From 77c28206a14b5bee3f3091f10cffd531bce5649c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yllar <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 13:25:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] updated ja and fr translations

 program/js/app.js | 1480 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 501 insertions(+), 979 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/js/app.js b/program/js/app.js
index eedcd13..d47f427 100644
--- a/program/js/app.js
+++ b/program/js/app.js
@@ -3,21 +3,19 @@
  | RoundCube Webmail Client Script                                       |
  |                                                                       |
  | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client                     |
- | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland                      |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005-2006, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland                 |
  | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
  |                                                                       |
  | Authors: Thomas Bruederli <>                       |
  |          Charles McNulty <>                 |
+ | Requires: common.js, list.js                                          |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// Constants
-var CONTROL_KEY = 1;
-var SHIFT_KEY = 2;
 var rcube_webmail_client;
@@ -28,16 +26,13 @@
   this.buttons = new Object();
   this.gui_objects = new Object();
   this.commands = new Object();
-  this.selection = new Array();
-  this.last_selected = 0;
-  this.in_message_list = false;
   // create public reference to myself
   rcube_webmail_client = this;
   this.ref = 'rcube_webmail_client';
   // webmail client settings
-  this.dblclick_time = 600;
+  this.dblclick_time = 500;
   this.message_time = 5000;
   this.mbox_expression = new RegExp('[^0-9a-z\-_]', 'gi');
@@ -93,12 +88,13 @@
   // initialize webmail client
   this.init = function()
+    var p = this;
     this.task = this.env.task;
     // check browser
     if (!bw.dom || !bw.xmlhttp_test())
-      location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=error&_code=0x199';
+      this.goto_url('error', '_code=0x199');
@@ -116,28 +112,55 @@
     switch (this.task)
       case 'mail':
-        var msg_list_frame = this.gui_objects.mailcontframe;
-        var msg_list = this.gui_objects.messagelist;
-        if (msg_list)
+        if (this.gui_objects.messagelist)
-          msg_list_frame.onmousedown = function(e){return rcube_webmail_client.click_on_list(e);};
-          this.init_messagelist(msg_list);
+          this.message_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.messagelist, {multiselect:true, draggable:true, keyboard:true, dblclick_time:this.dblclick_time});
+          this.message_list.row_init = function(o){ p.init_message_row(o); };
+          this.message_list.addEventListener('dblclick', function(o){ p.msglist_dbl_click(o); });
+          this.message_list.addEventListener('keypress', function(o){ p.msglist_keypress(o); });
+          this.message_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.msglist_select(o); });
+          this.message_list.addEventListener('dragstart', function(o){ p.drag_active = true; });
+          this.message_list.addEventListener('dragend', function(o){ p.drag_active = false; });
+          this.message_list.init();
           this.enable_command('toggle_status', true);
+          if (this.gui_objects.mailcontframe)
+            {
+            this.gui_objects.mailcontframe.onmousedown = function(e){ return p.click_on_list(e); };
+            document.onmouseup = function(e){ return p.doc_mouse_up(e); };
+            }
+          else
+            this.message_list.focus();
         // enable mail commands
         this.enable_command('list', 'checkmail', 'compose', 'add-contact', 'search', 'reset-search', true);
-        if (this.env.action=='show')
+        if (this.env.action=='show' || this.env.action=='preview')
           this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'moveto', 'delete', 'viewsource', 'print', 'load-attachment', true);
           if (this.env.next_uid)
+            {
             this.enable_command('nextmessage', true);
+            this.enable_command('lastmessage', true);
+            }
           if (this.env.prev_uid)
+            {
             this.enable_command('previousmessage', true);
+            this.enable_command('firstmessage', true);
+            }
+          }
+        // make preview/message frame visible
+        if (this.env.action == 'preview' && this.env.framed && parent.rcmail)
+          {
+          this.enable_command('compose', 'add-contact', false);
+          parent.rcmail.show_messageframe(true);
+          parent.rcmail.mark_message('read', this.uid);
-        if (this.env.action=='show' && this.env.blockedobjects)
+        if ((this.env.action=='show' || this.env.action=='preview') && this.env.blockedobjects)
           if (this.gui_objects.remoteobjectsmsg)
    = 'block';
@@ -183,26 +206,36 @@
       case 'addressbook':
-        var contacts_list      = this.gui_objects.contactslist;
-        var ldap_contacts_list = this.gui_objects.ldapcontactslist;
+        if (this.gui_objects.contactslist)
+          {
+          this.contact_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.contactslist, {multiselect:true, draggable:false, keyboard:true});
+          this.contact_list.addEventListener('keypress', function(o){ p.contactlist_keypress(o); });
+          this.contact_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.contactlist_select(o); });
+          this.contact_list.init();
-        if (contacts_list)
-          this.init_contactslist(contacts_list);
-        if (ldap_contacts_list)
-          this.init_ldapsearchlist(ldap_contacts_list);
+          if (this.env.cid)
+            this.contact_list.highlight_row(this.env.cid);
+          if (this.gui_objects.contactslist.parentNode)
+            {
+            this.gui_objects.contactslist.parentNode.onmousedown = function(e){ return p.click_on_list(e); };
+            document.onmouseup = function(e){ return p.doc_mouse_up(e); };
+            }
+          else
+            this.contact_list.focus();
+          }
         if (this.env.cid)
           this.enable_command('show', 'edit', true);
         if ((this.env.action=='add' || this.env.action=='edit') && this.gui_objects.editform)
           this.enable_command('save', true);
         this.enable_command('list', 'add', true);
-        this.enable_command('ldappublicsearch', this.env.ldappublicsearch);
+        // this.enable_command('ldappublicsearch', this.env.ldappublicsearch);
@@ -218,10 +251,17 @@
         if (this.env.action=='folders')
           this.enable_command('subscribe', 'unsubscribe', 'create-folder', 'rename-folder', 'delete-folder', true);
-        var identities_list = this.gui_objects.identitieslist;
-        if (identities_list)
-          this.init_identitieslist(identities_list);
+        if (this.gui_objects.identitieslist)
+          {
+          this.identity_list = new rcube_list_widget(this.gui_objects.identitieslist, {multiselect:false, draggable:false, keyboard:false});
+          this.identity_list.addEventListener('select', function(o){ p.identity_select(o); });
+          this.identity_list.init();
+          this.identity_list.focus();
+          if (this.env.iid)
+            this.identity_list.highlight_row(this.env.iid);
+          }
@@ -244,13 +284,6 @@
     // enable basic commands
     this.enable_command('logout', true);
-    // disable browser's contextmenus
-    // document.oncontextmenu = function(){ return false; }
-    // load body click event
-    document.onmousedown = function(){ return rcube_webmail_client.reset_click(); };
-    document.onkeydown   = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.key_pressed(e, msg_list_frame); };
     // flag object as complete
     this.loaded = true;
@@ -266,161 +299,32 @@
   // start interval for keep-alive/recent_check signal
   this.start_keepalive = function()
-    if (this.env.keep_alive && this.task=='mail' && this.gui_objects.messagelist)
+    if (this.env.keep_alive && !this.env.framed && this.task=='mail' && this.gui_objects.messagelist)
       this._int = setInterval(this.ref+'.check_for_recent()', this.env.keep_alive * 1000);
-    else if (this.env.keep_alive && this.task!='login')
+    else if (this.env.keep_alive && !this.env.framed && this.task!='login')
       this._int = setInterval(this.ref+'.send_keep_alive()', this.env.keep_alive * 1000);    
-  // reset last clicked if user clicks on anything other than the message table
-  this.reset_click = function()
-    {
-    var id;
-    this.in_message_list = false;
