From 9d195d6e82c3be4e543a47ef8ff1e9fe54bd0939 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: alecpl <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2011 13:09:25 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] - Added lost argument in delete_record() method

 program/js/common.js |  183 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/js/common.js b/program/js/common.js
index 3defb6f..cacf0ff 100644
--- a/program/js/common.js
+++ b/program/js/common.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- | RoundCube common js library                                           |
+ | Roundcube common js library                                           |
  |                                                                       |
- | This file is part of the RoundCube web development suite              |
- | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, RoundCube Dev, - Switzerland                 |
+ | This file is part of the Roundcube web development suite              |
+ | Copyright (C) 2005-2007, The Roundcube Dev Team                       |
  | Licensed under the GNU GPL                                            |
  |                                                                       |
@@ -25,18 +25,20 @@
 function roundcube_browser()
-  this.ver = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
-  this.appver = navigator.appVersion;
-  this.agent = navigator.userAgent;
-  this.agent_lc = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- = navigator.appName;
-  this.vendor = navigator.vendor ? navigator.vendor : '';
-  this.vendver = navigator.vendorSub ? parseFloat(navigator.vendorSub) : 0;
-  this.product = navigator.product ? navigator.product : '';
-  this.platform = String(navigator.platform).toLowerCase();
-  this.lang = (navigator.language) ? navigator.language.substring(0,2) :
-              (navigator.browserLanguage) ? navigator.browserLanguage.substring(0,2) :
-              (navigator.systemLanguage) ? navigator.systemLanguage.substring(0,2) : 'en';
+  var n = navigator;
+  this.ver = parseFloat(n.appVersion);
+  this.appver = n.appVersion;
+  this.agent = n.userAgent;
+  this.agent_lc = n.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+ = n.appName;
+  this.vendor = n.vendor ? n.vendor : '';
+  this.vendver = n.vendorSub ? parseFloat(n.vendorSub) : 0;
+  this.product = n.product ? n.product : '';
+  this.platform = String(n.platform).toLowerCase();
+  this.lang = (n.language) ? n.language.substring(0,2) :
+              (n.browserLanguage) ? n.browserLanguage.substring(0,2) :
+              (n.systemLanguage) ? n.systemLanguage.substring(0,2) : 'en'; = (this.platform.indexOf('win') >= 0);
   this.mac = (this.platform.indexOf('mac') >= 0);
@@ -53,33 +55,30 @@
   this.ie7 = (this.dom && this.appver.indexOf('MSIE 7')>0);
   this.ie6 = (this.dom && !this.ie8 && !this.ie7 && this.appver.indexOf('MSIE 6')>0);
- = (this.dom && this.ver >= 5);  // (this.dom && this.product=='Gecko')
   this.ns = ((this.ver < 5 && == 'Netscape') || (this.ver >= 5 && this.vendor.indexOf('Netscape') >= 0));
-  this.ns6 = (this.ns && parseInt(this.vendver) == 6);  // ( && this.ns) ? true : false;
-  this.ns7 = (this.ns && parseInt(this.vendver) == 7);  // this.agent.indexOf('Netscape/7')>0);
-  this.safari = (this.agent_lc.indexOf('safari') > 0 || this.agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('applewebkit') > 0);
-  this.konq   = (this.agent_lc.indexOf('konqueror') > 0); = (this.agent_lc.indexOf('chrome') > 0);
+  this.safari = (! && (this.agent_lc.indexOf('safari') > 0 || this.agent_lc.indexOf('applewebkit') > 0));
+ = (this.dom && ! && !this.ns && ! && !this.safari && this.agent.indexOf('Mozilla') >= 0);
+  this.konq   = (this.agent_lc.indexOf('konqueror') > 0);
   this.iphone = (this.safari && this.agent_lc.indexOf('iphone') > 0);
   this.ipad = (this.safari && this.agent_lc.indexOf('ipad') > 0);
   this.opera = window.opera ? true : false;
   if (this.opera && window.RegExp)
-    this.vendver = (/opera(\s|\/)([0-9\.]+)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$2) : -1;
+    this.vendver = (/opera(\s|\/)([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$2) : -1;
   else if ( && window.RegExp)
-    this.vendver = (/chrome\/([0-9\.]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
+    this.vendver = (/chrome\/([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
   else if (!this.vendver && this.safari)
-    this.vendver = (/(safari|applewebkit)\/([0-9]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseInt(RegExp.$2) : 0;
+    this.vendver = (/(safari|applewebkit)\/([0-9]+)/.test(this.agent_lc)) ? parseInt(RegExp.$2) : 0;
