From 7dfb1fba5001299300736e6b5d95d9400575e3e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomascube <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 14:59:02 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Set the right number of arguments for setcookie()

 program/steps/mail/ |  151 +++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index 9a86177..fc3ee83 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  | program/steps/mail/                                            |
  |                                                                       |
  | This file is part of the RoundCube Webmail client                     |
- | Copyright (C) 2005, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland                      |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005-2008, RoundCube Dev. - Switzerland                 |
  | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
  |                                                                       |
  | PURPOSE:                                                              |
@@ -23,137 +23,104 @@
 // show loading page
-if ($_GET['_preload'])
-  {
+if (!empty($_GET['_preload'])) {
   $url = str_replace('&_preload=1', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
   $message = rcube_label('loadingdata');
   print "<html>\n<head>\n" .
-        '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='.$url.'">' .
+        '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url='.Q($url).'">' .
         "\n</head>\n<body>" .
         $message .
-  }
 // similar code as in program/steps/mail/
-if ($_GET['_uid'])
-  {
-  $MESSAGE = array();
-  $MESSAGE['source'] = rcmail_message_source($_GET['_uid']);
-  $mmd = new Mail_mimeDecode($MESSAGE['source']);
-  $MESSAGE['structure'] = $mmd->decode(array('include_bodies' => TRUE,
-                                             'decode_headers' => FALSE,
-                                             'decode_bodies' => FALSE));
-  $MESSAGE['parts'] = $mmd->getMimeNumbers($MESSAGE['structure']);
-  }
+if (!empty($_GET['_uid'])) {
+  $RCMAIL->config->set('prefer_html', true);
+  $MESSAGE = new rcube_message(get_input_value('_uid', RCUBE_INPUT_GET));
 // show part page
-if ($_GET['_frame'])
-  {
-  parse_template('messagepart');
+if (!empty($_GET['_frame'])) {
+  $OUTPUT->send('messagepart');
-  }
-else if ($_GET['_part'])
-  {
-  if ($part = $MESSAGE['parts'][$_GET['_part']]);
-    {
+else if ($pid = get_input_value('_part', RCUBE_INPUT_GET)) {
+  if ($part = $MESSAGE->mime_parts[$pid]) {
     $ctype_primary = strtolower($part->ctype_primary);
     $ctype_secondary = strtolower($part->ctype_secondary);
     $mimetype = sprintf('%s/%s', $ctype_primary, $ctype_secondary);
-    $filename = $part->d_parameters['filename'] ? $part->d_parameters['filename'] : $part->ctype_parameters['name'];
-    if ($ctype_primary=='text')
-      {
-      list($MESSAGE['parts']) = rcmail_parse_message($MESSAGE['structure'],
-                                                     array('safe' => (bool)$_GET['_safe'],
-                                                           'prefer_html' => TRUE,
-                                                           'get_url' => $GET_URL.'&_part=%s'));
+    $browser = new rcube_browser;
-      $cont = rcmail_print_body($MESSAGE['parts'][0], (bool)$_GET['_safe']);
-      }
-    else
-      $cont = $IMAP->mime_decode($part->body, $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']);
-    // send correct headers for content type and length
-    if ($_GET['_download'])
-      {
-      // send download headers
+    send_nocacheing_headers();
+    // send download headers
+    if ($_GET['_download']) {
       header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
-      header(sprintf('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="%s"',
-                     $filename ? $filename : "roundcube.$ctype_secondary"));
-      }
-    else
-      {
+      if ($browser->ie)
+        header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
+    }
+    else if ($ctype_primary == 'text') {
+      header("Content-Type: text/$ctype_secondary; charset=" . ($part->charset ? $part->charset : RCMAIL_CHARSET));
+    }
+    else {
       header("Content-Type: $mimetype");
-      header(sprintf('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="%s"', $filename));
-      }
-    header(sprintf('Content-Length: %d', strlen($cont)));
+      header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
+    }
     // deliver part content
-    echo $cont;
-    exit;
+    if ($ctype_primary == 'text' && $ctype_secondary == 'html') {
+      // get part body if not available
+      if (!$part->body)
+        $part->body = $MESSAGE->get_part_content($part->mime_id);
+      $OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
+      $OUTPUT->write(rcmail_print_body($part, array('safe' => $MESSAGE->is_safe, 'inline_html' => false)));
+    else {
+      // don't kill the connection if download takes more than 30 sec.
+      if (!ini_get('safe_mode')) {
+          set_time_limit(0);
+      }
+      $filename = $part->filename ? $part->filename : ($MESSAGE->subject ? $MESSAGE->subject : 'roundcube') . '.'.$ctype_secondary;
+      $filename = abbreviate_string($part->filename, 55);
+      $filename = $browser->ie ? rawurlencode($filename) : addslashes($filename);
+      $disposition = !empty($_GET['_download']) ? 'attachment' : 'inline';
+      header("Content-Disposition: $disposition; filename=\"$filename\"");
+      // turn off output buffering and print part content
+      $IMAP->get_message_part($MESSAGE->uid, $part->mime_id, $part, true);
+    }
+    exit;
 // print message
-  {
-  $ctype_primary = strtolower($MESSAGE['structure']->ctype_primary);
-  $ctype_secondary = strtolower($MESSAGE['structure']->ctype_secondary);
-  $mimetype = sprintf('%s/%s', $ctype_primary, $ctype_secondary);
+else {
   // send correct headers for content type
   header("Content-Type: text/html");
-  $cont = ''; 
-  list($MESSAGE['parts']) = rcmail_parse_message($MESSAGE['structure'],
-                                                 array('safe' => (bool)$_GET['_safe'],
-                                                 'get_url' => $GET_URL.'&_part=%s'));
-  if ($MESSAGE['parts'] && $ctype_primary=='multipart')
-    {
-    // reset output page
-    $OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
-    parse_template('messagepart');
-    exit;
-    }
-  else if ($MESSAGE['parts'][0])
-    {
-    $part = $MESSAGE['parts'][0];
-    $cont = rcmail_print_body($part, (bool)$_GET['_safe']);
-    }
-  else
-    $cont = $IMAP->get_body($_GET['_uid']);
+  $cont = "<html>\n<head><title></title>\n</head>\n<body>";
+  $cont .= rcmail_message_body(array());
+  $cont .= "\n</body>\n</html>";
   $OUTPUT = new rcube_html_page();
-    if ($mimetype=='text/html')
-      print $cont;
-    else
-      {
-      print "<html>\n<body>\n";
-      print $cont;
-      print "\n</body>\n</html>";
-      }
-  }
 // if we arrive here, the requested part was not found
 header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found');
\ No newline at end of file

Gitblit v1.9.1