-	for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
-	  {
-      id = this.selection[n];
-      if (this.list_rows[id] && this.list_rows[id].obj)
-        {
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'selected', false);
-		this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'unfocused', true);
-        }
-      }
-    };
-  this.click_on_list = function(e)
-    {
-    if (!e)
-      e = window.event;
-    for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
-      {
-      id = this.selection[n];
-      if (this.list_rows[id].obj)
-        {
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'selected', true);
-		this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'unfocused', false);
-        }
-      }
-    var mbox_li;
-    if (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li()) 
-      this.set_classname(mbox_li, 'unfocused', true);
-    this.in_message_list = true;
-    e.cancelBubble = true;
-    };
-  this.key_pressed = function(e, msg_list_frame) {
-    if (this.in_message_list != true) 
-      return true;
-    var keyCode = document.layers ? e.which : document.all ? event.keyCode : document.getElementById ? e.keyCode : 0;
-    var mod_key = this.get_modifier(e);
-    switch (keyCode) {
-      case 13:
-        this.command('show','',this);
-        break;
-      case 40:
-      case 38: 
-        return this.use_arrow_key(keyCode, mod_key, msg_list_frame);
-        break;
-      case 46:
-        return this.use_delete_key(keyCode, mod_key, msg_list_frame);
-        break;
-      default:
-        return true;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  this.use_arrow_key = function(keyCode, mod_key, msg_list_frame) {
-    var scroll_to = 0;
-    if (keyCode == 40) { // down arrow key pressed
-      new_row = this.get_next_row();
-      if (!new_row) return false;
-      scroll_to = (Number(new_row.offsetTop) + Number(new_row.offsetHeight)) - Number(msg_list_frame.offsetHeight);
-    } else if (keyCode == 38) { // up arrow key pressed
-      new_row = this.get_prev_row();
-      if (!new_row) return false;
-      scroll_to = new_row.offsetTop;
-    } else {return true;}
-    this.select_row(new_row.uid,mod_key,true);
-    if (((Number(new_row.offsetTop)) < (Number(msg_list_frame.scrollTop))) || 
-       ((Number(new_row.offsetTop) + Number(new_row.offsetHeight)) > (Number(msg_list_frame.scrollTop) + Number(msg_list_frame.offsetHeight)))) {
-      msg_list_frame.scrollTop = scroll_to;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-  this.use_delete_key = function(keyCode, mod_key, msg_list_frame){
-    this.command('delete','',this);
-    return false;
-  }
-  // get all message rows from HTML table and init each row
-  this.init_messagelist = function(msg_list)
-    {
-    if (msg_list && msg_list.tBodies[0])
-      {
-      this.message_rows = new Array();
-      var row;
-      for(var r=0; r<msg_list.tBodies[0].childNodes.length; r++)
-        {
-        row = msg_list.tBodies[0].childNodes[r];
-        while (row && (row.nodeType != 1 || == 'none')) {
-          row = row.nextSibling;
-          r++;
-        }
-        //row = msg_list.tBodies[0].rows[r];
-        if (row) this.init_message_row(row);
-        }
-      }
-    // alias to common rows array
-    this.list_rows = this.message_rows;
-    };
-  // make references in internal array and set event handlers
   this.init_message_row = function(row)
-    {
-    var uid, msg_icon;
-    if (String([0-9]+)/))
+  {
+    var uid = row.uid;
+    if (uid && this.env.messages[uid])
-      uid = RegExp.$1;
-      row.uid = uid;
-      this.message_rows[uid] = {, obj:row,
-                                classname:row.className,
-                                deleted:this.env.messages[uid] ? this.env.messages[uid].deleted : null,
-                                unread:this.env.messages[uid] ? this.env.messages[uid].unread : null,
-                                replied:this.env.messages[uid] ? this.env.messages[uid].replied : null};
-      // set eventhandlers to table row
-      row.onmousedown = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.drag_row(e, this.uid); };
-      row.onmouseup = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.click_row(e, this.uid); };
-      if (document.all)
-        row.onselectstart = function() { return false; };
-      // set eventhandler to message icon
-      if ((msg_icon = row.cells[0].childNodes[0]) && row.cells[0].childNodes[0].nodeName=='IMG')
-        {                
- = 'msgicn_'+uid;
-        msg_icon._row = row;
-        msg_icon.onmousedown = function(e) { rcube_webmail_client.command('toggle_status', this); };
-        // get message icon and save original icon src
-        this.message_rows[uid].icon = msg_icon;
-        }
+      row.deleted = this.env.messages[uid].deleted;
+      row.unread = this.env.messages[uid].unread;
+      row.replied = this.env.messages[uid].replied;
-    };
+    // set eventhandler to message icon
+    if ((row.icon = row.obj.cells[0].childNodes[0]) && row.icon.nodeName=='IMG')
+      {
+      var p = this;
+ = 'msgicn_'+row.uid;
+      row.icon._row = row.obj;
+      row.icon.onmousedown = function(e) { p.command('toggle_status', this); };
+      }
+  };
   // init message compose form: set focus and eventhandlers
@@ -455,7 +359,7 @@
     else if (input_subject && input_subject.value=='')
     else if (input_message)
-      this.set_caret2start(input_message); // input_message.focus();
+      this.set_caret2start(input_message);
     // get summary of all field values
     this.cmp_hash = this.compose_field_hash();
@@ -468,115 +372,20 @@
     var handler = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.ksearch_keypress(e,this); };
     var handler2 = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.ksearch_blur(e,this); };
     if (bw.safari)
-      {
       obj.addEventListener('keydown', handler, false);
-      // obj.addEventListener('blur', handler2, false);
-      }
     else if (
       obj.addEventListener('keypress', handler, false);
       obj.addEventListener('blur', handler2, false);
     else if (
-      {
       obj.onkeydown = handler;
-      //obj.attachEvent('onkeydown', handler);
-      // obj.attachEvent('onblur', handler2, false);
-      }
     obj.setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');       
-  // get all contact rows from HTML table and init each row
-  this.init_contactslist = function(contacts_list)
-    {
-    if (contacts_list && contacts_list.tBodies[0])
-      {
-      this.contact_rows = new Array();
-      var row;
-      for(var r=0; r<contacts_list.tBodies[0].childNodes.length; r++)
-        {
-        row = contacts_list.tBodies[0].childNodes[r];
-        this.init_table_row(row, 'contact_rows');
-        }
-      }
-    // alias to common rows array
-    this.list_rows = this.contact_rows;
-    if (this.env.cid)
-      this.highlight_row(this.env.cid);
-    };
-  // get all contact rows from HTML table and init each row
-  this.init_ldapsearchlist = function(ldap_contacts_list)
-    {
-    if (ldap_contacts_list && ldap_contacts_list.tBodies[0])
-      {
-      this.ldap_contact_rows = new Array();
-      var row;
-      for(var r=0; r<ldap_contacts_list.tBodies[0].childNodes.length; r++)
-        {
-        row = ldap_contacts_list.tBodies[0].childNodes[r];
-        this.init_table_row(row, 'ldap_contact_rows');
-        }
-      }
-    // alias to common rows array
-    this.list_rows = this.ldap_contact_rows;
-    };
-  // make references in internal array and set event handlers
-  this.init_table_row = function(row, array_name)
-    {
-    var cid;
-    if (String([0-9]+)/))
-      {
-      cid = RegExp.$1;
-      row.cid = cid;
-      this[array_name][cid] = {,
-                               obj:row,
-                               classname:row.className};
-      // set eventhandlers to table row
-      row.onmousedown = function(e) { rcube_webmail_client.in_selection_before=this.cid; return false; };  // fake for drag handler
-      row.onmouseup = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.click_row(e, this.cid); };
-      }
-    };
-  // get all contact rows from HTML table and init each row
-  this.init_identitieslist = function(identities_list)
-    {
-    if (identities_list && identities_list.tBodies[0])
-      {
-      this.identity_rows = new Array();
-      var row;
-      for(var r=0; r<identities_list.tBodies[0].childNodes.length; r++)
-        {
-        row = identities_list.tBodies[0].childNodes[r];
-        this.init_table_row(row, 'identity_rows');
-        }
-      }
-    // alias to common rows array
-    this.list_rows = this.identity_rows;
-    if (this.env.iid)
-      this.highlight_row(this.env.iid);    
-    };
@@ -621,7 +430,7 @@
       case 'logout':
