From cead5c727147faac362e742aa7bcecf07f68cd99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: thomascube <>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 17:24:42 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Updated CHANGELOG

 program/steps/mail/ |  319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 201 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)

diff --git a/program/steps/mail/ b/program/steps/mail/
index d01e399..1f9618d 100644
--- a/program/steps/mail/
+++ b/program/steps/mail/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 // add some labels to client
-rcube_add_label('nosubject', 'norecipientwarning', 'nosubjectwarning', 'nobodywarning', 'sendingmessage');
+rcube_add_label('nosubject', 'norecipientwarning', 'nosubjectwarning', 'nobodywarning', 'sendingmessage', 'notsentwarning');
 if ($_GET['_reply_uid'] || $_GET['_forward_uid'])
@@ -50,15 +50,21 @@
   $MESSAGE['structure'] = $mmd->decode(array('include_bodies' => TRUE,
                                              'decode_headers' => TRUE,
                                              'decode_bodies' => FALSE));
   $MESSAGE['subject'] = $IMAP->decode_header($MESSAGE['headers']->subject);
   $MESSAGE['parts'] = $mmd->getMimeNumbers($MESSAGE['structure']);
   if ($_GET['_reply_uid'])
     $_SESSION['compose']['reply_uid'] = $_GET['_reply_uid'];
     $_SESSION['compose']['reply_msgid'] = $REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->messageID;
+    $_SESSION['compose']['references']  = $REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->reference;
+    $_SESSION['compose']['references'] .= !empty($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->reference) ? ' ' : '';
+    $_SESSION['compose']['references'] .= $REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->messageID;
+    if ($_GET['_all'])
+      $REPLY_MESSAGE['reply_all'] = 1;
@@ -75,6 +81,7 @@
 function rcmail_compose_headers($attrib)
   global $IMAP, $REPLY_MESSAGE, $DB;
+  static $sa_recipients = array();
   list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
@@ -84,50 +91,20 @@
   switch ($part)
     case 'from':
-      // pass the following attributes to the form class
-      $field_attrib = array('name' => '_from');
-      foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
-        if (in_array($attr, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'size', 'tabindex')))
-          $field_attrib[$attr] = $value;
-      // get this user's identities
-      $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT identity_id, name, email
-                                FROM   ".get_table_name('identities')." WHERE  user_id=?
-                                AND    del<>'1'
-                                ORDER BY ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('default')." DESC, name ASC",
-                                $_SESSION['user_id']);
-      if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
-        {        
-        $select_from = new select($field_attrib);
-        while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
-          $select_from->add(format_email_recipient($sql_arr['email'], $sql_arr['name']), $sql_arr['identity_id']);
-        $out = $select_from->show($_POST['_from']);
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        $input_from = new textfield($field_attrib);
-        $out = $input_from->show($_POST['_from']);
-        }
-      if ($form_start)
-        $out = $form_start.$out;
-      return $out;
+      return rcmail_compose_header_from($attrib);
     case 'to':
       $fname = '_to';
       $header = 'to';
       // we have contact id's as get parameters
-      if (!empty($_GET['_to']) && preg_match('/[0-9]+,?/', $_GET['_to']))
+      if (!empty($_GET['_to']) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*$/', $_GET['_to']))
         $a_recipients = array();
         $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT name, email
-                                  FROM ".get_table_name('contacts')." WHERE user_id=?
-                                  AND    del<>'1'
+                                  FROM ".get_table_name('contacts')."
+                                  WHERE user_id=?
