From 38bf9d3b71067a51ffc9a915ea288929d1fb08e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yllar <>
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 15:44:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] updated Spanish translation

 program/lib/Mail/mime.php |  126 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
index 9388a65..a9f798e 100644
--- a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
+++ b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
@@ -198,6 +198,16 @@
+    * returns the HTML body portion of the message
+    * @return string HTML body of the message
+    * @access public
+    */
+    function getHTMLBody()
+    {
+       return $this->_htmlbody;
+    }
+    /**
      * Adds an image to the list of embedded images.
      * @param  string  $file       The image file name OR image data itself
@@ -206,11 +216,13 @@
      *                             Only use if $file is the image data
      * @param  bool    $isfilename Whether $file is a filename or not
      *                             Defaults to true
+     * @param  string  $contentid  Desired Content-ID of MIME part
+     *                             Defaults to generated unique ID
      * @return mixed   true on success or PEAR_Error object
      * @access public
     function addHTMLImage($file, $c_type='application/octet-stream',
-                          $name = '', $isfilename = true)
+                          $name = '', $isfilename = true, $contentid = '')
         $filedata = ($isfilename === true) ? $this->_file2str($file)
                                            : $file;
@@ -222,11 +234,14 @@
         if (PEAR::isError($filedata)) {
             return $filedata;
+        if ($contentid == '') {
+           $contentid = md5(uniqid(time()));
+        }
         $this->_html_images[] = array(
                                       'body'   => $filedata,
                                       'name'   => $filename,
                                       'c_type' => $c_type,
-                                      'cid'    => md5(uniqid(time()))
+                                      'cid'    => $contentid
         return true;
@@ -787,50 +802,57 @@
     function _encodeHeaders($input)
+        $maxlen = 73;
         foreach ($input as $hdr_name => $hdr_value) {
-            if (function_exists('iconv_mime_encode') && preg_match('#[\x80-\xFF]{1}#', $hdr_value)){
-                $imePref = array();
-                if ($this->_build_params['head_encoding'] == 'base64'){
-                    $imePrefs['scheme'] = 'B';
-                }else{
-                    $imePrefs['scheme'] = 'Q';
-                }
-                $imePrefs['input-charset']  = $this->_build_params['head_charset'];
-                $imePrefs['output-charset'] = $this->_build_params['head_charset'];
-                $hdr_value = iconv_mime_encode($hdr_name, $hdr_value, $imePrefs);
-                $hdr_value = preg_replace("#^{$hdr_name}\:\ #", "", $hdr_value);
-            }elseif (preg_match('#[\x80-\xFF]{1}#', $hdr_value)){
-                //This header contains non ASCII chars and should be encoded.
-                switch ($this->_build_params['head_encoding']) {
-                case 'base64':
-                    //Base64 encoding has been selected.
-                    //Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly 
-                    //determine the maximum length of such strings.
-                    //75 is the value specified in the RFC. The -2 is there so 
-                    //the later regexp doesn't break any of the translated chars.
-                    $prefix = '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?B?';
-                    $suffix = '?=';
-                    $maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 2;
-                    $maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - strlen($hdr_name);
-                    //Base64 encode the entire string
-                    $hdr_value = base64_encode($hdr_value);
+            // if header contains e-mail addresses
+            if (preg_match('/\s<.+@[a-z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-z]+>/U', $hdr_value))
+                $chunks = $this->_explode_quoted_string(',', $hdr_value);
+            else
+               $chunks = array($hdr_value);
-                    //This regexp will break base64-encoded text at every 
-                    //$maxLength but will not break any encoded letters.
-                    $reg1st = "|.{0,$maxLength1stLine}[^\=][^\=]|";
-                    $reg2nd = "|.{0,$maxLength}[^\=][^\=]|";
-                    break;
-                case 'quoted-printable':
-                default:
-                    //quoted-printable encoding has been selected
-                    preg_match_all('/(\w*[\x80-\xFF]+\w*)/', $hdr_value, $matches); 
-                    foreach ($matches[1] as $value) { 
-                        $replacement = preg_replace('/([\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $value); 
-                        $hdr_value = str_replace($value, '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?Q?' . $replacement . '?=', $hdr_value);
+            $hdr_value = '';
+            $line_len = 0;
+            foreach ($chunks as $i => $value) {
+                $value = trim($value);
+                //This header contains non ASCII chars and should be encoded.
+                if (preg_match('#[\x80-\xFF]{1}#', $value)) {
+                    $suffix = '';
+                    // Don't encode e-mail address
+                    if (preg_match('/(.+)\s(<.+@[a-z0-9\-\.]+>)$/Ui', $value, $matches)) {
+                        $value = $matches[1];
+                        $suffix = ' '.$matches[2];
+                    switch ($this->_build_params['head_encoding']) {
+                    case 'base64':
+                        // Base64 encoding has been selected.
+                        $mode = 'B';
+                        $encoded = base64_encode($value);
+                        break;
+                    case 'quoted-printable':
+                    default:
+                        // quoted-printable encoding has been selected
+                        $mode = 'Q';
+                        $encoded = preg_replace('/([\x20-\x25\x2C\x80-\xFF])/e', "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $value);
+                        // replace spaces with _
+                        $encoded = str_replace('=20', '_', $encoded);
+                    }
+                $value = '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?' . $mode . '?' . $encoded . '?=' . $suffix;
+                }
+                // add chunk to output string by regarding the header maxlen
+                $len = strlen($value);
+                if ($line_len + $len < $maxlen) {
+                    $hdr_value .= ($i>0?', ':'') . $value;
+                    $line_len += $len + ($i>0?2:0);
+                }
+                else {
+                    $hdr_value .= ($i>0?', ':'') . "\n " . $value;
+                    $line_len = $len;
@@ -840,6 +862,24 @@
         return $input;
+  function _explode_quoted_string($delimiter, $string)
+    {
+    $quotes = explode("\"", $string);
+    foreach ($quotes as $key => $val)
+      if (($key % 2) == 1)
+        $quotes[$key] = str_replace($delimiter, "_!@!_", $quotes[$key]);
+    $string = implode("\"", $quotes);
+    $result = explode($delimiter, $string);
+    foreach ($result as $key => $val) 
+      $result[$key] = str_replace("_!@!_", $delimiter, $result[$key]);
+    return $result;
+    }
      * Set the object's end-of-line and define the constant if applicable

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