-        location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=logout';
+        this.goto_url('logout');
       // commands to switch task
@@ -638,11 +447,6 @@
           if (this.env.search_request<0 || (this.env.search_request && props != this.env.mailbox))
-          // Reset message list header, unless returning from compose/read/etc
-          // don't know what this is good for (thomasb, 2006/07/25)
-          //if (this.env.mailbox != props && this.message_rows)
-          //  this.clear_message_list_header();
@@ -688,8 +492,16 @@
+      case 'lastpage':
+        this.list_page('last');
+        break;
       case 'previouspage':
+        break;
+      case 'firstpage':
+        this.list_page('first');
       case 'expunge':
@@ -711,11 +523,8 @@
           var uid = this.get_single_uid();
           if (uid && (!this.env.uid || uid != this.env.uid))
-            if (this.env.mailbox==this.env.drafts_mailbox)
-              {
-              this.set_busy(true);
-              location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=compose&_draft_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox);
-              }
+            if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
+              this.goto_url('compose', '_draft_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true);
@@ -730,6 +539,9 @@
       case 'add':
         if (this.task=='addressbook')
+          this.load_contact(0, 'add');
+        /* LDAP stuff, has to be re-written with new address book
           if (!window.frames[this.env.contentframe].rcmail)
             this.load_contact(0, 'add');
@@ -739,9 +551,10 @@
               this.load_contact(0, 'add');
+        */
         else if (this.task=='settings')
-          this.clear_selection();
+          this.identity_list.clear_selection();
           this.load_identity(0, 'add-identity');
@@ -819,11 +632,11 @@
         if (props._row.uid)
           uid = props._row.uid;
-          this.dont_select = true;
+          this.message_list.dont_select = true;
           // toggle read/unread
-          if (this.message_rows[uid].deleted) {
-          	flag = 'undelete';
-          } else if (!this.message_rows[uid].unread)
+          if (this.message_list.rows[uid].deleted) {
+            flag = 'undelete';
+          } else if (!this.message_list.rows[uid].unread)
             flag = 'unread';
@@ -832,16 +645,16 @@
       case 'load-images':
         if (this.env.uid)
-          this.show_message(this.env.uid, true);
+          this.show_message(this.env.uid, true, this.env.action=='preview');
       case 'load-attachment':
-        var url = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=get&_mbox='+this.env.mailbox+'&_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_part='+props.part;
+        var qstring = '_mbox='+this.env.mailbox+'&_uid='+this.env.uid+'&_part='+props.part;
         // open attachment in frame if it's of a supported mimetype
         if (this.env.uid && props.mimetype && find_in_array(props.mimetype, this.mimetypes)>=0)
-          this.attachment_win ='&_frame=1', 'rcubemailattachment');
+          this.attachment_win ='&_action=get&'+qstring+'&_frame=1', 'rcubemailattachment');
           if (this.attachment_win)
             setTimeout(this.ref+'.attachment_win.focus()', 10);
@@ -849,27 +662,35 @@
-        location.href = url;
+        this.goto_url('get', qstring+'&_download=1');
       case 'select-all':
-        this.select_all(props);
+        this.message_list.select_all(props);
       case 'select-none':
-        this.clear_selection();
+        this.message_list.clear_selection();
       case 'nextmessage':
         if (this.env.next_uid)
-          this.show_message(this.env.next_uid);
-          //location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=show&_uid='+this.env.next_uid+'&_mbox='+this.env.mailbox;
+          this.show_message(this.env.next_uid, false, this.env.action=='preview');
+        break;
+	  case 'lastmessage':
+        if (this.env.last_uid)
+          this.show_message(this.env.last_uid);
       case 'previousmessage':
         if (this.env.prev_uid)
-          this.show_message(this.env.prev_uid);
-          //location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=show&_uid='+this.env.prev_uid+'&_mbox='+this.env.mailbox;
+          this.show_message(this.env.prev_uid, false, this.env.action=='preview');
+        break;
+      case 'firstmessage':
+        if (this.env.first_uid)
+          this.show_message(this.env.first_uid);
       case 'checkmail':
@@ -894,14 +715,18 @@
           // use contact_id passed as command parameter
           if (props)
             a_cids[a_cids.length] = props;
           // get selected contacts
+            var selection = this.contact_list.get_selection();
+            for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
+              a_cids[a_cids.length] = selection[n];
+            /* LDAP stuff, has to be re-written with new address book
             if (!window.frames[this.env.contentframe].rcmail.selection.length)
-              for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
-                a_cids[a_cids.length] = this.selection[n];
+              for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
+                a_cids[a_cids.length] = selection[n];
@@ -910,19 +735,18 @@
               for (var n=0; n<frameRcmail.selection.length; n++)
                 a_cids[a_cids.length] = frameRcmail.ldap_contact_rows[frameRcmail.selection[n]].obj.cells[1].innerHTML;
+            */
           if (a_cids.length)
             url += '&_to='+a_cids.join(',');
         else if (props)
-           url += '&_to='+encodeURIComponent(props);
+           url += '&_to='+urlencode(props);
         // don't know if this is necessary...
         url = url.replace(/&_framed=1/, "");
         // need parent in case we are coming from the contact frame
@@ -997,19 +821,13 @@
       case 'reply':
         var uid;
         if (uid = this.get_single_uid())
-          {
-          this.set_busy(true);
-          location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=compose&_reply_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+(command=='reply-all' ? '&_all=1' : '');
-          }
+          this.goto_url('compose', '_reply_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+(command=='reply-all' ? '&_all=1' : ''), true);
       case 'forward':
         var uid;
         if (uid = this.get_single_uid())
-          {
-          this.set_busy(true);
-          location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=compose&_forward_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox);
-          }
+          this.goto_url('compose', '_forward_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true);
       case 'print':
@@ -1064,18 +882,18 @@
       // user settings commands
       case 'preferences':
-        location.href = this.env.comm_path;
+        this.goto_url('');
       case 'identities':
-        location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=identities';
+        this.goto_url('identities');
       case 'delete-identity':
       case 'folders':
-        location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=folders';
+        this.goto_url('folders');
       case 'subscribe':
@@ -1201,6 +1019,15 @@
+  this.doc_mouse_up = function(e)
+    {
+    if (this.message_list)
+      this.message_list.blur();
+    else if (this.contact_list)
+      this.contact_list.blur();
+    };
   // onmouseup handler for mailboxlist item
   this.mbox_mouse_up = function(mbox)
@@ -1216,322 +1043,125 @@
-  // onmousedown-handler of message list row
-  this.drag_row = function(e, id)
+  this.click_on_list = function(e)
-    this.in_selection_before = this.in_selection(id) ? id : false;
+    if (this.message_list)
+      this.message_list.focus();
+    else if (this.contact_list)
+        this.contact_list.focus();
-    // don't do anything (another action processed before)
-    if (this.dont_select)
-      return false;
+    var mbox_li;
+    if (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li())
+      this.set_classname(mbox_li, 'unfocused', true);
-    // selects currently unselected row
-    if (!this.in_selection_before && !this.list_rows[id].clicked)
-    {
-	  var mod_key = this.get_modifier(e);
-	  this.select_row(id,mod_key,false);
-    }
-    if (this.selection.length)
-      {
-      this.drag_start = true;
-      document.onmousemove = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.drag_mouse_move(e); };
-      document.onmouseup = function(e){ return rcube_webmail_client.drag_mouse_up(e); };
-      }
-    return false;
+    rcube_event.cancel(e);
-  // onmouseup-handler of message list row
-  this.click_row = function(e, id)
+  this.msglist_select = function(list)
