From 6c76c91951d259f59b2b7a42b8fe895dcc0ef21b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomascube <>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 17:36:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Updated Polish, Portuguese, Latvian, Chinese and Japanese localization

 program/lib/Mail/mime.php |  330 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
index 6b3a992..42842e3 100644
--- a/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
+++ b/program/lib/Mail/mime.php
@@ -51,9 +51,6 @@
  *   in the mime_mail.class by Tobias Ratschiller <> and
  *   Sascha Schumann <>
- * @notes Replaced method _encodeHeaders by the version of
- *        See for details
- *
  * @author   Richard Heyes <>
  * @author   Tomas V.V.Cox <>
  * @package  Mail
@@ -117,9 +114,9 @@
         $this->_build_params = array(
+                                     'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
                                      'text_encoding' => '7bit',
                                      'html_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
-                                     'head_encoding' => 'quoted-printable',
                                      '7bit_wrap'     => 998,
                                      'html_charset'  => 'ISO-8859-1',
                                      'text_charset'  => 'ISO-8859-1',
@@ -218,9 +215,9 @@
         $filedata = ($isfilename === true) ? $this->_file2str($file)
                                            : $file;
         if ($isfilename === true) {
-            $filename = ($name == '' ? basename($file) : basename($name));
+            $filename = ($name == '' ? $file : $name);
         } else {
-            $filename = basename($name);
+            $filename = $name;
         if (PEAR::isError($filedata)) {
             return $filedata;
@@ -237,19 +234,29 @@
      * Adds a file to the list of attachments.
-     * @param  string  $file       The file name of the file to attach
-     *                             OR the file data itself
-     * @param  string  $c_type     The content type
-     * @param  string  $name       The filename of the attachment
-     *                             Only use if $file is the file data
-     * @param  bool    $isFilename Whether $file is a filename or not
-     *                             Defaults to true
+     * @param  string  $file        The file name of the file to attach
+     *                              OR the file contents itself
+     * @param  string  $c_type      The content type
+     * @param  string  $name        The filename of the attachment
+     *                              Only use if $file is the contents
+     * @param  bool    $isFilename  Whether $file is a filename or not
+     *                              Defaults to true
+     * @param  string  $encoding    The type of encoding to use.
+     *                              Defaults to base64.
+     *                              Possible values: 7bit, 8bit, base64, 
+     *                              or quoted-printable.
+     * @param  string  $disposition The content-disposition of this file
+     *                              Defaults to attachment.
+     *                              Possible values: attachment, inline.
+     * @param  string  $charset     The character set used in the filename
+     *                              of this attachment.
      * @return mixed true on success or PEAR_Error object
      * @access public
     function addAttachment($file, $c_type = 'application/octet-stream',
                            $name = '', $isfilename = true,
-                           $encoding = 'base64')
+                           $encoding = 'base64',
+                           $disposition = 'attachment', $charset = '')
         $filedata = ($isfilename === true) ? $this->_file2str($file)
                                            : $file;
@@ -260,9 +267,10 @@
             $filename = $name;
         if (empty($filename)) {
-            return PEAR::raiseError(
-              'The supplied filename for the attachment can\'t be empty'
+            $err = PEAR::raiseError(
+              "The supplied filename for the attachment can't be empty"
+	    return $err;
         $filename = basename($filename);
         if (PEAR::isError($filedata)) {
@@ -270,10 +278,12 @@
         $this->_parts[] = array(
-                                'body'     => $filedata,
-                                'name'     => $filename,
-                                'c_type'   => $c_type,
-                                'encoding' => $encoding
+                                'body'        => $filedata,
+                                'name'        => $filename,
+                                'c_type'      => $c_type,
+                                'encoding'    => $encoding,
+                                'charset'     => $charset,
+                                'disposition' => $disposition
         return true;
@@ -288,16 +298,24 @@
     function &_file2str($file_name)
         if (!is_readable($file_name)) {
-            return PEAR::raiseError('File is not readable ' . $file_name);
+            $err = PEAR::raiseError('File is not readable ' . $file_name);
+            return $err;
         if (!$fd = fopen($file_name, 'rb')) {
-            return PEAR::raiseError('Could not open ' . $file_name);
+            $err = PEAR::raiseError('Could not open ' . $file_name);
+            return $err;
         $filesize = filesize($file_name);
         if ($filesize == 0){
             $cont =  "";
+            if ($magic_quote_setting = get_magic_quotes_runtime()){
+                set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
+            }
             $cont = fread($fd, $filesize);
+            if ($magic_quote_setting){
+                set_magic_quotes_runtime($magic_quote_setting);
+            }
         return $cont;
@@ -319,9 +337,11 @@
         $params['encoding']     = $this->_build_params['text_encoding'];