   else if ((!this.vendver && || this.agent.indexOf('Camino')>0)
     this.vendver = (/rv:([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
   else if ( && window.RegExp)
-    this.vendver = (/msie\s+([0-9\.]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
+    this.vendver = (/msie\s+([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
   else if (this.konq && window.RegExp)
-    this.vendver = (/khtml\/([0-9\.]+)/i.test(this.agent)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
+    this.vendver = (/khtml\/([0-9\.]+)/.test(this.agent_lc)) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) : 0;
   // get real language out of safari's user agent
-  if(this.safari && (/;\s+([a-z]{2})-[a-z]{2}\)/i.test(this.agent)))
+  if (this.safari && (/;\s+([a-z]{2})-[a-z]{2}\)/.test(this.agent_lc)))
     this.lang = RegExp.$1;
   this.dhtml = ((this.ie4 && || this.ie5 || this.ie6 || this.ns4 ||;
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@
   this.pngalpha = ( || (this.opera && this.vendver >= 6) || ( && this.mac && this.vendver >= 5) ||
                    ( && && this.vendver >= 5.5) || this.safari);
   this.opacity = ( || ( && this.vendver >= 5.5 && !this.opera) || (this.safari && this.vendver >= 100));
-  this.cookies = navigator.cookieEnabled;
+  this.cookies = n.cookieEnabled;
   // test for XMLHTTP support
   this.xmlhttp_test = function()
@@ -127,10 +126,6 @@
       classname += ' iphone';
     else if (this.ipad)
       classname += ' ipad';
-    else if (this.ns6)
-      classname += ' netscape6';
-    else if (this.ns7)
-      classname += ' netscape7';
     if (document.documentElement)
       document.documentElement.className += classname;
@@ -165,7 +160,7 @@
 get_button: function(e)
   e = e || window.event;
-  return e && (typeof e.button != 'undefined') ? e.button : (e && e.which ? e.which : 0);
+  return e && e.button !== undefined ? e.button : (e && e.which ? e.which : 0);
@@ -270,6 +265,11 @@
   e.cancelBubble = true;
   e.returnValue = false;
   return false;
+touchevent: function(e)
+  return { pageX:e.pageX, pageY:e.pageY, offsetX:e.pageX -, offsetY:e.pageY -,, istouch:true };
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
 removeEventListener: function(evt, func, obj)
-  if (typeof obj == 'undefined')
+  if (obj === undefined)
     obj = window;
   for (var h,i=0; this._events && this._events[evt] && i < this._events[evt].length; i++)
@@ -328,28 +328,33 @@
 triggerEvent: function(evt, e)
   var ret, h;
-  if (typeof e == 'undefined')
+  if (e === undefined)
     e = this;
-  else if (typeof e == 'object')
+  else if (typeof e === 'object')
     e.event = evt;
   if (this._events && this._events[evt] && !this._event_exec) {
     this._event_exec = true;
     for (var i=0; i < this._events[evt].length; i++) {
       if ((h = this._events[evt][i])) {
-        if (typeof h.func == 'function')
+        if (typeof h.func === 'function')
           ret = ?, e) : h.func(e);
-        else if (typeof h.obj[h.func] == 'function')
+        else if (typeof h.obj[h.func] === 'function')
           ret = h.obj[h.func](e);
         // cancel event execution
-        if (typeof ret != 'undefined' && !ret)
+        if (ret !== undefined && !ret)
+    if (ret)
+      delete ret.event;
   this._event_exec = false;
+  delete e.event;
   return ret;
@@ -358,7 +363,7 @@
- * RoundCube generic layer (floating box) class
+ * Roundcube generic layer (floating box) class
  * @constructor
@@ -378,21 +383,17 @@
       parent = arg.parent,
       obj = document.createElement('DIV');
-    with (obj) {
-      id =;
-      with (style) {
-	    position = 'absolute';
-        visibility = (vis) ? (vis==2) ? 'inherit' : 'visible' : 'hidden';
-        left = l+'px';
-        top = t+'px';
-        if (w)
-	      width = w.toString().match(/\%$/) ? w : w+'px';
-        if (h)
-	      height = h.toString().match(/\%$/) ? h : h+'px';
-        if (z)
-          zIndex = z;
-	  }
-    }
+ =;
+ = 'absolute';
+ = (vis) ? (vis==2) ? 'inherit' : 'visible' : 'hidden';
+ = l+'px';
+ = t+'px';
+    if (w)
+ = w.toString().match(/\%$/) ? w : w+'px';
+    if (h)
+ = h.toString().match(/\%$/) ? h : h+'px';
+    if (z)
+ = z;
     if (parent)
@@ -477,21 +478,41 @@
 function rcube_check_email(input, inline)
   if (input && window.RegExp) {
-    var qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]';
-    var dtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]';
-    var atom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+';
-    var quoted_pair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]';
-    var domain_literal = '\\x5b('+dtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x5d';