-    var mod_key = this.get_modifier(e);
+    if (this.preview_timer)
+      clearTimeout(this.preview_timer);
-    // don't do anything (another action processed before)
-    if (this.dont_select)
+    var selected = list.selection.length==1;
+    if (this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
-      this.dont_select = false;
-      return false;
+      this.enable_command('show', selected);
+      this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', list.selection.length>0 ? true : false);
-    // unselects currently selected row    
-    if (!this.drag_active && this.in_selection_before==id && !this.list_rows[id].clicked)
-      this.select_row(id,mod_key,false);
-    this.drag_start = false;
-    this.in_selection_before = false;
-    // row was double clicked
-    if (this.task=='mail' && this.list_rows && this.list_rows[id].clicked && this.in_selection(id))
+    else
-      if (this.env.mailbox==this.env.drafts_mailbox)
-        {
-        this.set_busy(true);
-        location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=compose&_draft_uid='+id+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        this.show_message(id);
-        }
-      return false;
-      }
-    else if (this.task=='addressbook')
-      {
-      if (this.contact_rows && this.selection.length==1)
-        {
-        this.load_contact(this.selection[0], 'show', true);
-        // change the text for the add contact button
-        var links = parent.document.getElementById('abooktoolbar').getElementsByTagName('A');
-        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
-          {
-          var onclickstring = new String(links[i].onclick);
-          if ('\"add\"') != -1)
-            links[i].title = this.env.newcontact;
-          }
-        }
-      else if (this.contact_rows && this.contact_rows[id].clicked)
-        {
-        this.load_contact(id, 'show');
-        return false;
-        }
-      else if (this.ldap_contact_rows && !this.ldap_contact_rows[id].clicked)
-        {
-        // clear selection
-        parent.rcmail.clear_selection();
+      this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'print', selected);
+      this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', list.selection.length>0 ? true : false);
-        // disable delete
-        parent.rcmail.set_button('delete', 'pas');
-        // change the text for the add contact button
-        var links = parent.document.getElementById('abooktoolbar').getElementsByTagName('A');
-        for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
-          {
-          var onclickstring = new String(links[i].onclick);
-          if ('\"add\"') != -1)
-            links[i].title = this.env.addcontact;
-          }
-        }
-      // handle double click event
-      else if (this.ldap_contact_rows && this.selection.length==1 && this.ldap_contact_rows[id].clicked)
-        this.command('compose', this.ldap_contact_rows[id].obj.cells[1].innerHTML);
+      // start timer for message preview (wait for double click)
+      if (selected && this.env.contentframe)
+        this.preview_timer = setTimeout(this.ref+'.msglist_get_preview()', this.dblclick_time + 10);
       else if (this.env.contentframe)
-        {
-        var elm = document.getElementById(this.env.contentframe);
- = 'hidden';
-        }
+        this.show_messageframe(false);
-    else if (this.task=='settings')
-      {
-      if (this.selection.length==1)
-        this.command('edit', this.selection[0]);
-      }
-    this.list_rows[id].clicked = true;
-    setTimeout(this.ref+'.list_rows['+id+'].clicked=false;', this.dblclick_time);
-    return false;
+  this.msglist_dbl_click = function(list)
+    {
+      if (this.preview_timer)
+        clearTimeout(this.preview_timer);
+    var uid = list.get_single_selection();
+    if (uid && this.env.mailbox == this.env.drafts_mailbox)
+      this.goto_url('compose', '_draft_uid='+uid+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox), true);
+    else if (uid)
+      this.show_message(uid, false, false);
+    };
+  this.msglist_keypress = function(list)
+    {
+    if (list.key_pressed == list.ENTER_KEY)
+      this.command('show');
+    else if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY)
+      this.command('delete');
+    };
+  this.msglist_get_preview = function()
+  {
+    var uid = this.get_single_uid();
+    if (uid && this.env.contentframe)
+      this.show_message(uid, false, true);
+    else if (this.env.contentframe)
+      this.show_messageframe(false);
+  };
   /*********     (message) list functionality      *********/
-  // get next and previous rows that are not hidden
-  this.get_next_row = function(){
-  	if (!this.list_rows) return false;
-    var last_selected_row = this.list_rows[this.last_selected];
-    var new_row = last_selected_row.obj.nextSibling;
-    while (new_row && (new_row.nodeType != 1 || == 'none')) {
-      new_row = new_row.nextSibling;
-    }
-    return new_row;
-  }
-  this.get_prev_row = function(){
-    if (!this.list_rows) return false;
-    var last_selected_row = this.list_rows[this.last_selected];
-    var new_row = last_selected_row.obj.previousSibling;
-    while (new_row && (new_row.nodeType != 1 || == 'none')) {
-      new_row = new_row.previousSibling;
-    }
-    return new_row;
-  }
-  // highlight/unhighlight a row
-  this.highlight_row = function(id, multiple)
-    {
-    var selected = false
-    if (this.list_rows[id] && !multiple)
-      {
-      this.clear_selection();
-      this.selection[0] = id;
-      this.list_rows[id].obj.className += ' selected';
-      selected = true;
-      }
-    else if (this.list_rows[id])
-      {
-      if (!this.in_selection(id))  // select row
-        {
-        this.selection[this.selection.length] = id;
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'selected', true);
-        }
-      else  // unselect row
-        {
-        var p = find_in_array(id, this.selection);
-        var a_pre = this.selection.slice(0, p);
-        var a_post = this.selection.slice(p+1, this.selection.length);
-        this.selection = a_pre.concat(a_post);
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'selected', false);
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'unfocused', false);
-        }
-      selected = (this.selection.length==1);
-      }
-    // enable/disable commands for message
-    if (this.task=='mail')
-      {
-      if (this.env.mailbox==this.env.drafts_mailbox)
-	{
-	this.enable_command('show', selected);
-	this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', this.selection.length>0 ? true : false);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        this.enable_command('show', 'reply', 'reply-all', 'forward', 'print', selected);
-        this.enable_command('delete', 'moveto', this.selection.length>0 ? true : false);
-        }
-      }
-    else if (this.task=='addressbook')
-      {
-      this.enable_command('edit', /*'print',*/ selected);
-      this.enable_command('delete', 'compose', this.selection.length>0 ? true : false);
-      }
-    };
-// selects or unselects the proper row depending on the modifier key pressed
-  this.select_row = function(id,mod_key,with_mouse)  { 
-  	if (!mod_key) {
-      this.shift_start = id;
-  	  this.highlight_row(id, false);
-    } else {
-      switch (mod_key) {
-        case SHIFT_KEY: { 
-          this.shift_select(id,false); 
-          break; }
-        case CONTROL_KEY: { 
-          this.shift_start = id;
-          if (!with_mouse)
-            this.highlight_row(id, true); 
-          break; 
-          }
-        case CONTROL_SHIFT_KEY: { 
-          this.shift_select(id,true);
-          break;
-          }
-        default: {
-          this.highlight_row(id, false); 
-          break;
-          }
-      }
-	}
-	if (this.last_selected != 0 && this.list_rows[this.last_selected])
-	  this.set_classname(this.list_rows[this.last_selected].obj, 'focused', false);
-    this.last_selected = id;
-    this.set_classname(this.list_rows[id].obj, 'focused', true);        
-  };
-  this.shift_select = function(id, control) {
-    var from_rowIndex = this.list_rows[this.shift_start].obj.rowIndex;
-    var to_rowIndex = this.list_rows[id].obj.rowIndex;
-    var i = ((from_rowIndex < to_rowIndex)? from_rowIndex : to_rowIndex);
-    var j = ((from_rowIndex > to_rowIndex)? from_rowIndex : to_rowIndex);
-	// iterate through the entire message list
-    for (var n in this.list_rows) {
-      if ((this.list_rows[n].obj.rowIndex >= i) && (this.list_rows[n].obj.rowIndex <= j)) {
-        if (!this.in_selection(n))
-          this.highlight_row(n, true);
-      } else {
-        if  (this.in_selection(n) && !control)
-          this.highlight_row(n, true);
-      }
-    }
-  };
-  this.clear_selection = function()