         $params['charset']      = $this->_build_params['text_charset'];
         if (is_object($obj)) {
-            return $obj->addSubpart($text, $params);
+            $ret = $obj->addSubpart($text, $params);
+            return $ret;
         } else {
-            return new Mail_mimePart($text, $params);
+            $ret = new Mail_mimePart($text, $params);
+            return $ret;
@@ -340,9 +360,11 @@
         $params['encoding']     = $this->_build_params['html_encoding'];
         $params['charset']      = $this->_build_params['html_charset'];
         if (is_object($obj)) {
-            return $obj->addSubpart($this->_htmlbody, $params);
+            $ret = $obj->addSubpart($this->_htmlbody, $params);
+            return $ret;
         } else {
-            return new Mail_mimePart($this->_htmlbody, $params);
+            $ret = new Mail_mimePart($this->_htmlbody, $params);
+            return $ret;
@@ -357,7 +379,8 @@
     function &_addMixedPart()
         $params['content_type'] = 'multipart/mixed';
-        return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+        $ret = new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+        return $ret;
@@ -376,7 +399,8 @@
         if (is_object($obj)) {
             return $obj->addSubpart('', $params);
         } else {
-            return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+            $ret = new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+            return $ret;
@@ -396,7 +420,8 @@
         if (is_object($obj)) {
             return $obj->addSubpart('', $params);
         } else {
-            return new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+            $ret = new Mail_mimePart('', $params);
+            return $ret;
@@ -411,12 +436,15 @@
     function &_addHtmlImagePart(&$obj, $value)
-        $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'];
+        $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'] . '; ' .
+                                  'name="' . $value['name'] . '"';
         $params['encoding']     = 'base64';
         $params['disposition']  = 'inline';
         $params['dfilename']    = $value['name'];
         $params['cid']          = $value['cid'];
-        $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
+        $ret = $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
+        return $ret;
@@ -430,12 +458,53 @@
     function &_addAttachmentPart(&$obj, $value)
-        $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'];
-        $params['encoding']     = $value['encoding'];
-        $params['disposition']  = 'attachment';
         $params['dfilename']    = $value['name'];
-        $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
+        $params['encoding']     = $value['encoding'];
+        if ($value['disposition'] != "inline") {
+            $fname = array("fname" => $value['name']);
+            $fname_enc = $this->_encodeHeaders($fname);
+            $params['dfilename'] = $fname_enc['fname'];
+        }
+        if ($value['charset']) {
+            $params['charset'] = $value['charset'];
+        }
+        $params['content_type'] = $value['c_type'] . '; ' .
+                                  'name="' . $params['dfilename'] . '"';
+        $params['disposition']  = isset($value['disposition']) ? 
+                                  $value['disposition'] : 'attachment';
+        $ret = $obj->addSubpart($value['body'], $params);
+        return $ret;
+    /**
+     * Returns the complete e-mail, ready to send using an alternative
+     * mail delivery method. Note that only the mailpart that is made
+     * with Mail_Mime is created. This means that,
+     * using the $xtra_headers parameter!
+     * 
+     * @param  string $separation   The separation etween these two parts.
+     * @param  array  $build_params The Build parameters passed to the
+     *                              &get() function. See &get for more info.
+     * @param  array  $xtra_headers The extra headers that should be passed
+     *                              to the &headers() function.
+     *                              See that function for more info.
+     * @param  bool   $overwrite    Overwrite the existing headers with new.
+     * @return string The complete e-mail.
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function getMessage($separation = null, $build_params = null, $xtra_headers = null, $overwrite = false)
+    {
+        if ($separation === null)
+        {
+            $separation = MAIL_MIME_CRLF;
+        }
+        $body = $this->get($build_params);
+        $head = $this->txtHeaders($xtra_headers, $overwrite);
+        $mail = $head . $separation . $body;
+        return $mail;
+    }
      * Builds the multipart message from the list ($this->_parts) and
@@ -443,9 +512,14 @@
      * @param  array  Build parameters that change the way the email
      *                is built. Should be associative. Can contain:
+     *                head_encoding  -  What encoding to use for the headers. 
+     *                                  Options: quoted-printable or base64
+     *                                  Default is quoted-printable
      *                text_encoding  -  What encoding to use for plain text
+     *                                  Options: 7bit, 8bit, base64, or quoted-printable
      *                                  Default is 7bit
      *                html_encoding  -  What encoding to use for html
+     *                                  Options: 7bit, 8bit, base64, or quoted-printable
      *                                  Default is quoted-printable
      *                7bit_wrap      -  Number of characters before text is
      *                                  wrapped in 7bit encoding
@@ -468,13 +542,19 @@
         if (!empty($this->_html_images) AND isset($this->_htmlbody)) {
-            foreach ($this->_html_images as $value) {
-                $regex = '#(\s)((?i)src|background|href(?-i))\s*=\s*(["\']?)' . preg_quote($value['name'], '#') .