+                                  AND    del<>1
                                   AND    contact_id IN (".$_GET['_to'].")",
@@ -144,7 +121,7 @@
       if (!$fname)
         $fname = '_cc';
-        //$header = 'cc';
+        $header = 'cc';
     case 'bcc':
       if (!$fname)
@@ -162,25 +139,50 @@
   if ($fname && !empty($_POST[$fname]))
-    $fvalue = $_POST[$fname];
+    $fvalue = get_input_value($fname, RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
   else if ($header && is_object($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']))
     // get recipent address(es) out of the message headers
     if ($header=='to' && $REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->replyto)
       $fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->replyto);
     else if ($header=='to' && $REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->from)
       $fvalue = $IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->from);
+    // add recipent of original message if reply to all
+    else if ($header=='cc' && $REPLY_MESSAGE['reply_all'])
+      {
+      if ($IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->to))
+        $fvalue .= $IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->to);
+      if ($IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->cc))
+        {
+        if($fvalue)
+          $fvalue .= ', ';
+        $fvalue .= $IMAP->decode_header($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->cc);
+        }
+      }
     // split recipients and put them back together in a unique way
-    $to_addresses = $IMAP->decode_address_list($fvalue);
-    $fvalue = '';
-    foreach ($to_addresses as $addr_part)
-      $fvalue .= (strlen($fvalue) ? ', ':'').$addr_part['string'];
+    if (!empty($fvalue))
+      {
+      $to_addresses = $IMAP->decode_address_list($fvalue);
+      $fvalue = '';
+      foreach ($to_addresses as $addr_part)
+        {
+        if (!in_array($addr_part['mailto'], $sa_recipients) && (!$REPLY_MESSAGE['FROM'] || !in_array($addr_part['mailto'], $REPLY_MESSAGE['FROM'])))
+          {
+          $fvalue .= (strlen($fvalue) ? ', ':'').$addr_part['string'];
+          $sa_recipients[] = $addr_part['mailto'];
+          }
+        }
+      }
   if ($fname && $field_type)
@@ -202,78 +204,106 @@
-/*function rcube_compose_headers($attrib)
+function rcmail_compose_header_from($attrib)
-  global $CONFIG, $OUTPUT;
+  // pass the following attributes to the form class
+  $field_attrib = array('name' => '_from');
+  foreach ($attrib as $attr => $value)
+    if (in_array($attr, array('id', 'class', 'style', 'size', 'tabindex')))
+      $field_attrib[$attr] = $value;
-  list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
+  // extract all recipients of the reply-message
+  $a_recipients = array();
+  if ($REPLY_MESSAGE && is_object($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']))
+    {
+    $REPLY_MESSAGE['FROM'] = array();
-  // allow the following attributes to be added to the headers table
-  $attrib_str = create_attrib_string($attrib, array('style', 'class', 'id', 'cellpadding', 'cellspacing', 'border'));
-  $labels = array();
-  $labels['from'] = rcube_label('from');
-  $labels['to'] = rcube_label('to');
-  $labels['cc'] = rcube_label('cc');
-  $labels['bcc'] = rcube_label('bcc');
-  $labels['replyto'] = rcube_label('replyto');
+    $a_to = $IMAP->decode_address_list($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->to);        
+    foreach ($a_to as $addr)
+      {
+      if (!empty($addr['mailto']))
+        $a_recipients[] = $addr['mailto'];
+      }
-  $input_from = new textfield(array('name' => '_from', 'size' => 30));
-  $input_to = new textfield(array('name' => '_to', 'size' => 30));
-  $input_cc = new textfield(array('name' => '_cc', 'size' => 30));
-  $input_bcc = new textfield(array('name' => '_bcc', 'size' => 30));
-  $input_replyto = new textfield(array('name' => '_replyto', 'size' => 30));
+    if (!empty($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->cc))
+      {
+      $a_cc = $IMAP->decode_address_list($REPLY_MESSAGE['headers']->cc);
+      foreach ($a_cc as $addr)
+        {
+        if (!empty($addr['mailto']))
+          $a_recipients[] = $addr['mailto'];
+        }
+      }
+    }
-  $fields = array();
-  $fields['from'] = $input_from->show($_POST['_from']);
-  $fields['to'] = $input_to->show($_POST['_to']);
-  $fields['cc'] = $input_cc->show($_POST['_cc']);
-  $fields['bcc'] = $input_bcc->show($_POST['_bcc']);
-  $fields['replyto'] = $input_replyto->show($_POST['_replyto']);
+  // get this user's identities
+  $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT identity_id, name, email, signature
+                            FROM   ".get_table_name('identities')."
+                            WHERE user_id=?
+                            AND    del<>1
+                            ORDER BY ".$DB->quoteIdentifier('standard')." DESC, name ASC",
+                           $_SESSION['user_id']);
+  if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))
+    {
+    $from_id = 0;
+    $a_signatures = array();
+    $field_attrib['onchange'] = "$JS_OBJECT_NAME.change_identity(this)";
+    $select_from = new select($field_attrib);
+    while ($sql_arr = $DB->fetch_assoc($sql_result))
+      {
+      $select_from->add(format_email_recipient($sql_arr['email'], $sql_arr['name']), $sql_arr['identity_id']);
+      // add signature to array
+      if (!empty($sql_arr['signature']))
+        $a_signatures[$sql_arr['identity_id']] = $sql_arr['signature'];
+      // set identity if it's one of the reply-message recipients
+      if (in_array($sql_arr['email'], $a_recipients))
+        $from_id = $sql_arr['identity_id'];
+      if ($REPLY_MESSAGE && is_array($REPLY_MESSAGE['FROM']))
+        $REPLY_MESSAGE['FROM'][] = $sql_arr['email'];
+      }
-  $out = <<<EOF
+    // overwrite identity selection with post parameter
+    if (isset($_POST['_from']))
+      $from_id = $_POST['_from'];
-<td class="title">$labels[from]</td>
+    $out = $select_from->show($from_id);
+    // add signatures to client
+    $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("%s.set_env('signatures', %s);", $JS_OBJECT_NAME, array2js($a_signatures)));  
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    $input_from = new textfield($field_attrib);
+    $out = $input_from->show($_POST['_from']);
+    }
+  if ($form_start)
+    $out = $form_start.$out;
-<td class="title">$labels[to]</td>
-<td class="title">$labels[cc]</td>
-<td class="title">$labels[bcc]</td>
-<td class="title">$labels[replyto]</td>
-  return $out;  
+  return $out;
 function rcmail_compose_body($attrib)
   list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
+  if (empty($attrib['id']))
+    $attrib['id'] = 'rcmComposeMessage';
   $attrib['name'] = '_message';
   $textarea = new textarea($attrib);
@@ -282,7 +312,7 @@
   // use posted message body
   if (!empty($_POST['_message']))
-    $body = stripslashes($_POST['_message']);
+    $body = get_input_value('_message', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
   // compose reply-body
   else if (is_array($REPLY_MESSAGE['parts']))
@@ -303,7 +333,15 @@
   $out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
   $out .= $textarea->show($body);
   $out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
+  // include GoogieSpell
+  $OUTPUT->include_script('googiespell.js');
+  $OUTPUT->add_script(sprintf("var googie1 = new GoogieSpell('\$__skin_path/images/googiespell/','%s&_action=spell&lang=');\n".