-    {
-    for(var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
-      if (this.list_rows[this.selection[n]]) {
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[this.selection[n]].obj, 'selected', false);
-        this.set_classname(this.list_rows[this.selection[n]].obj, 'unfocused', false);
-	  }
-    this.selection = new Array();    
-    };
-  // check if given id is part of the current selection
-  this.in_selection = function(id)
-    {
-    for(var n in this.selection)
-      if (this.selection[n]==id)
-        return true;
-    return false;    
-    };
-  // select each row in list
-  this.select_all = function(filter)
-    {
-    if (!this.list_rows || !this.list_rows.length)
-      return false;
-    // reset selection first
-    this.clear_selection();
-    for (var n in this.list_rows)
-      {
-      if (!filter || this.list_rows[n][filter]==true)
-        {
-        this.last_selected = n;
-        this.highlight_row(n, true);
-        }
-      }
-    return true;  
-    };
   // when user doble-clicks on a row
-  this.show_message = function(id, safe)
+  this.show_message = function(id, safe, preview)
     var add_url = '';
+    var action = preview ? 'preview': 'show';
     var target = window;
-    if (this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe])
+    if (preview && this.env.contentframe && window.frames && window.frames[this.env.contentframe])
       target = window.frames[this.env.contentframe];
       add_url = '&_framed=1';
     if (safe)
       add_url = '&_safe=1';
     if (id)
-      this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
-      target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=show&_uid='+id+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+add_url;
+      var url = '&_action='+action+'&_uid='+id+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+add_url;
+      if (action == 'preview' && String(target.location.href).indexOf(url) >= 0)
+        this.show_messageframe(true);
+      else
+        {
+        this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
+        target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+url;
+        }
+  this.show_messageframe = function(show)
+    {
+    var frm;
+    if (this.env.contentframe && (frm = rcube_find_object(this.env.contentframe)))
+      {
+      if (window.frames[this.env.contentframe] && !show)
+        window.frames[this.env.contentframe].location.href = 'program/blank.gif';
+ = show ? 'block' : 'none';
+      }
+    if (!show && this.busy)
+      this.set_busy(false);
+    };
   // list a specific page
@@ -1539,8 +1169,12 @@
     if (page=='next')
       page = this.env.current_page+1;
+    if (page=='last')
+      page = this.env.pagecount;
     if (page=='prev' && this.env.current_page>1)
       page = this.env.current_page-1;
+    if (page=='first' && this.env.current_page>1)
+      page = 1;
     if (page > 0 && page <= this.env.pagecount)
@@ -1574,7 +1208,7 @@
       page = 1;
       add_url += '&_refresh=1';
       this.env.current_page = page;
-      this.clear_selection();
+      this.message_list.clear_selection();
     // also send search request to get the right messages
@@ -1609,44 +1243,12 @@
   this.list_mailbox_remote = function(mbox, page, add_url)
     // clear message list first
-    this.clear_message_list();
+    this.message_list.clear();
     // send request to server
     var url = '_mbox='+urlencode(mbox)+(page ? '&_page='+page : '');
     this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
     this.http_request('list', url+add_url, true);
-    };
-  this.clear_message_list = function()
-    {
-    var table = this.gui_objects.messagelist;
-    var tbody = document.createElement('TBODY');
-    table.insertBefore(tbody, table.tBodies[0]);
-    table.removeChild(table.tBodies[1]);
-    this.message_rows = new Array();
-    this.list_rows = this.message_rows;
-    };
-  this.clear_message_list_header = function()
-    {
-    var table;
-    if (table = this.gui_objects.messagelist)
-      {
-      if (table.colgroup)
-        table.removeChild(table.colgroup);
-      if (table.tHead)
-        table.removeChild(table.tHead);
-      var colgroup = document.createElement('COLGROUP');
-      var thead = document.createElement('THEAD');
-      table.insertBefore(colgroup, table.tBodies[0]);
-      table.insertBefore(thead, table.tBodies[0]);
-      }
@@ -1694,44 +1296,43 @@
   this.focus_mailbox = function(mbox)
     var mbox_li;
-  	if (this.drag_active && mbox != this.env.mailbox && (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li(mbox)))
+    if (this.drag_active && mbox != this.env.mailbox && (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li(mbox)))
       this.set_classname(mbox_li, 'droptarget', true);
   this.unfocus_mailbox = function(mbox)
     var mbox_li;
-  	if (this.drag_active && (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li(mbox)))
+    if (this.drag_active && (mbox_li = this.get_mailbox_li(mbox)))
       this.set_classname(mbox_li, 'droptarget', false);
   // move selected messages to the specified mailbox
   this.move_messages = function(mbox)
-    // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
-    if (!mbox || !(this.selection.length || this.env.uid) || mbox==this.env.mailbox)
-      return;
+    // exit if current or no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
+    if (!mbox || !this.env.uid || mbox==this.env.mailbox)
+      {
+      if (!this.message_list || !this.message_list.get_selection().length)
+        return;
+      }
     var a_uids = new Array();
     if (this.env.uid)
       a_uids[a_uids.length] = this.env.uid;
+      var selection = this.message_list.get_selection();
       var id;
-      for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
+      for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
-        id = this.selection[n];
+        id = selection[n];
         a_uids[a_uids.length] = id;
-        // 'remove' message row from list (just hide it)
-        if (this.message_rows[id].obj)
-          this.message_rows[id] = 'none';
+        this.message_list.remove_row(id);
-      next_row = this.get_next_row();
-      prev_row = this.get_prev_row();
-      new_row = (next_row) ? next_row : prev_row;
-      if (new_row) this.select_row(new_row.uid,false,false);
+      this.message_list.select_next();
     var lock = false;
@@ -1742,37 +1343,38 @@
       lock = true;
       this.set_busy(true, 'movingmessage');
     // send request to server
     this.http_request('moveto', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_target_mbox='+urlencode(mbox)+'&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : ''), lock);
-  this.permanently_remove_messages = function() {
+  this.permanently_remove_messages = function()
+    {
     // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
-    if (!(this.selection.length || this.env.uid))
-      return;
+    if (!this.env.uid)
+      {
+      if (!this.message_list || !this.message_list.get_selection().length)
+        return;
+      }
     var a_uids = new Array();
     if (this.env.uid)
       a_uids[a_uids.length] = this.env.uid;
+      var selection = this.message_list.get_selection();
       var id;
-      for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
+      for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
-        id = this.selection[n];
+        id = selection[n];
         a_uids[a_uids.length] = id;
-        // 'remove' message row from list (just hide it)
-        if (this.message_rows[id].obj)
-          this.message_rows[id] = 'none';
+        this.message_list.remove_row(id);
-      }
-      next_row = this.get_next_row();
-      prev_row = this.get_prev_row();
-      new_row = (next_row) ? next_row : prev_row;
-      if (new_row) this.select_row(new_row.uid,false,false);
+      this.message_list.select_next();
+      }
     // send request to server
     this.http_request('delete', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_mbox='+urlencode(this.env.mailbox)+'&_from='+(this.env.action ? this.env.action : ''));
@@ -1782,31 +1384,38 @@
   this.delete_messages = function()
     // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
-    if (!(this.selection.length || this.env.uid))
-      return;
+    if (!this.env.uid)
+      {
+      if (!this.message_list || !this.message_list.get_selection().length)
+        return;
+      }
     // if there is a trash mailbox defined and we're not currently in it:
     if (this.env.trash_mailbox && String(this.env.mailbox).toLowerCase()!=String(this.env.trash_mailbox).toLowerCase())
-      this.move_messages(this.env.trash_mailbox);
+      // if shift was pressed delete it immediately
+      if (this.message_list && this.message_list.shiftkey)
+        {