-                         '\3#';
-                $rep = '\1\2=\3cid:' . $value['cid'] .'\3';
+            foreach ($this->_html_images as $key => $value) {
+                $regex = array();
+                $regex[] = '#(\s)((?i)src|background|href(?-i))\s*=\s*(["\']?)' .
+                            preg_quote($value['name'], '#') . '\3#';
+                $regex[] = '#(?i)url(?-i)\(\s*(["\']?)' .
+                            preg_quote($value['name'], '#') . '\1\s*\)#';
+                $rep = array();
+                $rep[] = '\1\2=\3cid:' . $value['cid'] .'\3';
+                $rep[] = 'url(\1cid:' . $value['cid'] . '\2)';
                 $this->_htmlbody = preg_replace($regex, $rep,
+                $this->_html_images[$key]['name'] = basename($this->_html_images[$key]['name']);
@@ -567,10 +647,12 @@
             $output = $message->encode();
             $this->_headers = array_merge($this->_headers,
-            return $output['body'];
+            $body = $output['body'];
+            return $body;
         } else {
-            return false;
+            $ret = false;
+            return $ret;
@@ -581,10 +663,11 @@
      * @param  array $xtra_headers Assoc array with any extra headers.
      *                             Optional.
+     * @param  bool  $overwrite    Overwrite already existing headers.
      * @return array Assoc array with the mime headers
      * @access public
-    function &headers($xtra_headers = null)
+    function &headers($xtra_headers = null, $overwrite = false)
         // Content-Type header should already be present,
         // So just add mime version header
@@ -592,9 +675,14 @@
         if (isset($xtra_headers)) {
             $headers = array_merge($headers, $xtra_headers);
-        $this->_headers = array_merge($headers, $this->_headers);
+        if ($overwrite){
+            $this->_headers = array_merge($this->_headers, $headers);
+        }else{
+            $this->_headers = array_merge($headers, $this->_headers);
+        }
-        return $this->_encodeHeaders($this->_headers);
+        $encodedHeaders = $this->_encodeHeaders($this->_headers);
+        return $encodedHeaders;
@@ -603,12 +691,13 @@
      * @param  array   $xtra_headers Assoc array with any extra headers.
      *                               Optional.
+     * @param  bool    $overwrite    Overwrite the existing heaers with new.
      * @return string  Plain text headers
      * @access public
-    function txtHeaders($xtra_headers = null)
+    function txtHeaders($xtra_headers = null, $overwrite = false)
-        $headers = $this->headers($xtra_headers);
+        $headers = $this->headers($xtra_headers, $overwrite);
         $ret = '';
         foreach ($headers as $key => $val) {
             $ret .= "$key: $val" . MAIL_MIME_CRLF;
@@ -671,40 +760,134 @@
-    * Encodes a header as per RFC2047
-    *
-    * @param  string  $input The header data to encode
-    * @return string         Encoded data
-    * @access private
-    */
+     * Since the PHP send function requires you to specifiy 
+     * recipients (To: header) separately from the other
+     * headers, the To: header is not properly encoded.
+     * To fix this, you can use this public method to 
+     * encode your recipients before sending to the send
+     * function
+     *
+     * @param  string $recipients A comma-delimited list of recipients
+     * @return string Encoded data
+     * @access public
+     */
+    function encodeRecipients($recipients)
+    {
+        $input = array("To" => $recipients);
+        $retval = $this->_encodeHeaders($input);
+        return $retval["To"] ;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Encodes a header as per RFC2047
+     *
+     * @param  array $input The header data to encode
+     * @return array Encoded data
+     * @access private
+     */
     function _encodeHeaders($input)
         foreach ($input as $hdr_name => $hdr_value) {
-            preg_match_all('/([\w\-]*[\x80-\xFF]+[\w\-]*(\s+[\w\-]*[\x80-\xFF]+[\w\-]*)*)\s*/',
-            $hdr_value, $matches);
-            foreach ($matches[1] as $value) {
-                switch ($head_encoding = $this->_build_params['head_encoding']) {
-                case 'base64':
-                    $symbol = 'B';
-                    $replacement = base64_encode($value);
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    if ($head_encoding != 'quoted-printable') {
-                        PEAR::raiseError('Invalid header encoding specified; using `quoted-printable` instead',
-                                        NULL,
-                                        PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER,
-                                        E_USER_WARNING);
-                    }
-                    $symbol = 'Q';
-                    $replacement = preg_replace('/([\s_=\?\x80-\xFF])/e', '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))', $value);
+            if (function_exists('iconv_mime_encode') && preg_match('#[\x80-\xFF]{1}#', $hdr_value)){
+                $imePref = array();
+                if ($this->_build_params['head_encoding'] == 'base64'){
+                    $imePrefs['scheme'] = 'B';
+                }else{
+                    $imePrefs['scheme'] = 'Q';
-                $hdr_value = str_replace($value, '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?' . $symbol . '?' . $replacement . '?=', $hdr_value);
+                $imePrefs['input-charset']  = $this->_build_params['head_charset'];
+                $imePrefs['output-charset'] = $this->_build_params['head_charset'];
+                $hdr_value = iconv_mime_encode($hdr_name, $hdr_value, $imePrefs);
+                $hdr_value = preg_replace("#^{$hdr_name}\:\ #", "", $hdr_value);
+            }elseif (preg_match('#[\x80-\xFF]{1}#', $hdr_value)){
+                //This header contains non ASCII chars and should be encoded.
