repl);
+    return true;
+    }
+  else
+    return false;
+  }
+/* Stolen verbatim from Squirrelmail */
+function sq_defang(&$attvalue)
+  {
+  /* Skip this if there aren't ampersands or backslashes. */
+  if ((strpos($attvalue, '&') === false) &&
+      (strpos($attvalue, '\\') === false))
+    return;
+  $m = false;
+  do
+    {
+    $m = false;
+    $m = $m || sq_deent($attvalue, '/\&#0*(\d+);*/s');
+    $m = $m || sq_deent($attvalue, '/\&#x0*((\d|[a-f])+);*/si', true);
+    $m = $m || sq_deent($attvalue, '/\\\\(\d+)/s', true);
+    } while ($m == true);
+  $attvalue = stripslashes($attvalue);
+  }
+function rcmail_html_filter($html)
+  {
+  preg_match_all('/<\/?\w+((\s+\w+(\s*=\s*(?:".*?"|\'.*?\'|[^\'">\s]+))?)+\s*|\s*)\/?>/', $html, $tags);
+  /* From Squirrelmail: Translate all dangerous Unicode or Shift_JIS characters which are accepted by
+   * IE as regular characters. */
+  $replace = array(array('&#x029F;', '&#0671;',  /* L UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                         '&#x0280;', '&#0640;',  /* R UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                         '&#x0274;', '&#0628;',  /* N UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                         '&#xFF25;', '&#65317;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E */
+                         '&#xFF45;', '&#65349;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER E */
+                         '&#xFF38;', '&#65336;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X */
+                         '&#xFF58;', '&#65368;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER X */
+                         '&#xFF30;', '&#65328;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P */
+                         '&#xFF50;', '&#65360;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER P */
+                         '&#xFF32;', '&#65330;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R */
+                         '&#xFF52;', '&#65362;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER R */
+                         '&#xFF33;', '&#65331;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S */
+                         '&#xFF53;', '&#65363;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER S */
+                         '&#xFF29;', '&#65321;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I */
+                         '&#xFF49;', '&#65353;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER I */
+                         '&#xFF2F;', '&#65327;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O */
+                         '&#xFF4F;', '&#65359;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER O */
+                         '&#xFF2E;', '&#65326;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N */
+                         '&#xFF4E;', '&#65358;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER N */
+                         '&#xFF2C;', '&#65324;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L */
+                         '&#xFF4C;', '&#65356;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER L */
+                         '&#xFF35;', '&#65333;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U */
+                         '&#xFF55;', '&#65365;', /* Unicode FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER U */
+                         '&#x207F;', '&#8319;' , /* Unicode SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER N */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xA5", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E */
+                                         /* in unicode this is some Chinese char range */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x85", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER E */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xB8", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x98", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER X */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xB0", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x90", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER P */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xB2", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x92", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER R */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xB3", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x93", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER S */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xA9", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x89", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER I */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xAF", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x8F", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER O */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xAE", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x8E", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER N */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xAC", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x8C", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER L */