+        if (confirm(this.get_label('deletemessagesconfirm')))
+          this.permanently_remove_messages();
+        }
+      else
+        this.move_messages(this.env.trash_mailbox);
     // if there is a trash mailbox defined but we *are* in it:
     else if (this.env.trash_mailbox && String(this.env.mailbox).toLowerCase() == String(this.env.trash_mailbox).toLowerCase())
     // if there isn't a defined trash mailbox and the config is set to flag for deletion
-    else if (!this.env.trash_mailbox && this.env.flag_for_deletion) {
+    else if (!this.env.trash_mailbox && this.env.flag_for_deletion)
+      {
       flag = 'delete';
-      if(this.env.action=="show"){
+      if(this.env.action=="show")
-      } else if (this.selection.length == 1) {
-        next_row = this.get_next_row();
-        prev_row = this.get_prev_row();
-        new_row = (next_row) ? next_row : prev_row;
-        if (new_row) this.select_row(new_row.uid,false,false);
+      else if (selection.length == 1)
+        this.message_list.select_next();
     // if there isn't a defined trash mailbox and the config is set NOT to flag for deletion
-    }else if (!this.env.trash_mailbox && !this.env.flag_for_deletion) {
+    else if (!this.env.trash_mailbox) 
-    }
-    return;
@@ -1814,6 +1423,7 @@
   this.mark_message = function(flag, uid)
     var a_uids = new Array();
+    var selection = this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_selection() : new Array();
     if (uid)
       a_uids[0] = uid;
@@ -1822,16 +1432,23 @@
       var id;
-      for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
+      for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
-        id = this.selection[n];
-        a_uids[a_uids.length] = id;
+        id = selection[n];
+        if ((flag=='read' && this.message_list.rows[id].unread) || (flag=='unread' && !this.message_list.rows[id].unread))
+          a_uids[a_uids.length] = id;
-      switch (flag) {
+    // nothing to do
+    if (!a_uids.length)
+      return;
+    switch (flag)
+      {
         case 'read':
         case 'unread':
-          this.toggle_read_status(flag,a_uids);
+          this.toggle_read_status(flag, a_uids);
         case 'delete':
         case 'undelete':
@@ -1841,66 +1458,70 @@
   // set class to read/unread
-  this.toggle_read_status = function(flag, a_uids) {
+  this.toggle_read_status = function(flag, a_uids)
+  {
     // mark all message rows as read/unread
     var icn_src;
+    var rows = this.message_list.rows;
     for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++)
       uid = a_uids[i];
-      if (this.message_rows[uid])
+      if (rows[uid])
-        this.message_rows[uid].unread = (flag=='unread' ? true : false);
+        rows[uid].unread = (flag=='unread' ? true : false);
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].classname.indexOf('unread')<0 && this.message_rows[uid].unread)
+        if (rows[uid].classname.indexOf('unread')<0 && rows[uid].unread)
-          this.message_rows[uid].classname += ' unread';
-          this.set_classname(this.message_rows[uid].obj, 'unread', true);
+          rows[uid].classname += ' unread';
+          this.set_classname(rows[uid].obj, 'unread', true);
           if (this.env.unreadicon)
             icn_src = this.env.unreadicon;
-        else if (!this.message_rows[uid].unread)
+        else if (!rows[uid].unread)
-          this.message_rows[uid].classname = this.message_rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*unread/, '');
-          this.set_classname(this.message_rows[uid].obj, 'unread', false);
+          rows[uid].classname = rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*unread/, '');
+          this.set_classname(rows[uid].obj, 'unread', false);
-          if (this.message_rows[uid].replied && this.env.repliedicon)
+          if (rows[uid].replied && this.env.repliedicon)
             icn_src = this.env.repliedicon;
           else if (this.env.messageicon)
             icn_src = this.env.messageicon;
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].icon && icn_src)
-          this.message_rows[uid].icon.src = icn_src;
+        if (rows[uid].icon && icn_src)
+          rows[uid].icon.src = icn_src;
-      this.http_request('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag='+flag);
-  }
+    this.http_request('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag='+flag);
+  };
   // mark all message rows as deleted/undeleted
-  this.toggle_delete_status = function(a_uids) {
-    if (this.env.read_when_deleted) {
+  this.toggle_delete_status = function(a_uids)
+  {
+    if (this.env.read_when_deleted)
-    }
     // if deleting message from "view message" don't bother with delete icon
     if (this.env.action == "show")
       return false;
-    if (a_uids.length==1){
-      if(this.message_rows[a_uids[0]].classname.indexOf('deleted') < 0 ){
-      	this.flag_as_deleted(a_uids)
-      } else {
-      	this.flag_as_undeleted(a_uids)
-      }
+    var rows = this.message_list.rows;
+    if (a_uids.length==1) {
+      if (rows[a_uids[0]] && rows[a_uids[0]].classname.indexOf('deleted') < 0)
+        this.flag_as_deleted(a_uids);
+      else
+        this.flag_as_undeleted(a_uids);
       return true;
     var all_deleted = true;
     for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) {
       uid = a_uids[i];
-      if (this.message_rows[uid]) {
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')<0) {
+      if (rows[uid]) {
+        if (rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')<0) {
           all_deleted = false;
@@ -1913,59 +1534,67 @@
     return true;
-  }
+  };
-  this.flag_as_undeleted = function(a_uids){
+  this.flag_as_undeleted = function(a_uids)
+  {
     // if deleting message from "view message" don't bother with delete icon
     if (this.env.action == "show")
       return false;
     var icn_src;
+    var rows = this.message_list.rows;
     for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) {
       uid = a_uids[i];
-      if (this.message_rows[uid]) {
-        this.message_rows[uid].deleted = false;
+      if (rows[uid]) {
+        rows[uid].deleted = false;
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted') > 0) {
-          this.message_rows[uid].classname = this.message_rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*deleted/, '');
-          this.set_classname(this.message_rows[uid].obj, 'deleted', false);
+        if (rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted') > 0) {
+          rows[uid].classname = rows[uid].classname.replace(/\s*deleted/, '');
+          this.set_classname(rows[uid].obj, 'deleted', false);
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].unread && this.env.unreadicon)
+        if (rows[uid].unread && this.env.unreadicon)
           icn_src = this.env.unreadicon;
-        else if (this.message_rows[uid].replied && this.env.repliedicon)
+        else if (rows[uid].replied && this.env.repliedicon)
           icn_src = this.env.repliedicon;
         else if (this.env.messageicon)
           icn_src = this.env.messageicon;
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].icon && icn_src)
-          this.message_rows[uid].icon.src = icn_src;
+        if (rows[uid].icon && icn_src)
+          rows[uid].icon.src = icn_src;
     this.http_request('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag=undelete');
     return true;
-  }
+  };
-  this.flag_as_deleted = function(a_uids) {
+  this.flag_as_deleted = function(a_uids)
+  {
     // if deleting message from "view message" don't bother with delete icon
     if (this.env.action == "show")
       return false;
+    var rows = this.message_list.rows;
     for (var i=0; i<a_uids.length; i++) {
       uid = a_uids[i];
-      if (this.message_rows[uid]) {
-        this.message_rows[uid].deleted = true;
+      if (rows[uid]) {
+        rows[uid].deleted = true;
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')<0) {
-          this.message_rows[uid].classname += ' deleted';
-          this.set_classname(this.message_rows[uid].obj, 'deleted', true);
+        if (rows[uid].classname.indexOf('deleted')<0) {
+          rows[uid].classname += ' deleted';
+          this.set_classname(rows[uid].obj, 'deleted', true);
-        if (this.message_rows[uid].icon && this.env.deletedicon)
-          this.message_rows[uid].icon.src = this.env.deletedicon;
+        if (rows[uid].icon && this.env.deletedicon)
+          rows[uid].icon.src = this.env.deletedicon;
     this.http_request('mark', '_uid='+a_uids.join(',')+'&_flag=delete');
     return true;  
-  }
+  };
   this.get_mailbox_li = function(mbox)
@@ -2034,9 +1663,9 @@
   this.set_spellcheck_state = function(s)
-	this.spellcheck_ready = (s=='check_spelling' || s=='ready');
+  this.spellcheck_ready = (s=='check_spelling' || s=='ready');