-    var quoted_string = '\\x22('+qtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x22';
-    var sub_domain = '('+atom+'|'+domain_literal+')';
-    var word = '('+atom+'|'+quoted_string+')';
-    var domain = sub_domain+'(\\x2e'+sub_domain+')*';
-    var local_part = word+'(\\x2e'+word+')*';
-    var addr_spec = local_part+'\\x40'+domain;
-    var delim = '[,;\s\n]';
-    var reg1 = inline ? new RegExp('(^|<|'+delim+')'+addr_spec+'($|>|'+delim+')', 'i') : new RegExp('^'+addr_spec+'$', 'i');
+    var qtext = '[^\\x0d\\x22\\x5c\\x80-\\xff]',
+      dtext = '[^\\x0d\\x5b-\\x5d\\x80-\\xff]',
+      atom = '[^\\x00-\\x20\\x22\\x28\\x29\\x2c\\x2e\\x3a-\\x3c\\x3e\\x40\\x5b-\\x5d\\x7f-\\xff]+',
+      quoted_pair = '\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f]',
+      quoted_string = '\\x22('+qtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x22',
+      // Use simplified domain matching, because we need to allow Unicode characters here
+      // So, e-mail address should be validated also on server side after idn_to_ascii() use
+      //domain_literal = '\\x5b('+dtext+'|'+quoted_pair+')*\\x5d',
+      //sub_domain = '('+atom+'|'+domain_literal+')',
+      // allow punycode/unicode top-level domain
+      domain = '([^@\\x2e]+\\x2e)+([^\\x00-\\x40\\x5b-\\x60\\x7b-\\x7f]{2,}|xn--[a-z0-9]{2,})',
+      // ICANN e-mail test (
+      icann_domains = [
+        '\\u0645\\u062b\\u0627\\u0644\\x2e\\u0625\\u062e\\u062a\\u0628\\u0627\\u0631',
+        '\\u4f8b\\u5b50\\x2e\\u6d4b\\u8bd5',
+        '\\u4f8b\\u5b50\\x2e\\u6e2c\\u8a66',
+        '\\u03c0\\u03b1\\u03c1\\u03ac\\u03b4\\u03b5\\u03b9\\u03b3\\u03bc\\u03b1\\x2e\\u03b4\\u03bf\\u03ba\\u03b9\\u03bc\\u03ae',
+        '\\u0909\\u0926\\u093e\\u0939\\u0930\\u0923\\x2e\\u092a\\u0930\\u0940\\u0915\\u094d\\u0937\\u093e',
+        '\\u4f8b\\u3048\\x2e\\u30c6\\u30b9\\u30c8',
+        '\\uc2e4\\ub840\\x2e\\ud14c\\uc2a4\\ud2b8',
+        '\\u0645\\u062b\\u0627\\u0644\\x2e\\u0622\\u0632\\u0645\\u0627\\u06cc\\u0634\u06cc',
+        '\\u043f\\u0440\\u0438\\u043c\\u0435\\u0440\\x2e\\u0438\\u0441\\u043f\\u044b\\u0442\\u0430\\u043d\\u0438\\u0435',
+        '\\u0b89\\u0ba4\\u0bbe\\u0bb0\\u0ba3\\u0bae\\u0bcd\\x2e\\u0baa\\u0bb0\\u0bbf\\u0b9f\\u0bcd\\u0b9a\\u0bc8',
+        '\\u05d1\\u05f2\\u05b7\\u05e9\\u05e4\\u05bc\\u05d9\\u05dc\\x2e\\u05d8\\u05e2\\u05e1\\u05d8'
+      ],
+      icann_addr = 'mailtest\\x40('+icann_domains.join('|')+')',
+      word = '('+atom+'|'+quoted_string+')',
+      delim = '[,;\s\n]',
+      local_part = word+'(\\x2e'+word+')*',
+      addr_spec = '(('+local_part+'\\x40'+domain+')|('+icann_addr+'))',
+      reg1 = inline ? new RegExp('(^|<|'+delim+')'+addr_spec+'($|>|'+delim+')', 'i') : new RegExp('^'+addr_spec+'$', 'i');
     return reg1.test(input) ? true : false;
   return false;
@@ -502,7 +523,7 @@
   var out = {};
   for (var key in obj) {
-    if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] == 'object')
+    if (obj[key] && typeof obj[key] === 'object')
       out[key] = clone_object(obj[key]);
       out[key] = obj[key];
@@ -555,8 +576,8 @@
 // determine whether the mouse is over the given object or not
 function rcube_mouse_is_over(ev, obj)
-  var mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(ev);
-  var pos = $(obj).offset();
+  var mouse = rcube_event.get_mouse_pos(ev),
+    pos = $(obj).offset();
   return ((mouse.x >= pos.left) && (mouse.x < (pos.left + obj.offsetWidth)) &&
     (mouse.y >= && (mouse.y < ( + obj.offsetHeight)));
@@ -576,18 +597,23 @@
 function getCookie(name)
-  var dc = document.cookie;
-  var prefix = name + "=";
-  var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
+  var dc = document.cookie,
+    prefix = name + "=",
+    begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
   if (begin == -1) {
     begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
-    if (begin != 0) return null;
+    if (begin != 0)
+      return null;
-  else
+  else {
     begin += 2;  
+  }
   var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
   if (end == -1)
     end = dc.length;
   return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
@@ -607,7 +633,7 @@
         msg += '\n--------------------------------------\n';
-      // Konqueror doesn't allows to just change value of hidden element
+      // Konqueror doesn't allow to just change the value of hidden element
       if (bw.konq) {
         box.innerText += msg;
         box.value = box.innerText;
@@ -626,9 +652,6 @@
 var bw = new roundcube_browser();
-if (!window.console) 
-  console = new rcube_console();
 // Add escape() method to RegExp object

Gitblit v1.9.1