+                              "googie1.decorateTextarea('%s');",
+                              $GLOBALS['COMM_PATH'],
+                              $attrib['id']), 'foot');
   return $out;
@@ -333,6 +371,14 @@
   $pefix = sprintf("\n\n\nOn %s, %s wrote:\n",
+  // try to remove the signature
+  if ($sp = strrpos($body, '-- '))
+    {
+    if ($body{$sp+3}==' ' || $body{$sp+3}=="\n" || $body{$sp+3}=="\r")
+      $body = substr($body, 0, $sp-1);
+    }
   return $pefix.$body;
@@ -361,19 +407,31 @@
     foreach ($FORWARD_MESSAGE['parts'] as $part)
-      if ($part->disposition != 'attachment')
-        continue;
+      if ($part->disposition=='attachment' || $part->disposition=='inline' || $part->headers['content-id'] ||
+               (empty($part->disposition) && ($part->d_parameters['filename'] || $part->ctype_parameters['name'])))
+	{
+        $tmp_path = tempnam($temp_dir, 'rcmAttmnt');
+        if ($fp = fopen($tmp_path, 'w'))
+          {
+          fwrite($fp, $IMAP->mime_decode($part->body, $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']));
+          fclose($fp);
-      $tmp_path = tempnam($temp_dir, 'rcmAttmnt');
-      if ($fp = fopen($tmp_path, 'w'))
-        {
-        fwrite($fp, $IMAP->mime_decode($part->body, $part->headers['content-transfer-encoding']));
-        fclose($fp);
-        $_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][] = array('name' => $part->d_parameters['filename'],
-                                                      'mimetype' => $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary,
-                                                      'path' => $tmp_path);
-        }
+          if ($part->d_parameters['filename'])
+            $_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][] = array('name' => $part->d_parameters['filename'],
+                                                          'mimetype' => $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary,
+                                                          'path' => $tmp_path);
+          else if ($part->ctype_parameters['name'])
+	    $_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][] = array('name' => $part->ctype_parameters['name'],
+                                                          'mimetype' => $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary,
+                                                          'path' => $tmp_path);
+          else if ($part->headers['content-description'])
+	    $_SESSION['compose']['attachments'][] = array('name' => $part->headers['content-description'],
+                                                          'mimetype' => $part->ctype_primary . '/' . $part->ctype_secondary,
+                                                          'path' => $tmp_path);
+          }
+	}
     $_SESSION['compose']['forward_attachments'] = TRUE;
@@ -398,7 +456,7 @@
   // use subject from post
   if (isset($_POST['_subject']))
-    $subject = stripslashes($_POST['_subject']);
+    $subject = get_input_value('_subject', RCUBE_INPUT_POST, TRUE);
   // create a reply-subject
   else if (isset($REPLY_MESSAGE['subject']))
@@ -520,6 +578,22 @@
+function rcmail_receipt_checkbox($attrib)
+  {
+  list($form_start, $form_end) = get_form_tags($attrib);
+  unset($attrib['form']);
+  $attrib['name'] = '_receipt';
+  $checkbox = new checkbox(array('name' => '_receipt', 'id' => 'receipt', 'value' => 1));
+  $out = $form_start ? "$form_start\n" : '';
+  $out .= $checkbox->show(0);
+  $out .= $form_end ? "\n$form_end" : '';
+  return $out;
+  }
 function get_form_tags($attrib)
@@ -556,11 +630,20 @@
+function rcmail_charset_pulldown($selected='ISO-8859-1')
+  {
+  $select = new select();
+  return $select->show($selected);
+  }
 /****** get contacts for this user and add them to client scripts ********/
 $sql_result = $DB->query("SELECT name, email
                           FROM ".get_table_name('contacts')." WHERE  user_id=?
-                          AND  del<>'1'",$_SESSION['user_id']);
+                          AND  del<>1",$_SESSION['user_id']);
 if ($DB->num_rows($sql_result))

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