     this.enable_command('spellcheck', this.spellcheck_ready);
-	};
+  };
   this.auto_save_start = function()
@@ -2091,50 +1720,54 @@
       if (this.env.identity && this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[this.env.identity])
         sig = this.env.signatures[this.env.identity]['text'];
-        if (sig.indexOf('--')!=0)
-          sig = '--\n'+sig;
+        if (sig.indexOf('-- ')!=0)
+          sig = '-- \n'+sig;
         p = message.lastIndexOf(sig);
         if (p>=0)
           message = message.substring(0, p-1) + message.substring(p+sig.length, message.length);
       // add the new signature string
       if (this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id])
         sig = this.env.signatures[id]['text'];
-        if (sig.indexOf('--')!=0)
-          sig = '--\n'+sig;
+        if (this.env.signatures[id]['is_html'])
+          {
+          sig = this.env.signatures[id]['plain_text'];
+          }
+        if (sig.indexOf('-- ')!=0)
+          sig = '-- \n'+sig;
         message += '\n'+sig;
-        var eid = tinyMCE.getEditorId('_message');
-        // editor is a TinyMCE_Control object
-        var editor = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(eid);
-        var msgDoc = editor.getDoc();
-        var msgBody = msgDoc.body;
+      var eid = tinyMCE.getEditorId('_message');
+      // editor is a TinyMCE_Control object
+      var editor = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(eid);
+      var msgDoc = editor.getDoc();
+      var msgBody = msgDoc.body;
-        if (this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id])
+      if (this.env.signatures && this.env.signatures[id])
+        {
+        // Append the signature as a span within the body
+        var sigElem = msgDoc.getElementById("_rc_sig");
+        if (!sigElem)
-          // Append the signature as a span within the body
-          var sigElem = msgDoc.getElementById("_rc_sig");
-          if (!sigElem)
-            {
-            sigElem = msgDoc.createElement("span");
-            sigElem.setAttribute("id", "_rc_sig");
-            msgBody.appendChild(sigElem);
-            }
-          if (this.env.signatures[id]['is_html'])
-            {
-            sigElem.innerHTML = this.env.signatures[id]['text'];
-            }
-          else
-            {
-            sigElem.innerHTML = '<pre>' + this.env.signatures[id]['text'] + '</pre>';
-            }
+          sigElem = msgDoc.createElement("span");
+          sigElem.setAttribute("id", "_rc_sig");
+          msgBody.appendChild(sigElem);
+        if (this.env.signatures[id]['is_html'])
+          {
+          sigElem.innerHTML = this.env.signatures[id]['text'];
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          sigElem.innerHTML = '<pre>' + this.env.signatures[id]['text'] + '</pre>';
+          }
+        }
     if (input_message)
@@ -2272,7 +1905,7 @@
     if (value && mbox)
-      this.clear_message_list();
+      this.message_list.clear();
       this.set_busy(true, 'searching');
       this.http_request('search', '_search='+value+'&_mbox='+mbox, true);
@@ -2527,6 +2160,30 @@
+  this.contactlist_keypress = function(list)
+    {
+      if (list.key_pressed == list.DELETE_KEY)
+        this.command('delete');
+    };
+  this.contactlist_select = function(list)
+    {
+      var id, frame;
+      if (id = list.get_single_selection())
+        this.load_contact(id, 'show');
+      else if (frame = document.getElementById(this.env.contentframe))
+ = 'hidden';
+      this.enable_command('edit', id?true:false);
+      if (list.selection.length)
+        this.enable_command('delete', 'compose', true);
+      return false; 
+    };
   this.list_contacts = function(page)
     var add_url = '';
@@ -2549,21 +2206,15 @@
     this.set_busy(true, 'loading');
-    location.href = this.env.comm_path+(page ? '&_page='+page : '')+add_url;
+    target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+(page ? '&_page='+page : '')+add_url;
   // send remote request to load contacts list
   this.list_contacts_remote = function(page)
-    // clear list
-    var table = this.gui_objects.contactslist;
-    var tbody = document.createElement('TBODY');
-    table.insertBefore(tbody, table.tBodies[0]);
-    table.tBodies[1].style.display = 'none';
-    this.contact_rows = new Array();
-    this.list_rows = this.contact_rows;
+    // clear message list first
+    this.contact_list.clear();
     // send request to server
     var url = page ? '&_page='+page : '';
@@ -2585,11 +2236,7 @@
     else if (framed)
       return false;
-    //if (this.env.framed && add_url=='')
-    //  add_url = '&_framed=1';
     if (action && (cid || action=='add'))
@@ -2602,7 +2249,8 @@
   this.delete_contacts = function()
     // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
-    if (!(this.selection.length || this.env.cid) || !confirm(this.get_label('deletecontactconfirm')))
+    var selection = this.contact_list.get_selection();
+    if (!(selection.length || this.env.cid) || !confirm(this.get_label('deletecontactconfirm')))
     var a_cids = new Array();
@@ -2612,18 +2260,15 @@
       var id;
-      for (var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
+      for (var n=0; n<selection.length; n++)
-        id = this.selection[n];
+        id = selection[n];
         a_cids[a_cids.length] = id;
-        // 'remove' row from list (just hide it)
-        if (this.contact_rows[id].obj)
-          this.contact_rows[id] = 'none';
+        this.contact_list.remove_row(id);
       // hide content frame if we delete the currently displayed contact
-      if (this.selection.length==1 && this.env.contentframe)
+      if (selection.length==1 && this.env.contentframe)
         var elm = document.getElementById(this.env.contentframe); = 'hidden';
@@ -2639,19 +2284,21 @@
   // update a contact record in the list
   this.update_contact_row = function(cid, cols_arr)
-    if (!this.contact_rows[cid] || !this.contact_rows[cid].obj)
-      return false;
-    var row = this.contact_rows[cid].obj;
-    for (var c=0; c<cols_arr.length; c++){
-      if (row.cells[c])
-        row.cells[c].innerHTML = cols_arr[c];
-    }
-    return true;
+    var row;
+    if (this.contact_list.rows[cid] && (row = this.contact_list.rows[cid].obj))
+      {
+      for (var c=0; c<cols_arr.length; c++)
+        if (row.cells[c])
+          row.cells[c].innerHTML = cols_arr[c];
+      return true;
+      }
+    return false;
   // load ldap search form
+  // deprecated
   this.ldappublicsearch = function(action)
     var add_url = '';
@@ -2663,8 +2310,7 @@
       document.getElementById(this.env.contentframe).style.visibility = 'inherit';
-      return false; 
+      return false;
     if (action == 'ldappublicsearch')
       target.location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action='+action+add_url;
@@ -2695,13 +2341,18 @@
     return false;
   /*********        user settings methods          *********/
+  this.identity_select = function(list)
+    {
+    var id;
+    if (id = list.get_single_selection())
+      this.load_identity(id, 'edit-identity');
+    };
   // load contact record
   this.load_identity = function(id, action)
@@ -2731,11 +2382,12 @@
   this.delete_identity = function(id)
     // exit if no mailbox specified or if selection is empty
-    if (!(this.selection.length || this.env.iid))
+    var selection = this.identity_list.get_selection();
+    if (!(selection.length || this.env.iid))
     if (!id)
-      id = this.env.iid ? this.env.iid : this.selection[0];
+      id = this.env.iid ? this.env.iid : selection[0];
     // 'remove' row from list (just hide it)
@@ -2747,10 +2399,7 @@
     // if (this.env.framed && id)
-      this.set_busy(true);
-      location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=delete-identity&_iid='+id;     
-    // else if (id)
-    //  this.http_request('delete-identity', '_iid='+id);
+    this.goto_url('delete-identity', '_iid='+id, true);
     return true;
@@ -2758,8 +2407,8 @@
   // tell server to create and subscribe a new mailbox
   this.create_folder = function(name)
-	if (this.edit_folder)
-	  this.reset_folder_rename();
+  if (this.edit_folder)
+    this.reset_folder_rename();
     var form;
     if ((form = this.gui_objects.editform) && form.elements['_folder_name'])
@@ -2801,12 +2450,12 @@
     var id = this.get_folder_row_id(folder);
     // reset current renaming
-	if (temp = this.edit_folder)
-	  {
-	  this.reset_folder_rename();
-	  if (temp == id)
-	    return;
-	  }
+  if (temp = this.edit_folder)
+    {
+    this.reset_folder_rename();
+    if (temp == id)
+      return;
+    }
     if (id && (row = document.getElementById(id)))
@@ -2857,8 +2506,8 @@
   // delete a specific mailbox with all its messages
   this.delete_folder = function(folder)
-	if (this.edit_folder)