+                switch ($this->_build_params['head_encoding']) {
+                case 'base64':
+                    //Base64 encoding has been selected.
+                    //Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly 
+                    //determine the maximum length of such strings.
+                    //75 is the value specified in the RFC. The -2 is there so 
+                    //the later regexp doesn't break any of the translated chars.
+                    $prefix = '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?B?';
+                    $suffix = '?=';
+                    $maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 2;
+                    $maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - strlen($hdr_name);
+                    //Base64 encode the entire string
+                    $hdr_value = base64_encode($hdr_value);
+                    //This regexp will break base64-encoded text at every 
+                    //$maxLength but will not break any encoded letters.
+                    $reg1st = "|.{0,$maxLength1stLine}[^\=][^\=]|";
+                    $reg2nd = "|.{0,$maxLength}[^\=][^\=]|";
+                    break;
+                case 'quoted-printable':
+                default:
+                    //quoted-printable encoding has been selected
+                    //Generate the header using the specified params and dynamicly 
+                    //determine the maximum length of such strings.
+                    //75 is the value specified in the RFC. The -2 is there so 
+                    //the later regexp doesn't break any of the translated chars.
+                    $prefix = '=?' . $this->_build_params['head_charset'] . '?Q?';
+                    $suffix = '?=';
+                    $maxLength = 75 - strlen($prefix . $suffix) - 2;
+                    $maxLength1stLine = $maxLength - strlen($hdr_name);
+                    //Replace all special characters used by the encoder.
+                    $search  = array("=",   "_",   "?",   " ");
+                    $replace = array("=3D", "=5F", "=3F", "_");
+                    $hdr_value = str_replace($search, $replace, $hdr_value);
+                    //Replace all extended characters (\x80-xFF) with their
+                    //ASCII values.
+                    $hdr_value = preg_replace(
+                        '#([\x80-\xFF])#e',
+                        '"=" . strtoupper(dechex(ord("\1")))',
+                        $hdr_value
+                    );
+                    //This regexp will break QP-encoded text at every $maxLength
+                    //but will not break any encoded letters.
+                    $reg1st = "|(.{0,$maxLength})[^\=]|";
+                    $reg2nd = "|(.{0,$maxLength})[^\=]|";
+                    break;
+                }
+                //Begin with the regexp for the first line.
+                $reg = $reg1st;
+                $output = "";
+                while ($hdr_value) {
+                    //Split translated string at every $maxLength
+                    //But make sure not to break any translated chars.
+                    $found = preg_match($reg, $hdr_value, $matches);
+                    //After this first line, we need to use a different
+                    //regexp for the first line.
+                    $reg = $reg2nd;
+                    //Save the found part and encapsulate it in the
+                    //prefix & suffix. Then remove the part from the
+                    //$hdr_value variable.
+                    if ($found){
+                        $part = $matches[0];
+                        $hdr_value = substr($hdr_value, strlen($matches[0]));
+                    }else{
+                        $part = $hdr_value;
+                        $hdr_value = "";
+                    }
+                    //RFC 2047 specifies that any split header should be seperated
+                    //by a CRLF SPACE. 
+                    if ($output){
+                        $output .=  "\r\n ";
+                    }
+                    $output .= $prefix . $part . $suffix;
+                }
+                $hdr_value = $output;
             $input[$hdr_name] = $hdr_value;
         return $input;
@@ -726,3 +909,4 @@
 } // End of class

Gitblit v1.9.1