+                         "\xEF\xBC\xB5", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U */
+                         "\xEF\xBD\x95", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH LATIN SMALL LETTER U */
+                         "\xE2\x81\xBF", /* Shift JIS FULLWIDTH SUPERSCRIPT N */
+                         "\xCA\x9F",   /* L UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                         "\xCA\x80",   /* R UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                         "\xC9\xB4"),  /* N UNICODE IPA Extension */
+                   array('l', 'l', 'r', 'r', 'n', 'n', 'E', 'E', 'e', 'e', 'X', 'X', 'x', 'x',
+                         'P', 'P', 'p', 'p', 'R', 'R', 'r', 'r', 'S', 'S', 's', 's', 'I', 'I',
+                         'i', 'i', 'O', 'O', 'o', 'o', 'N', 'N', 'n', 'n', 'L', 'L', 'l', 'l',
+                         'U', 'U', 'u', 'u', 'n', 'n', 'E', 'e', 'X', 'x', 'P', 'p', 'R', 'r',
+                         'S', 's', 'I', 'i', 'O', 'o', 'N', 'n', 'L', 'l', 'U', 'u', 'n', 'l', 'r', 'n'));
+  if ((count($tags)>3) && (count($tags[3])>0))
+    foreach ($tags[3] as $nr=>$value)
+      {
+      /* Remove comments */
+      $newvalue = preg_replace('/(\/\*.*\*\/)/','$2',$value);
+      /* Translate dangerous characters */
+      $newvalue = str_replace($replace[0], $replace[1], $newvalue);
+      sq_defang($newvalue);
+      /* Rename dangerous CSS */
+      $newvalue = preg_replace('/expression/i', 'idiocy', $newvalue);
+      $newvalue = preg_replace('/url/i', 'idiocy', $newvalue);
+      $newattrs = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($value, '/').'$/', $newvalue, $tags[1][$nr]);
+      $newtag = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($tags[1][$nr], '/').'/', $newattrs, $tags[0][$nr]);
+      $html = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($tags[0][$nr], '/').'/', $newtag, $html);
+      }
+  return $html;
+  }
 function rcmail_print_body($part, $safe=FALSE, $plain=FALSE)
@@ -532,7 +654,7 @@
       $body = preg_replace($remote_patterns, $remote_replaces, $body);
-    return Q($body, 'show', FALSE);
+    return Q(rcmail_html_filter($body), 'show', FALSE);
   // text/enriched
@@ -557,8 +679,8 @@
     $convert_patterns[] = '/([a-z0-9][a-z0-9\-\.\+\_]*@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9\-][.]?)*[a-z0-9]\\.[a-z]{2,5})/ie';
     $convert_replaces[] = "rcmail_str_replacement('<a href=\"mailto:\\1\" onclick=\"return ".JS_OBJECT_NAME.".command(\'compose\',\'\\1\',this)\">\\1</a>', \$replace_strings)";
-    if ($part->ctype_parameters['format'] != 'flowed')
-      $body = wordwrap(trim($body), 80);
+//    if ($part->ctype_parameters['format'] != 'flowed')
+//      $body = wordwrap(trim($body), 80);
     $body = preg_replace($convert_patterns, $convert_replaces, $body);
@@ -573,10 +695,10 @@
       $quotation = '';
       $q = 0;
-      if (preg_match('/^(>+\s*)/', $line, $regs))
+      if (preg_match('/^(>+\s*)+/', $line, $regs))
-        $q = strlen(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $regs[1]));
-        $line = substr($line, strlen($regs[1]));
+        $q    = strlen(preg_replace('/\s/', '', $regs[0]));
+        $line = substr($line, strlen($regs[0]));
         if ($q > $quote_level)
           $quotation = str_repeat('<blockquote>', $q - $quote_level);
@@ -988,7 +1110,7 @@
   while ($body != $prev_body)
     $prev_body = $body;
-    $body = preg_replace('/(<[^!][^>]*\s)(on[^=>]+)=([^>]+>)/im', '$1__removed=$3', $body);
+    $body = preg_replace('/(<[^!][^>]*\s)on(?:load|unload|click|dblclick|mousedown|mouseup|mouseover|mousemove|mouseout|focus|blur|keypress|keydown|keyup|submit|reset|select|change)=([^>]+>)/im', '$1__removed=$2', $body);
     $body = preg_replace('/(<[^!][^>]*\shref=["\']?)(javascript:)([^>]*?>)/im', '$1null:$3', $body);
@@ -1313,6 +1435,8 @@
       $sent = mail($headers_enc['To'], $headers_enc['Subject'], $msg_body, $header_str, "-f$from");
+  if ($sent)  // remove MDN headers after sending
+    unset($headers['Return-Receipt-To'], $headers['Disposition-Notification-To']);
   $message->_headers = array();

Gitblit v1.9.1