-	  this.reset_folder_rename();
+  if (this.edit_folder)
+    this.reset_folder_rename();
     if (folder)
       this.http_request('delete-folder', '_mboxes='+urlencode(folder));
@@ -2883,7 +2532,7 @@
     if (!id || !(refrow = document.getElementById(refid)))
       // Refresh page if we don't have a table row to clone
-      location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action=folders';
+      this.goto_url('folders');
@@ -3079,7 +2728,9 @@
   this.set_page_buttons = function()
     this.enable_command('nextpage', (this.env.pagecount > this.env.current_page));
+    this.enable_command('lastpage', (this.env.pagecount > this.env.current_page));
     this.enable_command('previouspage', (this.env.current_page > 1));
+    this.enable_command('firstpage', (this.env.current_page > 1));
@@ -3271,7 +2922,7 @@
         this.set_classname(mbox_li, 'selected', true);
     // also update mailbox name in window title
     if (document.title)
@@ -3317,9 +2968,9 @@
   // create a table row in the message list
   this.add_message_row = function(uid, cols, flags, attachment, attop)
-    if (!this.gui_objects.messagelist || !this.gui_objects.messagelist.tBodies[0])
+    if (!this.gui_objects.messagelist || !this.message_list)
       return false;
     var tbody = this.gui_objects.messagelist.tBodies[0];
     var rowcount = tbody.rows.length;
     var even = rowcount%2;
@@ -3331,8 +2982,8 @@
     var row = document.createElement('TR'); = 'rcmrow'+uid;
     row.className = 'message '+(even ? 'even' : 'odd')+(flags.unread ? ' unread' : '')+(flags.deleted ? ' deleted' : '');
-    if (this.in_selection(uid))
+    if (this.message_list.in_selection(uid))
       row.className += ' selected';
     var icon = flags.deleted && this.env.deletedicon ? this.env.deletedicon:
@@ -3358,13 +3009,8 @@
     col.className = 'icon';
     col.innerHTML = attachment && this.env.attachmenticon ? '<img src="'+this.env.attachmenticon+'" alt="" border="0" />' : '';
-    if (attop && tbody.rows.length)
-      tbody.insertBefore(row, tbody.firstChild);
-    else
-      tbody.appendChild(row);
-    this.init_message_row(row);
+    this.message_list.insert_row(row, attop);
@@ -3384,7 +3030,7 @@
      if (this.gui_objects.quotadisplay)
        this.gui_objects.quotadisplay.innerHTML = text;
   // update the mailboxlist
   this.set_unread_count = function(mbox, count, set_title)
@@ -3433,7 +3079,7 @@
   // add row to contacts list
-  this.add_contact_row = function(cid, cols)
+  this.add_contact_row = function(cid, cols, select)
     if (!this.gui_objects.contactslist || !this.gui_objects.contactslist.tBodies[0])
       return false;
@@ -3446,7 +3092,7 @@ = 'rcmrow'+cid;
     row.className = 'contact '+(even ? 'even' : 'odd');
-    if (this.in_selection(cid))
+    if (this.contact_list.in_selection(cid))
       row.className += ' selected';
     // add each submitted col
@@ -3458,8 +3104,7 @@
-    tbody.appendChild(row);
-    this.init_table_row(row, 'contact_rows');
+    this.contact_list.insert_row(row);
@@ -3474,69 +3119,6 @@
         tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', true, textElementName);
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*********          drag & drop methods         *********/
-  /********************************************************/
-  this.drag_mouse_move = function(e)
-    {
-    if (this.drag_start)
-      {
-      if (!this.draglayer)
-        this.draglayer = new rcube_layer('rcmdraglayer', {x:0, y:0, width:300, vis:0, zindex:2000});
-      // get subjects of selectedd messages
-      var names = '';
-      var c, subject, obj;
-      for(var n=0; n<this.selection.length; n++)
-        {
-        if (n>12)  // only show 12 lines
-          {
-          names += '...';
-          break;
-          }
-        if (this.message_rows[this.selection[n]].obj)
-          {
-          obj = this.message_rows[this.selection[n]].obj;
-          subject = '';
-          for(c=0; c<obj.childNodes.length; c++)
-            if (!subject && obj.childNodes[c].nodeName=='TD' && obj.childNodes[c].firstChild && obj.childNodes[c].firstChild.nodeType==3)
-              {
-              subject = obj.childNodes[c];
-              names += (subject.length > 50 ? subject.substring(0, 50)+'...' : subject) + '<br />';
-              }
-          }
-        }
-      this.draglayer.write(names);
-      }
-    var pos = this.get_mouse_pos(e);
-    this.draglayer.move(pos.x+20, pos.y-5);
-    this.drag_start = false;
-    this.drag_active = true;
-    return false;
-    };
-  this.drag_mouse_up = function()
-    {
-    document.onmousemove = null;
-    if (this.draglayer && this.draglayer.visible)
-    this.drag_active = false;
-    return false;
@@ -3544,6 +3126,16 @@
   /*********        remote request methods        *********/
+  this.goto_url = function(action, query, lock)
+    {
+    if (lock)
+    this.set_busy(true);
+    var querystring = query ? '&'+query : '';
+    location.href = this.env.comm_path+'&_action='+action+querystring;
+    };
   this.http_sockets = new Array();
@@ -3569,7 +3161,7 @@
   this.http_request = function(action, querystring, lock)
     var request_obj = this.get_request_obj();
-    querystring += '&_remote=1';
+    querystring += (querystring ? '&' : '') + '_remote=1';
     // add timestamp to request url to avoid cacheing problems in Safari
     if (bw.safari)
@@ -3618,11 +3210,13 @@
       case 'moveto':
         if (this.env.action=='show')
+        else if (this.message_list)
+          this.message_list.init();
       case 'list':
         if (this.env.messagecount)
-          this.enable_command('purge', (this.env.mailbox==this.env.trash_mailbox));
+          this.enable_command('purge', (this.env.mailbox==this.env.trash_mailbox || this.env.mailbox==this.env.junk_mailbox));
       case 'expunge':
         this.enable_command('select-all', 'select-none', 'expunge', this.env.messagecount ? true : false);
@@ -3677,91 +3271,16 @@
   // and return the message uid
   this.get_single_uid = function()
-    return this.env.uid ? this.env.uid : (this.selection.length==1 ? this.selection[0] : null);
+    return this.env.uid ? this.env.uid : (this.message_list ? this.message_list.get_single_selection() : null);
   // same as above but for contacts
   this.get_single_cid = function()
-    return this.env.cid ? this.env.cid : (this.selection.length==1 ? this.selection[0] : null);
+    return this.env.cid ? this.env.cid : (this.contact_list ? this.contact_list.get_single_selection() : null);
-/* deprecated methods
-  // check if Shift-key is pressed on event
-  this.check_shiftkey = function(e)
-    {
-    if(!e && window.event)
-      e = window.event;
-    if(bw.linux && bw.ns4 && e.modifiers)
-      return true;
-    else if((bw.ns4 && e.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) || (e && e.shiftKey))
-      return true;
-    else
-      return false;
-    }
-  // check if Shift-key is pressed on event
-  this.check_ctrlkey = function(e)
-    {
-    if(!e && window.event)
-      e = window.event;
-    if(bw.linux && bw.ns4 && e.modifiers)
-      return true;
-   else if (bw.mac)
-       return this.check_shiftkey(e);
-    else if((bw.ns4 && e.modifiers & Event.CTRL_MASK) || (e && e.ctrlKey))
-      return true;
-    else
-      return false;
-    }
-  // returns modifier key (constants defined at top of file)
-  this.get_modifier = function(e)
-    {
-    var opcode = 0;
-    e = e || window.event;
-    if (bw.mac && e)
-      {
-      opcode += (e.metaKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (e.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY);
-      return opcode;    
-      }
-    if (e)
-      {
-      opcode += (e.ctrlKey && CONTROL_KEY) + (e.shiftKey && SHIFT_KEY);
-      return opcode;
-      }
-    if (e.cancelBubble)
-      {
-      e.cancelBubble = true;
-      e.returnValue = false;
-      }
-    else if (e.preventDefault)
-      e.preventDefault();
-  }
-  this.get_mouse_pos = function(e)
-    {
-    if(!e) e = window.event;
-    var mX = (e.pageX) ? e.pageX : e.clientX;
-    var mY = (e.pageY) ? e.pageY : e.clientY;
-    if(document.body && document.all)
-      {
-      mX += document.body.scrollLeft;
-      mY += document.body.scrollTop;
-      }
-    return { x:mX, y:mY };
-    };
   this.get_caret_pos = function(obj)
     if (typeof(obj.selectionEnd)!='undefined')
@@ -3826,7 +3345,10 @@
-// class for HTTP requests
+ * Class for sending HTTP requests
+ * @constructor
+ */
 function rcube_http_request()
   this.url = '';
@@ -3889,7 +3411,7 @@
     // default value for contentType if not provided
     contentType = typeof(contentType) != 'undefined' ?
-    	contentType : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
+      contentType : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';;

Gitblit v1.9.1